Friday, December 23, 2011

Cambridge Chronicle Reports Cambridge spent over $12 million on Monteiro case

The Cambridge Chronicle is reporting at, details finally revealed by the City of Cambridge in response to their freedom on information demand.

The check to Monteiro herself was $8.3 million (more accurate than Chronicle report). The check to Cambridge’s attorneys is $2.5 million. Interest payments ran to $1 million.

Cambridge is still refusing to reveal details about payments to the final two plaintiffs.

The Chronicle has major problems with Cambridge’s legal interpretation of their duty to disclose.

Monteiro v. Cambridge is the case that went to the Appeals Court concerning the Cambridge City Manager’s firing of a female department head in retaliation for her filing a civil rights complaint.

The Appeals Court refused to dignify the Cambridge appeal with a formal opinion. They spoke of “ample evidence [of] outrageous actions.”

The Superior Court judge called Cambridge’s behavior “reprehensible.”

The jury said $1.1 million real damages, $3.5 million penal damages.

The Cambridge Pols cannot understand why the Cambridge City Manager should be fired. All he did was destroy a woman’s life in retaliation for her filing a civil rights complaint.