Monday, October 05, 2009

Day 386, Nice action from Chronicle, Marilyn on Walz

Bob Reports:

1. Day 386.
2. Nice Action from Cambridge Chronicle.
3. Marilyn on Walz “proposal.”

1. Day 386.

Monday, October 5, I did another moderately early visibility, just before the peak of the rush hour.

The geese were still sleeping. They are intelligent creatures. Their lives have been taken away from them by reprehensible government agencies. They use their time in the most productive manner available to them. They sleep.

People are so interested that I had a distinctive experience with a van which passed me on the street. The van stopped behind my turned back and beeped for a flier, repeatedly. I finally turned around wondering what the noise was all about, and I realized what was going on.

2. Nice Action from Cambridge Chronicle.

In Day 382's report, on September 26, I reported on news printed by the Cambridge Chronicle’s sister paper, the Allston Brighton Tab. We put out a press release on sanctions imposed on the Department of Conservation and Recreation by the Boston Conservation Commission.

There was no question as to the accuracy of our report. The DCR replied with nonsensical quibbles about our press release. The Tab printed the quibbles as the main story and buried the hard news.

In that report, I provided you a copy of Marilyn’s formal letter to the editor response.

I did not bother telling you that the Cambridge Chronicle had picked up the report and printed the report on line. I had posted two responses on each site (Chronicle and Tab; the Tab censored my responses.). I saw no particular reason to mention this in my report on this blog.

The silly article was from the Tab and all the Chronicle did was pick up the report on line. Had the Chronicle printed the report in hard copy, I figured we would send the Marilyn response. Marilyn did copy the Chronicle with her letter to the Tab, clearly addressed to the Editor of the Tab.

I picked up this week’s Chronicle and got around to reading it today. The Chronicle never printed the Tab report in their hard copy. They led the letters page with Marilyn’s response.

Very nice.

Did the Tab print Marilyn’s letter in their hard copy? I do not know.

3. Marilyn on Walz “proposal.”

With day 385, I reported on a con game being submitted by State Representative Walz which was passed on to the list of the City Manager’s group in Cambridgeport.

Walz claims to be defending Magazine Beach by regulating the shadows from buildings on Memorial Drive.

With Day 385, I printed the response I had tried to get distributed on the listserve and the response Kathy Podgers tried to get printed. I also commented that the head of the group had had the nerve to claim that his group does not censor his listserve. Responses from Roy Bercaw and Kathy to that non-censorship nonsense were also quoted in my report.

Marilyn comments that the “achievement” of Representative Walz is even more of a fake than I (or Kathy) had realized.

Any buildings constructed on Memorial Drive would be constructed on the NORTH side. The sun is to the south. Shadows from buildings on the North Side of Memorial Drive with the sun to the south cannot possibly cover Magazine Beach, south of the buildings, with or without the con game (now pretty clearly fake) protections.