Sunday, June 20, 2010

Day 394 at the Destroyed Nesting Area — The work looks that much more bizarre

Bob La Trémouille reports.

1. Visibility.
2. Magazine Beach.
3. Malvina Monteiro.

1. Visibility.

On Sunday, June 20, 2010, I conducted a visibility on the west side of the BU Bridge across from the Destroyed Nesting Area.

It was a little bit past noon on Sunday, and the temperature was in the 80s.

Definitely not a busy time for pedestrians, although, because of the closing of bridge lanes, the car traffic was heavy.

We changed generations of fliers to a slightly different new printing. The new flier tells people about the new Facebook page created by Nick Cheung, a friend of the Charles River White Geese in Maine. As I started passing out the first few of the new fliers, I mentioned friending the Charles River White Geese on Facebook. The comment was well received.

2. Magazine Beach.

The bizarre introduced vegetation gets thicker at the same time as the DCR destroys native protective vegetation everywhere else on the Charles River twice a year.

The poison drainage system looks really very massive, an awful lot of recreation area destroyed simply because Cambridge and the state are so irresponsible as to dump poisons on the banks of the Charles River and then devise a way to drain the poisons off.

The responsible techniques would have been to have meaningful respect for the environment.

There were seven acres of healthy grass which survived without poisons for the better part of a century. That grass would survive one again. All that is necessary is toss on seeds for the responsible grass and stop feeding the poisons to keep the sickly introduced stuff alive.

To make it worse, the sickly introduced stuff seems to be wearing down under whatever little use the playing fields has seen.

3. Malvina Monteiro.

To date the appeal does not seem to have been filed yet. At least the public index does not reflect a case filed this year under her name.

When the case was in Superior Court, membership in the legal profession was needed to get access to the docket. On the appellate level, anybody can get access. The search page is: Just put in Ms. Monteiro’s name and 2010. There are a number of Monteiro cases in the index, but not Malvina, not yet.