1. Introduction.
2. June 30, 2011 photos of Alewife Destruction.
3. Fake Groups Aiding Destruction.
1. Introduction.
On June 30, 2011, I took a few photos of the current destruction at the Alewife reservation, just west of Alewife Station at the end of Boston’s Red Line rapid transit line.
On June 30, 2011, I took a few photos of the current destruction at the Alewife reservation, just west of Alewife Station at the end of Boston’s Red Line rapid transit line.
I will later post photos of the undisturbed reservation, particularly a part of the reservation in which I played an important part toward restoration.
The destruction photos follow, with an abbreviated analysis of the fake group system which is so important in environmental destruction in the area of Cambridge, MA.
2. June 30, 2011 photos of Alewife Destruction.
This is the area nearest Alewife Station and highly visible from the entrance to its garage.
This is the area where I spoke to the leader of the fake group during a period when the Cambridge Pols were doing one of their usual “environmental” activities fooling people into thinking they are environmentally responsible.
She was very clearly shocked at the destruction. She then published one of the usual letter in the Cambridge Chronicle talking about everything else.
This is the worst of the current destruction that I am aware of. I should think that the large trees surrounding the construction zone used to be the construction zone.
According to the signs what is going on now is relocation of utilities. This preparatory to the massive logging and destruction of the core Alewife reservation. Meaningful destruction will almost certainly be deferred until after the Cambridge municipal elections in November to allow liars on the city council to be reelected as environmental saints.
This photo is taken from the far side of Cambridge Park Drive which runs west of Alewife Station, the end of the subway’s Red Line. The view is up the access road to the destruction site. Behind the camera is the massive parking lot which would be used for flood storage in a city’s whose city council contained environmental saints rather the liars who are in it now.
This photo is of the massive parking lot which should be used for flood storage rather than destroying the essentially virgin Alewife reservation. The fraudulent situation in Cambridge City government with regard to environmentalism and all those fake groups working together is the reason for environmental destruction. The parking lot goes far into the distance. The owner wants to develop it. The issue, if Cambridge resembled its claims, would be whether he develops with flood storage beneath the buildings.
3. Fake Groups Aiding Destruction.
The fake groups in the middle of the ongoing environmental destruction in and near Cambridge, MA use whatever con will work.
It is always impossible to tell which is the knave and which is the fool, and probably irrelevant.
The City Manager’s group in Cambridgeport PUBLICLY brags that it is solely a cheerleading organization. It leads public meetings with prohibitions against negative comment. And it lies that it is a neighborhood association. You cannot be both. And you cannot prohibit negative comment and stand up to destructive behavior.
The Cambridge related group at Alewife takes a different tack. It allows negative comment, as long as the negative comment is directed away from destruction by Cambridge and its friends. Don’t look at the important stuff, stuff that could be stopped because we supposedly control the government, and the government keeps telling us that it is a bunch of environmental saints.
The reality is that a bunch of environmental knaves are helped to do their terrible things by fake groups which look like they are protectors.
The real destruction at Alewife will likely start after the fake environmentalists on the Cambridge City Council get reelected in the city elections in November. The campaign will feature a lot of false claims of environmental sainthood.