Wednesday, November 12, 2014

City of Cambridge Lies About Its Heartless Animal Abuse, Segment 3. The DCR did it.

City of Cambridge Lies About Its Heartless Animal Abuse, Segment 3.  The DCR did it.

1. Introduction.
2. The DCR did it.
3. Rossi, Rossi, Rossi.
4. Non Magazine Beach Areas.
5. Goal of killing off or driving away all animals residing on the Charles River.
6. Destruction / heartless animal abuse at Alewife.
7. City Council “neutral” on the State House supported destruction of hundreds of trees and animal habitat by the DCR on the Charles River.
8. General.
9. Prior reports.

1. Introduction.

This is the latest in a series of reports responding to lies put out in an art exhibit posted by the City of Cambridge in the art gallery in its City Hall Annex.  I did not dignify the main show.  A brief glance indicates it looks like the latest propaganda lying to the voters that it is behaving responsibly on the Charles River.

This responds to the segment on the Charles River White Geese, a sweetly worded blatant massive passel of lies.

2. The DCR did it.

Very clearly the City of Cambridge show blames all heartless animal abuse on the state’s Department of Conservation and Recreation.

3. Rossi, Rossi, Rossi.

The biggest most crucial attack on the Charles River White Geese came in the outrageous project rebuilding the playing fields at the Magazine Beach recreation center.  This destruction associated with this outrage itself came from multiple flat out lies.  We will analyze them later.

There is nothing complicated about who managed this outrage.  It was the current Cambridge City Manager Rossi.

But the Cambridge show gives full credit for destruction to the DCR with no mention of the fact that Rossi led the heartless animal abuse.

And the reality is that the Destroyed Nesting Area which has been made their prison is really part of the Magazine Beach complex.

4. Non Magazine Beach Areas.

The DCR and Cambridge work hand in glove.  They play games with money to blame some of the vilest parts of their projects on the DCR to allow Cambridge City Councilors to lie about their supposed sainthood.

Nothing is done in Cambridge by the DCR which differs in policy from the desires of the City of Cambridge.

5. Goal of killing off or driving away all animals residing on the Charles River.

This is the real level of rottenness which is blessed by Cambridge as it and its fake groups sanctify the Charles River Master Plan, the rotten policy document the DCR wrote on its own behalf and changes as it gets caught in lies in the document.

Very clearly spelled out is the policy of killing off / driving away all resident animals.  This vile policy clearly comports with the outrage at Alewife.

6. Destruction / heartless animal abuse at Alewife.

Rossi managed this joint project as well.  3.4 plus acres of virgin woodlands was destroyed while the hypocrites on the Cambridge City Council yelled at private developers elsewhere in this irreplaceable woodland.

Massive numbers of animals whose families lives in this woodland which has been sanctified by those Cambridge City Council votes can only be said to have been killed because they did not get away fast enough, and without their homes and their food, these animals were treated just as heartlessly as the Charles River White Geese.

And Cambridge has bragged about this outrage in the puff piece from which the following photo came from.  The area of killing and destruction which is shown as flat land used to be filled with the trees on the perimeter.

A truly rotten city government.

7. City Council “neutral” on the State House supported destruction of hundreds of trees and animal habitat by the DCR on the Charles River.

This was Ch. 286, of the Massachusetts Acts of 2014, “Historic Parkways”.

I provided the Cambridge City Council with the destruction plans, posted at

This can still be stopped.  A miracle is necessary, however, because it could require a responsible Cambridge City Council

Photos of targeted trees:

8. General.

A lot more outrages, including much more destruction on the Charles River belies the Cambridge lie of innocence in this heartless animal abuse.  The City of Cambridge is belligerent destructive.  Their greatest claim to be decent humans beings on the issue of heartless animal abuse is their hypocritical yelling at circuses who are probably a lot less vile that Cambridge.  At least the circuses are not deliberately starving free animals.

Please see Segment 1 of these reports for many more examples of the vile nature of this city government, link immediately below.

I cannot segment the various evidence of vileness.  So a lot of other comments are spread out through these reports.

9. Prior reports.

Prior segments of this series of reports were published as follows:

Segment 1. “Lies of Omission,” concentrated on background lies, hiding the basic stench of this vile municipality sweet talked into a false sainthood.  This is posted at

Segment 2. “The bad guys told them to do it.”  Translation into English of one of the many outrages in such a short posting.

Not, of course mentioning the vile nature of the entity that the Department of Conservation and Recreation asked for a negative report.

That report then became the only negative report on file delivered in response to a freedom of information demand.  The only paper delivered in addition to this bizarre complaint from this reprehensible entity was the communication of the DCR asking for the outrageous canard.  Details posted at