Thursday, March 25, 2010

Passing of Daejanna Wormwood-Malone

Bob La Trémouille reports:

I was informed this morning, March 25, that Daejanna Wormwood-Malone passed yesterday of cardiac arrest. One of her neighbors called.

Daejanna was a good friend of the Charles River White Geese, especially during the early years of this millennium, right after Cambridge and the state started their attacks.

She was a member of our Core Group.

She helped feed them during difficult times and, as I recall, she was quite helpful to Marilyn after an attack on the Charles River White Geese.

Daejanna waxed poetic about her relationship with “Lothario,” a gander who would talk with her when she visited the Destroyed Nesting Area.

Daejanna would sit at the hill which is now part of the needless destruction and chat with Lothario for hours.

It developed that Lothario was the mate of a Toulouse Goose who, with her sister, had been left at the goose meadow in fall 2000. She would stay with her mate during nesting season and with her sister during off season. Finally, she and her mate created a brood. She stayed with her family from then on, as did Lothario. Daejanna lost her friend.

Daejanna was a good person. I will miss her.

CAVEAT: I checked the report by calling my phone number for Daejanna. I had a bad connection, but I spoke with a male voice who kept asking me questions. I could not get through to him, but that was clearly different from what I would expect.