Cambridge, MA, USA, State to brag of first stage of Destruction of the irreplaceable Alewife Reservation
Longtime Cambridge Machine operative Robert Winters has published in his “Cambridge Civic Journal Forum” the proud announcement by Cambridge and the state bureaucrats of the first stage of their destruction of the irreplaceable Alewife.
This reprehensible act is being accomplished with a Cambridge Machine company union telling folks to look at the private property owners in the area and ignore the very real threat of their friends.
According to the report, 3.2 acres of irreplaceable woods have been replaced for flood protection.
Not mentioned is that the flood protection will protect against the worst possible storm in two years and flood protection under the definition of the world is against the worst possible storm in 100 years.
Winters photos are as follows:
[August 2012]
[October 2013]
My own photos of this outrage have been published at:
Look at the edge of this outrage. These massive trees used to occupy the “created wetlands”.
The key is that the area needs flood protection. Cambridge and the State Bureaucrats are either going to destroy the entire irreplaceable Alewife reservation for the flood protection with the Cambridge Machine cheering them on or they are going to put flood storage under the many new buildings coming on line.
Trouble is that the company unions have been telling folks to look at the private developers. Do not look at Cambridge. Do not look at the fact that flood protective tanks should be placed under new developments with Cambridge money.
So the buildings are going up without the flood protection.
The leader of the key fake group has publicly bragged of the destruction in the pages of the Cambridge Chronicle.
And she keeps up the pious nonsense.
And the Cambridge Machine frauds on the Charles River fight for destruction of hundreds of trees there, even stooping to blatantly corrupt tactics.
And a fake “Conservancy” has just disclosed that the public hearing on the Governor’s bill for Charles River destruction, H3332, had its hearing in August rather than in September for which a wrong impression has been given. The fake “Conservancy”, of course, is part of the outrage on the Charles corresponding to the fake group at Alewife.
Business as usual in the "reprehensible" City of Cambridge, MA, USA. "Reprehensible" quotes the judge in Monteiro v. Cambridge, concerning Cambridge's contempt for women's rights.