Saturday, October 17, 2009


Archie Mazmanian comments [paragraphing by editor, Bob]:

Welcome to oarsmen/women participating in the Regatta on the Charles. They come from all parts of the U.S. and perhaps elsewhere to enjoy the friendly environs of our jewel, the Charles River.

I don’t know if these oarsmen/women from beyond our area are aware of the plight of the Charles River White Geese. But as environmentalists, they should become aware of the efforts of MA and Cambridge government officials to annihilate the White Geese.

These oarsmen/women may not be rowing east of the BU Bridge in their races to the habitat of the White Geese. But it would be a nice gesture on their part to raise their oars at some point nearby in honor, in support of the White Geese and in protest of their annihilation.

Then these oarsmen/women can take the message of the plight of the Charles River White Geese back home with them, so that regionally, even nationally these MA and Cambridge government officials can be exposed for their annihilation efforts.

Let’s be kind to our web-footed friends.

I invite these oarsmen/women to visit the Goose Meadow. If MA and Cambridge government officials have their way, the Goose Meadow may be gone by next year’s Regatta. OARS UP!