Saturday, January 16, 2010

Further Extension Requested on Urban Ring Environmental Document

Archie Mazmanian reports:

[MassDOT Commissioner / Secretary] Jeff Mullan's 1/15/10 "non-response" to EOEEA (available at the Urban Ring website) seeks an extension to January 22nd for MassDOT's letter of intentions concerning Phase 2 of the Urban Ring so that consideration can be given to the "thoughtful comments" provided by CAC members to a "draft response" Mr. Mullan shared with the CAC. Unfortunately, with respect to openness, the public has not been able to share in such "draft response" and such "thoughtful comments." So instead of punting as suggested in my commentary following the 1/11/10 CAC meeting, MassDOT has called a timeout.

[Ed: The meeting report may be read at]