Saturday, February 16, 2008

Cambridge Chronicle shuts down on line comments on articles

Bob La Trémouille reports:

1. Introduction.
2. Civil Rights a saving grace?
3. No way is Civil Rights a saving grace.
4. Self-censorship. Rogue cops. Jim Crow.
5. Cambridge Chronicle editor position.
6. Response by your editor to the Cambridge Chronicle editor.

1. Introduction.

The truly sick abuse being afflicted on the beautiful and extremely popular Charles River White Geese as part of the bizarre project at Magazine Beach says pretty much everything that needs to be known about nine Cambridge City Councilors and their cohorts at state level. They plan to very quickly make things much worse by destroying the green playing fields at Magazine Beach and replacing the green playing fields with grass maintained by poisons.

The nine hypocrites on the Cambridge City Council extended their reprehensible behavior from heartless treatment of the Charles River White Geese and other Charles River animals to the destruction of the homes and habitat of hundreds if not thousands of free animals living at Fresh Pond. These nine hypocrites have proceeded with a bizarre project at Fresh Pond which, among other things, is destroying thousands of healthy trees to plant one thousand saplings.

2. Civil Rights a saving grace?

Throughout their reprehensible behavior against the Cambridge environment, the apologists for these vile indivuals bragged about the record of the nine on civil rights.

3. No way is Civil Rights a saving grace.

Kathy Podgers has been abused by the Cambridge government for a number of years.

Shopkeepers have more than once barred her guide dog in spite of the clear protections that that guide dog has under Federal law.

The Cambridge government has been unsupportive of Kathy's civil rights. They claimed that Cambridge has its own civil rights laws and thus Cambridge does not have to obey Federal civil rights laws.

A little over a year ago, the Cambridge City Council tried to throw Kathy's guide dog out of a City Council meeting.

Kathy filed a complaint with the Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination. The MCAD now has made two findings of probable cause of discrimination.

4. Self-censorship. Rogue cops. Jim Crow.

The Cambridge Chronicle reported the recent victory both in its hard copy and on line.

The on line edition allows comment on stories. The Cambridge Pols unleashed personal attacks and taunts in at least five to ten written on line attacks on Kathy Podgers. I responded three times with objections to their behavior accordingly.

Last summer, Kathy's guide dog was abused in the public area of the Cambridge Police Station by a bunch of rogue cops (one actor, the rest "failing to protect" the victim). She filed complaint with the department head. I am not aware of any punishment or apology. I commented on that abuse in my response.

Cambridge's selective respect for civil rights strikes me as outrageous. An excellent example is Cambridge insistence that Cambridge's ordinance is good enough and that Federal laws be damned if Federal laws provide more protection than Cambridge's ordinance.

This stinks of Jim Crow. The Jim Crow south had their own Civil Rights laws. The Jim Crow south protected those they thought should be protected. The Jim Crow south was outraged that the Federal government actually expected the Jim Crow south to obey federal civil rights laws. The Jim Crow south used rogue cops to enforce their contempt for civil rights.

Cambridge's treatment of Kathy, including the personal attacks and taunts on the Chronicle website, stinks to me of Jim Crow.

My objections were pulled by the Cambridge Chronicle three times. Before the third time, I realized that there were buttons on the comments allowing readers to object to objectionable content. Clearly the sick Cambridge Pols were clicking on that button when they saw comments which meaningfully stood up to them. The third time, I clicked on the buttons associated with the personal attacks and taunts. My comment was pulled. Then the Chronicle shut down public comments.

There was a letter in the Cambridge Chronicle on Thursday objecting to the shutdown of comments.

My letter below, submitted to the Cambridge Chronicle yesterday, omits saying the abuse of the guide dog was done by rogue cops. My letter omits the accurate association of the nine Cambridge City Councilors with the Jim Crow south.

5. Cambridge Chronicle editor position.

The Cambridge Chronicle editor announced the comment shutdown as follows:


Cambridge - Most of the conversations happening at are spirited and informational. But a number of them have been just mean-spirited.

With this in mind, we must shut down comments on all our new stories. I personally apologize that we must remove this feature, but until we have the ability to block repeated offenders who wish to spread ignorance, fear and lots of profanity, it must go.

Please keep reading this space for updates, but know there are still ways you can weigh in here on your local news site. Continue to comment on the Chronicle's blog here, where you can talk about all things Cambridge. Feel good about writing a letter to which we can publish online. Or call our print-only SpeakOut line at 617-715-5050.

And for those who have kept the conversation clean these past months, thank you. I hope to work with the good folks here to come up with a solution for you soon.

6. Response by your editor to the Cambridge Chronicle editor.

The following, in accordance with Chronicle practice, was sent by me Friday before noon to make it timely for next Thursday's paper:


I think you are to be commended for shutting down what was a nasty situation on line.

Kathy Podgers' interim victory over abuse of her federally guaranteed civil rights by the City of Cambridge exposed the very dirty side of the unified group of Cambridge Pols who keep a nasty situation going by calling it the exact opposite.

When the facts are the opposite of the propaganda, the propaganda gets tossed out anyway. If non stop falsehoods will not work, personal attacks are mercilessly used with the deliberate intent of destroying a person fighting for what the Cambridge Pols falsely claim to stand for.

Cambridge has filthy hands on environmental and civil rights issues.

Cambridge has filthy hands on environmental issues with the worst, but by no means the only, examples being, at Fresh Pond, the needless destruction of perhaps thousands of trees and associated animal habitat in the bizarre project, and, on the Charles River, the heartless abuse of the Charles River White Geese as part of the bizarre project.

