1. Introductory. Chronicle, fake Congress.
2. Fake Climate Congress, Environmental Destruction at the Museum of Science, Reality.
3. Op Ed in favor of clean water.
4. Chronicle in context.
Bob La Trémouille reports:
1. Introductory. Chronicle, fake Congress.
This week’s Cambridge Chronicle could have been organized around a theme.
It published Marilyn’s “Cambridge Climate Congress” analysis in hard copy which it previously published on line and which we passed on to you a few days ago.
It also published my analysis which I will print in part 2. This analysis is also on line.
The real horror of the environmental situation in Cambridge comes from a gathering of outrages.
First of all, the city government is belligerently destructive of the environment, but the voters are strongly pro-environment. So the government does a lot of lying. They lie through fake initiatives which do everything except address the greatest environmental problem in Cambridge: the destructiveness of its governmental entities.
This latest “initiative” combines this factor with the organizational impressiveness of the destroyers in question.
The Cambridge Pols look like an organization which has been created over the past 35 years by two connected city managers. Floating within the organization are the organizations of the very destructive city councilors.
You put these people together and you see declarations of truth with frequently coincidental overlap with truth. The organization runs around spouting proclamations which commonly are nonsensical, but since they all say it, the poor voter only hears one story and that one story, whether true or not, becomes “reality” in Cambridge, MA.
People see the outrages and figure “They would not stoop so low,” based on the nonstop lies of environmental sainthood. The Cambridge Climate Congress, participated in by invitees only, fits the pattern to a tee.
2. Fake Climate Congress, Environmental Destruction at the Museum of Science, Reality.
I have previously responded to a piece of nonsense put out in behalf of the fake Cambridge Climate Congress as an op ed.
The Chronicle had an excellent photo of a row of beautiful trees destroyed, apparently by the state, in front of the Museum of Science. That photo was in the January 14 Cambridge Chronicle.
The Chronicle got a reply from the author of the op ed. The reply was published on line with the photo. I submitted the following letter. The Congress’ author’s reply was, as near as I can gather, pulled, and the following published in the January 21, 2010 Cambridge Chronicle” and on line.
RE: Letter: Destruction at Museum of Science in Context
A few weeks ago, the Chronicle printed an “environmental” op-ed on behalf of a group created by the Cambridge City Council.
The op-ed presented the group’s draft report.
The group was “neutral” on massive environmental destruction and heartless animal abuse.
The group was “neutral” on the destruction of hundreds of healthy trees and animal habitat on Memorial Drive. The group was “neutral” on the destruction of perhaps thousands of trees at Fresh Pond. The group was “neutral” on the pending destruction of the Alewife reservation and its animal habitat for flood storage that should be placed under a parking lot just north of the nearby tracks.
The group was “neutral” on the dumping of poisons on Magazine Beach to keep alive introduced grass which replaces green grass that survived most of a century until destroyed by their friends. The group was “neutral” on the heartless animal abuse being inflicted on the 30 year native Charles River White Geese as part of the bizarre projects on Memorial Drive.
The group supported the increase of funding for “new” open space.
The author of the group’s op-ed has communicated with the Chronicle in opposition to the destruction of a row of excellent trees on McGrath / O’Brien at the Museum of Science. The planners are going to replace those now destroyed excellent trees with saplings.
But, the destruction at the Museum of Science is EXACTLY what the Cambridge City Council and its friends in the state bureaucracy are talking about when they brag about “new” open space. That destruction is exactly what the destruction at Memorial Drive, Fresh Pond and Alewife is all about.
“New” open space is a euphemism and a lie describing exactly what is happening at the Museum of Science. “New” open space is a euphemism for heartless animal abuse.
But I am confident that the writer and the participants in this “environmental” gathering will not be able to understand.
They have been told that fancy buildings are all that counts. They have been told that it is inconceivable that their environmentally destructive controllers are environmentally destructive.
So, I am confident that we will continue to see the same people spouting pious in both directions. I am confident that those spouting pious in both directions will be totally unable to understand why their world is being destroyed.
And they WILL NOT look in a mirror while they are wondering.
3. Op Ed in favor of clean water.
On the op ed page was a treatise and photo. The second author of two authors was Ellen Mass. She created a group which she calls the Friends of Alewife Reservation. Since its creation (as described above), it has fought for the destruction of the Alewife Reservation. The group has close connections to the City of Cambridge and the Cambridge City Council.
Groups like this are very much too normal in Cambridge.
The treatise speaks out lovely about protection of the waterways in western Cambridge.
It is silent on the soon to come destruction of Alewife, and silent on the position of Ms. Mass with regard to that destruction.
It is silent on the ongoing destruction of perhaps thousands of trees at Fresh Pond.
It is silent on the ongoing poisoning of the Charles River and other continuing outrages there by Cambridge pols and state bureaucrats.
But is spouts in a very lovely manner on clean waterways.
4. Chronicle in context.
The fake Cambridge Climate Congress was scheduled to have its second and final session yesterday, Saturday, January 24. I do not believe the Cambridge Chronicle has ever done a story on it. The Chronicle is to be commended for that.
The letters page had four letters, two on Galluccio, and mine and Marilyn’s. The op ed page was the lovely ode to clean water.
I think everything on the front page has been published on line, but the on line presentation does not approach the impact given by the paper.
The front page above the fold is devoted to a large photo of a resident standing with her neighbor’s place in the background.
The article reports her fighting against the neighbor’s harboring two chickens and three ducks as pets.
The editorial page features a cartoon presenting Donald Duck, Daffy Duck and a chicken hawk from the same studio as Daffy. They are carrying signs. Donald’s reads: “Let us ducks live here!” Daffy’s reads: “Ducks are people too!” The chicken hawk’s reads: “I’m a chicken hawk. We need more chickens!”
In place of the editorial is a guest commentary on Haiti.