Saturday, November 07, 2015

Charles River: Logging preliminary photos - eighth photos condemned cherry strand and neighbors revisited, update on the ground

Charles River: Logging preliminary photos - eighth photos condemned cherry strand and neighbors revisited, update on the ground

1. Summary.
2 Eighth photos of pending destruction, from October 26, November 5, and earlier.
3. DCR celebrates commercialization of Magazine Beach, proceed with insulting “review” of much less destructive work there, keeps massive destruction as secret as possible.
4. General reports of interest.
5. Past Reports in THIS series, and key communications to government agencies.
a. Communications to Public Agencies — Cambridge City Council, destruction plans; MassDOT proposing sanctions; DCR adding to the sanctions.
b. Past Reports in this series.

1. Summary.

This is the most recent report on the imminent logging by the Department of Conservation and Recreation on Memorial Drive on the Charles River.

My blog will not handle all the photos at once.  So I am presenting them in sequence.  This follows on prior reports with the destruction plans, and other photos, plus suggestions on added sanctions for the previously legislatively punished agency in question.

I have gone as far east as the excellent and doomed cherry orchard at the Memorial Drive split, with related trees.  I have some more photos of this eastern area, but am deferring them to update the fully condemned cherry strand at the Hyatt Regency Hotel.

It looks like the area east to the doomed cherry orchard has as much tree protection as can be expected, but there has been different activity there, plus I really did not do that good a job on the photos in the area.  Additionally, the vileness has gotten clearer.

The “approvals” received by the DCR for this outrage are non existent.  They simply asked for money without saying what they were doing.  The DCR has announced a second public meeting for the irresponsible, but far less destructive proposal at Magazine Beach.  That proceeds with the fraud of being a responsible entity.

Naturally, the massive destruction is kept as secret as possible.

As near as I can figure out, the lobbying effort in the legislature amounted to the falsely named Charles River “Conservancy” showing a petition for underpasses under three bridges further out on the Charles.  It appears that they lied that the petition for underpasses supported this massive destruction, without, of course, mentioning the destruction.

The falsely named Charles River “Conservancy” openly supported this destruction about ten years ago when fraud was not the in thing.  The destruction has not changed.  Fraud is now the open tool.

And then you have another fake group fighting for destruction with the falsehood of being a neighborhood association “concerned” about the Charles River.

The “City Council” is belligerently environmentally destructive, with falsehoods claiming sainthood about far less important issues than massive tree destruction, and heartless animal abuse.

2 Eighth photos of pending destruction, from October 26, November 5, and earlier.

Here are the destruction plans for the areas near the Hyatt Regency Hotel.  These plans were part of the total package provided to the Cambridge City Council.  Please see section 5 below for a link to full transmittal letter and plans.

The middle plan with the extremely thick destruction (dark circles) is opposite the street shown in the first photo below.  The first is to the west.  The third is to the east.

All plans may be viewed in detail by double clicking.  The quality is excellent when viewed that way.

Here are some photos of the totally doomed cherry trees opposite the Hyatt Regency Hotel on Memorial Drive in Cambridge.  Since then, it looks like protection work for the non doomed trees has been completed.  Every tree in this strand is doomed.

The first photo is taken from street containing the Hyatt.  The tree on the left is NOT CONDEMNED.  The ones straight ahead are.

This magnificent tree to the east of the cherry strand was photographed on November 5, after leaves have fallen.

Excellent, simply excellent, totally unprotected in the middle of apparently final protections, and doomed.

The buoys have been added to the Charles in recent days, very clearly as part of this outrage.

And here is a winter photo of the Charles River White Geese whose Destroyed Nesting Area is almost certain to be wiped out as callously as the DCR and Cambridge have been deliberately starving them.  The nesting area is the plan immediately to the west of the first plan reproduced.

That plan is as follows:

This plan outright lies about the imminent destruction of hundreds of trees in between.  The railroad tracks run at an angle in the middle.  Hundreds of trees east of the railroad tracks are simply not shown.  One undestroyed tree out of this thick woods is shown.

Since the DCR lies that this woods does not exist, there is no telling what kind of notice will be given as to the destruction of these hundreds of trees.

3. DCR celebrates commercialization of Magazine Beach, proceeds with insulting “review” of much less destructive work there, keeps massive destruction as secret as possible.

The Department of Conservation and Recreation is destroying hundreds of trees and animal habitat with no public presentation whatsoever.

The substitute is a public presentation of the much less irresponsible outrage at Magazine Beach, include heartless starving of the Charles River White Geese, continuation of and expanding of use of poisons, continuation of the never justified starvation wall, and the destruction of the little guys parking lot.  ALL ARE NON NEGOTIABLE.

These are outrageous, but a pittance compared to the outrage construction between the BU and Longfellow Bridges including probable further destruction of the Destroyed Nesting Area of the Charles River White Geese in addition to those hundreds of excellent trees.  Which has started in lockstep with this fake review.

But they proudly proclaim that they are having public comment, and it is sponsored by the usual Cambridge type fake group.   Naturally, the lie of omission with all the even worse stuff being secret.

4. General reports of interest.

a. Charles River: Thought Control and the City of Cambridge, MA, USA, November 5, 2015:

This is a strikingly short summary of fake groups in the City of Cambridge and their use to lie to the population that Cambridge and its accomplices are responsible entities while fighting, fighting, fighting for destruction.  With me on the responsible side with a lot of very major victories as my time allows, and as I see an opening.

b. Contact information as to individuals that might be of value for communications:

5. Past Reports in THIS series, and key communications to government agencies.

a. Communications to Public Agencies — Cambridge City Council, destruction plans; MassDOT proposing sanctions; DCR adding to the sanctions.

(1). DCR Destruction Plans as provided to Cambridge City Council by me on April 1, 2014, full publication of plans in post:
(2). Detailed analysis to MassDOT suggesting, at minimum that they get legislative approval to allow DCR to manage open space being created in the Mass. Pike (I90) reconstruction on the south side of the Charles, ideally to ban DCR from the project area,
(3). Communication to DCR objecting to the fraud of seeking “approvals” for the irresponsible, but much less irresponsible project at Magazine Beach while going forward with this outrage in secret, October 13, 2015:

b. Past Reports in this series.

(1). Report 1.  Charles River:  Massive Tree Destruction Appears Imminent on Memorial Drive, October 4, 2015.
(2). Report 2.  Memorial Drive Plans and Photos, October 5, 2015
(3). Report 3. Charles River: CURRENT Memorial Drive Construction Zone, October 6, 2015,
(4). Report 4. Charles River: Photos, CURRENT Memorial Drive Construction Zone and Major Likely Victims, October 8, 2015,
(5). Report 5.  Flash: DCR Going Ahead with Massive Destruction on Memorial Drive, October 22, 2015,
(6). Report 6. Charles River: Logging preliminary photos - first group of photos October 23, 2015,
(7). Report 7.  Logging preliminary photos - second group of photos, October 23, 2015
(8). Report 8.  Logging preliminary photos - third group of photos, October 24, 2015:
(9). Report 9.  Logging preliminary photos - fourth group of photos, October 25, 2015:
(10). Report 10.  Charles River: Logging preliminary photos - fourth group of photos - the doomed cherry orchard, October 26, 2015:
(11). Report 11.  Charles River: Logging preliminary photos - sixth group of photos - the doomed cherry orchard, October 28, 2015.
(12). Report 12, Charles River: Logging preliminary photos - seventh group of photos, update on the ground, November 2, 2015