Friday, August 09, 2013

Governor’s Tree Destruction Proposal Still Lives; Fraudulent Campaign Ramps up again.

RE: Governor’s Tree Destruction Proposal Still Lives; Fraudulent Campaign Ramps up again.

1. Outrageous Proposal.
2. Comment already.

1. Outrageous Proposal.

The falsely named Charles River “Conservancy” has announced that the governor’s transportation finance bill was not part of the budget which just went through. Instead, it is part of a free standing bill, House Bill 3332 submitted by the governor on March 15, 2013.

CRC has previously announced that the bill includes 2 to 4 million dollars for the “underpasses” they loudly proclaim and about $24 million for associated “paths”. The “paths” include destruction of hundred of trees east of the BU Bridge, between the BU and Longfellow Bridges. The “underpasses” are proposed under the next three bridges west of the BU Bridge. The Massachusetts Department of Transportation, which is responsible for those three bridges, rejects the “underpasses” because they are environmentally destructive and wasteful. MassDOT, to my understanding, has no knowledge of the tree destruction. They have replaced the reprehensible Department of Conservation and Recreation which has previously sought Obama anti Great Recession moneys for the destruction of those trees. That lie called all these excellent trees diseased, a lie proven by their filing with the City of Cambridge.

The tree destruction portion of the bonds is six to twelve times as large in cost as the “underpasses.”

So, naturally, given the corruption which is normal in the fight to destroy the Charles River, the CRC is ramping up its fight for destruction of those hundreds of trees, corruptly calling their effort a fight for “underpasses.”

[Ed, Added, 8/10/2013: MassDOT has replaced the DCR with regard to bridges. DCR and its destructiveness continues to have major power over Memorial Drive. My sloppy, sorry.]

It is entirely possible that the proposal secretly includes a highway in the Charles under the BU Bridge as well, with corresponding further heartless abuse of the Charles River White Geese and the other very few animals who have not been killed off yet in this area of the Charles River.

CRC now has a jogging team running around bearing their fraudulent description of the project, “team underpasses.”

According to CRC, the legislature will hold a hearing on their destructive and falsely described proposal in September 2013.

The bill in question is on the Internet at

This document is the usually complicated state document. I have done a search on it and have not found the specific funds. I would very much be pleased if someone could find them for me and email me at

2. Comment already.

I received the following comment on the fraudulent fight for tree destruction:


Did you run in the "Underpass promotion 5k" today??

Maybe you could infiltrate their group and try to "reeducate" them...


My response:


Striking difference between me and the guys fighting for destruction, I am honest.