Thursday, May 17, 2007

Cambridge Declares Norwegian Maples Invasive

Bob La Trémouille reports:

1. Cambridge, MA calls Norwegian Maples Invasive.
2. Your editors opinion.
3. Bhiksha Raj.
4. Your Editor.
5. Bhiksha Raj.

1. Cambridge, MA calls Norwegian Maples Invasive.

Karen Parker tells us:

The city calls Norweigian Maple trees invasive now. We have a Norweigian Maple planted in front of our house, there were two but one was destroyed by a drunk driver, we have waited three years for the city to replace the tree. They have not yet.

I saw Craig Kelley and told him about it, he has been helpful. I dont see the Norweigian Maple in front of our house invading any other plants so I dont how they consider it invasive. My mom told me I should let you know.

2. Your editors opinion.

The city has planted purple loosestrife on Magazine Beach as part of their replacement of the wetlands there. They call purple loosestrife invasive at Fresh Pond.

The city destroyed a grove of about 8 to 12 four story high trees at Squirrel Brand and replaced them with grass. "Invasive" sniff.

The city and its friends destroyed most of the trees in the parks at Inman Square and at Porter Station. The city replaced the bird sanctuary in front of city hall (bird song 365 days a year) with grass.

State plans (with close Cambridge coordination) are to destroy every Cherry Tree from the Longfellow Bridge to Magazine Beach as part of the destruction of 449 to 660 trees there.

The city wiped out meaningful yard protections on Memorial Drive loudly proclaiming they were increasing protections.

I wish I could call this latest outrage a surprise.

3. Bhiksha Raj.

Its outrageous that supposedly sane people can even *think up* such ridiculous
plans. At a time when they should be cherishing all the greenery we have
they want to wipe it out.

Im not sure if they actually think about this matter, but urban concrete is hot.
Replacing a half acre of trees with a half acre of lawn can warm up the
surrounding areas considerably. Replace it with concrete and the neighbors
suddenly have to turn on the AC in summer when they didnt have to earlier.

It is not merely a matter of environment, or natural beauty or aesthetics
that can only affect future generations we dont worry about. The effect
of such depradations is immediate and it is on our physical comfort and

Just how shortsighted can people get!

4. Your Editor.

Thank you, but this is business as usual in the City of Cambridge.

I neglected to mention the thousands of trees being destroyed at Fresh Pond.

5. Bhiksha Raj.

The destruction of trees at fresh pond is *very* distressing to me.
Its quite frustrating that people can be so stupid.