1. Introduction.
2. Walz lies about herself.
3. The Cambridge Machine lies about itself and worse.
4. Summary.
Bob La Trémouille reports.
1. Introduction.
The major destructive games going on on the Charles River are in the Magazine Beach / BU Bridge area and east to the Longfellow Bridge.
This features REALLY rotten stunts from The Machine.
So, of course, they are now yelling about the River Street and Western Avenue bridges, PLUS trying to destroy the environment there as well.
Serious environmental destruction being fought for by The Machine, but the really rotten stuff is the Magazine Beach / BU Bridge area and east to the Longfellow Bridge.
2. Walz lies about herself.
The standard game is not direct lying. It is pontificating about much less important stuff and misdirection to the much less important stuff. The lie is the implication that the speaker is a responsible individual and that she is yelling about the important stuff.
State Representative Martha Walz is taking credit for meetings in Cambridge concerning the River Street and Western Avenue Bridges.
Walz, of course, was deadly silent about all three meetings on the BU Bridge being kept away from the affected part of Cambridge.
Walz has bragged about the bizarre waste of money going on at Magazine Beach with outrageous environmental destruction and heartless animal abuse, neglecting to mention the latter two.
Walz was neutral about the failure to mitigate harm to the Charles River White Geese in the BU Bridge project.
Walz was neutral about the needless environmental destruction in the BU Bridge project.
Walz is silent about the hundreds of healthy trees and animal habitat being destroyed between the BU Bridge and the Longfellow Bridge.
So Walz was silent about the BU Bridge meetings being held in secret and is yelling about the meeting place of the meetings on much less important Western Avenue / River Street bridges.
A truly reprehensible person (quoting a civil rights judge) lying about a really rotten record through misdirection.
3. The Cambridge Machine lies about itself and worse.
The Cambridge Machine creates all sorts of lovely, fake organizations designed to false impression that they are on the side they claim to be on.
One of these entities calls itself some sort of environment name including the word “port”. It has been belligerently “neutral” concerning the outrages on the Charles River. Its members were active in this major lie of an environmental congress, declaring piety about fancy buildings and not wanting to know about environmental destruction.
Now the other shoe is dropping. These groups have two fold functions: First they prevent people from standing up to irresponsible behavior. Secondly, they help irresponsible behavior.
This holding a public meeting to gin up support for the highway activists fighting to make work on the Charles River more environmentally destruction. The highway activists, of course, have close connections to the fake environmental group.
4. Summary.
What else can I say?
The Cambridge Machine is proving itself as “reprehensible” as ever.
Love that judge!!!