On civil rights, Cambridge clearly calls itself above federal law. If Cambridge does not protect somebody in its local civil rights ordinance, Cambridge has clearly called itself exempt from Federal laws which do protect people not protected by the Cambridge ordinance. Kathy Podgers has, with success, stood up to this highly irresponsible position and now has two victories at state level.

The Cambridge Pols have responded with great nastiness.

KATHY'S GUIDE DOG HAS BEEN PHYSICALLY ATTACKED. How can anybody be so irresponsible as to attack a guide dog? Well, this is Cambridge, a city governed by holier than thou hypocrisy. So the Cambridge Pols physically attacked her guide dog.

Your report on Kathy's victories was turned into another effort at destroying Kathy rather than obeying the requirements of civil rights law.

Pols abused her on line. Pols mocked her on line. Pols taunted her on line.

Kathy would likely have settled for an apology at the state. The Cambridge Pols will respect nothing less than a big cut of money taken out of the tax rate. Kathy should proceed. What has been physically done to her dog and verbally done to her on line is just part of the problem.

Cambridge politics is a very filthy place and a very hypocritical place.

The Cambridge Chronicle has shut down use of its website as part of standing up to the filthiness.

Thank you.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Con Game on the Charles from Cambridge City Councillor Craig Kelley

Bob La Trémouille reports:

Cambridge City Councillor Craig Kelley got elected to Cambridge City Council the first time by presenting himself as a meaningful environmental activist.

He played the same game that all the Cambridge Pols and the rest of the hypocrites on the Cambridge City Council do:

Do as I say, not as I do.

In Cambridge that translates into non-stop destruction of that part of the world that only they can destroy while loudly yelling about anything and everything other than their own so reprehensible behavior.

Kelley has discovered the Charles River. Kelley has spent years not wanting to know about Cambridge and the state's consistently reprehensible behavior on the Charles River.

Kelley does not want to know about the 449 to 660 trees slated for destruction by the DCR between Magazine Beach and the Longfellow Bridge, including every single cherry tree.

Kelley does not want to know about the heartless abuse of the Charles River White Geese or the more than three year starvation attack on them by Cambridge and the DCR.

Kelley does not want to know about the bizarre, inexcuseable destruction going on at Magazine Beach which is schedule to get much worse.

Kelley does not want to know about the poisoning of the Charles River AND THE LOCAL WILDLIFE by the dumping of poisons BY THE STATE AND, SOON TO COME, BY HIM on the lands abutting the Charles.

Kelley does not want to know that, in a project strikingly similar to HIS project at Magazine Beach, the Charles River was poisoned by the State from the harbor to the Mass. Ave. Bridge.

Kelley's only comment on the outrage at Magazine Beach came when he learned that a bridge connecting Magazine Beach to the other side of Memorial Drive had been damaged. He specifically said that that FINALLY he had him something to complain about at Magazine Beach. After the destruction of the wetlands, after the heartless starvation, after the bizarre blocking of access between the Charles River and the playing fields, after the destruction of the animal habitat.

Now, Kelley has heard there is something dirty in the Charles near the side facing Magazine Beach of the Longfellow Bridge. Kelley has no reason to think that HE OR HIS BUDDIES might be causing that mess.

So Kelley brought the problem up at Monday's City Council meeting.

What about his own poisoning?

What about all the trees BEHIND HIM, as he stands by the Longfellow Bridge which are slated by the DCR for wasteful destruction as he looks at the dirt HE HOPES somebody else did?

Kelley does not want to know about that.



Kelley has found something to defend against on the Charles River.

That something could very likely be the results of the POISONING of Ebersol Fields on the other side of the Longfellow bridge and the south side of the Charles River, POISONING BEING FOLLOWED UP WITH BY POISONING SOON TO COME AT MAGAZINE BEACH WITH KELLEY PAYING THE BILL.

But Kelley does not want to know that.

Monday, February 11, 2008

MCAD finds probable cause of Cambridge civil rights violations.

Bob La Trémouille reports:

A little over a week ago, the Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination found probable cause that Cambridge violated the civil rights of Kathy Podgers when Cambridge tried to throw her guide dog out of a Cambridge City Council meeting.

You will recall that Cambridge considers itself above Federal civil rights laws. Cambridge has its own civil rights law, and Cambridge thinks its only duty is to obey ITS civil rights law and that, in Cambridge, people who want more civil rights than Cambridge guarantees are out of luck.

The MCAD is not controlled by Cambridge pols. The MCAD thinks that Cambridge's behavior looks quite unacceptable.

A bunch of rogue cops apparently followed up on the outrage in Cambridge City Council. They followed up by abusing Kathy Podger's guide dog in the lobby of the police station. Last I heard, their fellow police officers continued to treat these rogue cops like police officers.

After all, they are only implementing the clear policy of the Cambridge City Council.

The Cambridge City Council has contempt for civil rights and for guide dogs guaranteed by Federal law.

Nine members of the Cambridge City Council are heartlessly and publicly animal abusers. They have deliberately starved the Charles River White Geese now for more than three years as part of a public works project that only the people paid to do it can love.

And they are heartlessly destroying the animal environment at Fresh Pond while they destroy thousands of healthy trees because the thousands of healthy trees are in the way of a thousand saplings they want to plant.

Hey, so rogue cops implemented their vile positions.

Cambridge, the city in which guide dogs are abused by rogue cops, the city in which civil rights violators call themselves defenders of civil rights, and environmental destroyers and animal abusers call themselves environmentalists.

At least the MCAD stands up to these reprehensible people.