Monday, April 23, 2012

The Destroyed Nesting Area of the Charles River White Geese: Beautiful Environmental Destruction — Elaboration

Yesterday, April 22, 2011, I reported on the commencement of truly outrageous escalation of animal abuse by the Department of Conservation and Recreation at the Destroyed Nesting Area of the Charles River White Geese. The posting was at

I reported on the pending planting of very destructive but beautiful bushes filling about two thirds of the nesting area.

The really rotten part of this is that it builds on the outrage walling off Magazine Beach from the Charles River, an outrage praised by the fake neighborhood association by keeping the outrage secret while they praise Magazine Beach itself.

This stuff is useless to the Charles River White Geese and will create just as impenetrable a wall as the outrage walling off Magazine Beach from the Charles River.

The difference is the multiplication of yet another lie.

The lie is that this outrage is supposed to be repairing environmental damage made by the construction on the BU Bridge. In reality it is making the damage permanent.

But the fake groups in Cambridge are certain to praise even more heartless animal abuse, as they run around praising heartless animal abusers and looking for further destruction.