Sunday, November 09, 2008

Day 371, Civil Rights in Cambridge, MA.

1. Report from the Destroyed Nesting Area.
2. Environmental destroyers on the attack.
3. Update on Monteiro v. Cambridge.
A. Civil Rights in Cambridge, MA.
B. Current Mayor downright indignant when approached about her attacks on the little guy.
C. Abuse of the handicapped.
D. Abuse of Women. Abuse of Blacks. Abuse of employees complaining about violation of their Civil Rights.

Bob La Trémouille reports:

1. Report from the Destroyed Nesting Area.

The past several days have been rainy.

Today, November 9, was clear, so I gave it a try.

What a wind!!!

Nice people, big sign. I did not last long.

2. Environmental destroyers on the attack.

In Cambridge, with its Con Game organizations, the louder many groups yell that they are pro-environment, the more they should be suspect.

By now, the nine destructive city councilors do not have to give orders. Their followers know what to do.

Don’t look at the outrage on the Charles. Don’t look at the outrage at Alewife. Don’t look at the outrage at Fresh Pond. Don’t look at the needless environmental destruction in so many city projects. Let’s save the world.

A well establish Con Game type of group in Cambridgeport is putting on a speech with regard to saving the world.

A related group is talking about putting on a referendum to save the world.

Sounds like something truly reprehensible must be going on for the con games to be coming so loud and fast.

Interesting. Something truly reprehensible is going on.

3. Update on Monteiro v. Cambridge.

A. Civil Rights in Cambridge, MA.

Part of the con game coming out of the nine city councilors’ representatives is: How dare you object to their irresponsible destruction of the environment. Think of how great they are on Civil Rights!!!

Part of this nonsense is the usual secret redefinition of terms.

Civil Rights is the rights of the little guy.

In Cambridge, MA, they have redefined "civil rights" as the rights of politically powerful lobbies.

B. Current Mayor downright indignant when approached about her attacks on the little guy.

The current mayor was downright indignant when a representative wanted to discuss her heartless treatment of the animals of the Charles River.

Her explanation translated as: How dare you bother me with this. That is the little guy.

C. Abuse of the handicapped.

Cambridge and the Cambridge City Council have been trying to take the use of her guide dog away from a handicapped woman.

She has now had two findings of probable cause of discrimination made by the Massachusetts Commission aAgainst Discrimination.

D. Abuse of Women. Abuse of Blacks. Abuse of employees complaining about violation of their Civil Rights.

This is Monteiro v. Cambridge.

In May, a jury found that Cambridge had discriminated against Melvina Monteiro a black woman (Cape Verdean?) who was head of the Police Review Board.

The jury found the discrimination to be retaliation by firing her for filing a civil rights complaint.

The jury awarded $1.1 million in actual damages (approximate) plus $3.5 million in penal damages.

Cambridge filed motions to amend or throw out the verdict. These motions were similar to a motion which a previous judge in the case threw out a couple of years ago, except that there is now a dollar verdict which the judge might want to reduce.

Rather clearly, the jury was trying to send a message. The jury’s message was that Cambridge’s behavior was reprehensible.

The judge held a hearing on the motions and Cambridge and the plaintiff then filed various papers.

I keep an eye on the docket every day or so to see if the judge’s decision has come down yet.

It has not.