1. Introduction.
2. Contact Information to prevent this outrage.
3. Letter to Governor Charles Baker, hand delivered November 10, 2015.
4. Attachments to Governor Baker Letter.
1. Introduction.
I have published many reports on the imminent massive destruction on the Charles River in Cambridge, MA.
I have not done many posts in the last few days. That is a result of all the work I have been doing on this issue, plus I am a professional movie actor. I commuted 75 miles each way to a movie shoot which lasted 11 hours yesterday. I was able to supplement my report of November 12 before reporting to the set.
Manipulation is being done in the legislature to get this destruction accomplished as fast as possible. They have a lot to be ashamed of and are trying to make this outrage permanent before responsible people catch them. The problem appears to be clearly a unanimous Cambridge delegation.
In section 3 is the complaint to the Governor of Massachusetts which I hand delivered on November 10. It very prominently objects to the fraud which has been used to fight for this outrage. Some photos I have been wanting to post here are included in the letter.
I would suggest that, should the governor have asked for an explanation from the Department of Conservation and Recreation, the answer, to the extent honest, would demonstrate their lack of fitness to do their job.
A reasonable response on the part of the governor, especially given the outrageous fast track being pursued, would be emergency legislation to transfer to the Massachusetts Department of Transportation DCR responsibilities on the Charles River as follows:
On the Cambridge side: from the Longfellow Bridge to the BU Bridge.
On the Boston side: from the BU Bridge to the end of Soldiers Field Road.
MassDOT is fully capable of promptly ending this outrage if given the power to do so.
Please object to the massive, irresponsible destruction imminent.
Governor Baker: 617-725-4005, 888-870-7770 (888 free in state)Email form: http://www.mass.gov/governor/constituent-services/contact-governor-office/
Cambridge City Council: 617-349-4280, council@cambridgema.gov
Letters can be sent c/o City Clerk, City of Cambridge, 795 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02139. They should include a cover letter asking that that the letter be made part of the communications to the Cambridge City Council at their next meeting on November 23, 2015. Because of the timing, letters could be a waste of time.
Formal Email Communications to the Cambridge City Council can be done in a similar manner. The City Clerk’s email address is dlopez@cambridgema.gov. These become part of the formal record. The above address is recorded but not part of the formal package. The above address, however, is immediate, as opposed to the next Monday night when they have a meeting. Because of the timing, formal emails could be a waste of time.
Legislators: 617-722-2000, http://charlesriverwhitegeeseblog. blogspot.com/201304/emails-for-all massachusetts.html
Here are scanned copies of the Governor Baker letter. The scans are reduced in size to be handled on the Internet.
They include excellent photos of the pending outrage.
Double clicking on each scan will create a rather good copy.
The attachments are available as follows:
Attachment 1, larger files on the plans: very much overkill for our purposes.
Attachment 2. Letter to MassDOT: http://charlesriverwhitegeeseblog.blogspot.com/2015/10/charles-r-to-massdot-bar-dcr-from-mass.html.
Attachment 3. Letter to DCR: http://charlesriverwhitegeeseblog.blogspot.com/2015/10/charles-river-formal-objection-to-dcr.html.