Monday, August 05, 2013

RE: Understanding the Cambridge Machine — Retaliation

1. Introduction.
2. Question.
3. Editor.
4. Question.
5. Response.

1. Introduction.

This follows upon my analysis of the Cambridge Machine posted at

Follow on questions.

2. Question.

Would they kill?

3. Editor.

There is very major danger.

Malvina Monteiro had her life destroyed, and these bastards consider that normal.

They use the power of government and the power of a massive, well organized machine. They do not have to be so crude as to physically kill.

4. Question.

Monteiro case only shows that if you are employed by the Machine, then they can destroy your professional life. That seems to be rather obvious.

Can they use their cronies in law enforcement to fabricate a criminal case against an "undesirable person", things like that?

Or, can they actually kill, if they feel like it?

5. Response.

You are raising excellent questions.

There is one major problem with the usual response of "They would never stoop so low" in that they keep proving such a statement wrong.

One excellent example is a woman who has been an activist for disabled folk whom the city does not want to recognize as disabled.

She went to the Western Avenue police station to check records with her companion dog and found the dog being sicced upon by a cop with a pitbull without teeth. The pitbull at the instigation of the cop latched onto her dog with its gums. This was in front of a bunch of cops in the public area. She asked the cop on duty for help. He refused. She sought the tape of the lobby the next day and, somehow, they neglected to put in one that day.

Part of her presentation on my show is posted at The dog was with her and was still visibly shaken from the experience.

There is no public knowledge of any punishment. Clearly, it is a very severe mistake to think "they would never stoop so low."

And the shunning definitely makes living and working in Cambridge not nice.