Wednesday, February 07, 2024

Update on recent Cambridge, MA / Charles River Photos

 Update on recent Cambridge, MA / Charles River Photos.

1. Central Square Revisited

2. Memorial Drive at Magazine Beach, box truck being “Storrowed”

1. Central Square Revisited

I recently passed on a particular outrage in Central Square, Cambridge, business as usual in spite of environmental nonsense.

About 8 excellent Locust Trees were destroyed, probably to brag about the “replacements” while keeping the destruction silent.  The number may include one or two different varieties outside the planters.

Officially, this location from which these excellent trees were destroyed is called “Carl Barron Plaza.”  I understand that Wikipedia has “late 1980's” for the creation of the plaza, and thus for the planting of the Locust Trees.

We do not seem to have before pictures for the plaza more recently..  

We, however, have been provided the following two photos for Locust Trees planted in 1991 at 11-15 Green Street, east of Central Square and a block south in the notorious Simplex area acres of former industrial properties which MIT converted to a many acre wasteland for speculation.  MIT did not evict anybody.  They simply did not replace industrial  tenants as tenants moved out, 

In the first photo, the Locust Trees are on the right, in front of 11-15 Green Street.

A closer view from the opposite direction.

2. Memorial Drive at Magazine Beach, box truck being “Storrowed”

The Boston media are particularly fond of reporting box trucks being “Storrowed,” trying to drive on the Boston boulevard following the Charles River, Storrow Drive.  They are warned of low bridges and keep on driving with fully predictable results, thus "Storrowed."

Magazine Beach has its own access bridge running over Cambridge’s Charles River boulevard, Memorial Drive.  This bridge was rebuilt with a whole bunch of games.  One thing that I thought was a lie was the height warning.  I figured the rebuilding had been intended to be higher and that a warning sign was a lie to fool Cambridge residents into thinking the blockage continued.

My guess appears to have been wrong.  Here is a box truck Storrowed at the Magazine Beach overpass.

Here is the drone photo I have used to place things at Magazine Beach.  

The Destroyed Nesting Area of the 43 year resident Charles River White Geese is just beyond the BU Bridge on the Cambridge Side of the Charles River.  In the middle is the Magazine Beach playing fields on which the Charles River White Geese fed for most of their residence, until the heartless City of Cambridge and state bureaucrats introduced poisons and created the Starvation Wall which separated the playing fields so that they might as well be ten miles from the Charles River.

The bridge where the truck is being “Storrowed” is barely visible to the far left, slightly below the middle.  This still is taken from “From Cambridge to Boston with the DJ Inspire 1 Drone footage,”

Here is a blow up. The overpass is the almost vertical white line at the far left.  Below it is the Magazine Beach playing fields.  Apparently to its right is Cambridge’s Morse School, an elementary school.