1. Report from the Destroyed Nesting Area of the Charles River White Geese.
2. Response.
3. Swans in Revere.
4. Response.
I have received a welcome report from Cher.
1. Report from the Destroyed Nesting Area of the Charles River White Geese.
Yesterday (February 2, 2013). I was on my way home from the doctors and was halted before the stop sign where the white geese used to have a home. All the cars stopped to let them cross the street..Memorial Drive...almost everyone had smiles on their faces, so amused and thought it so cute to them like that.
I mean, what can be done for these fowl? They surely will die like this, walking all over Memorial Drive, drive from their homes.
2. Response.
This is the real rottenness of Cambridge, the Department of Conservation and Recreation and their fake groups.
Until the attacks from Cambridge, the DCR and their friends started, the Nesting Area of the Charles River White Geese was enclosed so that people had to climb over a not overly high fence to get into it.
The first actions in the ongoing outrage were by Boston University. BU, among other things, broke an opening in the fence.
Since then, Cambridge and the DCR have starved the Charles River White Geese by walling off their food at Magazine Beach from the Charles River by bizarre, never trimmed, introduced bushes. This left their nesting area the only place in the Charles River White Geese’ mile long habitat of 32 years that they can call home.
But there is no food in the Destroyed Nesting Area. What little food there was has been destroyed by the Charles River “Conservancy” with the assistance of irresponsible maintenance people driving vehicles on top of the sensitive environment.
So the Charles River White Geese walk through the BU created opening. They cross an on ramp to Memorial Drive which abuts the Destroyed Nesting Area to get some food under Memorial Drive.
The Charles River White Geese are more responsible pedestrians than the typical New Englander. They come out on the sidewalk and look both ways before crossing.
Their problem is that, while they are very responsible before crossing, they cross like a bunch of geese. There are usually more than just a few doing the crossing and they all try to cross together. Then again, geese do not cross in a straight line. When I have seen them crossing, I have shushed across the stragglers.
Always the drivers are pleased with these beauties and very patient.
The love of the drivers and other decent people for the Charles River White Geese is exactly the reason why the DCR has spent years lying that they have no intention to do harm to them. And why the Cambridge Machine is creating their usual fake group to fool people into ignoring reality on the Charles River.
A group created by but totally independent of Friends of the White Geese feeds the Charles River White Geese to keep them from starving. This is the Charles River Urban Wilds Initiative. Volunteers can volunteer by talking with one of the feeders at the Destroyed Nesting Area.
In the meantime, as I posted yesterday, the DCR is seeking the support of the Cambridge Machine to expand the existing outrage further west.
The Cambridge Machine is very predictable. They always “mean so well,” and they pretty much always help destructive bureaucrats and pols destroy. But they do a lot of “soul searching” and they “compromise” in the Cambridge Machine tradition. “Compromise” in the Cambridge Machine tradition means the bad guys get to do whatever they want and the “good guys” get to declare victory.
3. Swans in Revere.
BTW the swans are gone. Some of the people there were so nasty, I don't know what happened to them at all. One mallard likes me and comes to me if I go out. I never get out more than twice a month.
4. Response.
I hope I got the municipality (Revere) right.
Cher has been caring for swans living on a river feeding into Boston Harbor on property owned by the Department of Conservation and Recreation.
I hope her swan friends decided to migrate. The other alternative is related to the fact that the DCR owns the place and the DCR is destructive to animals. Her swan friends do not have the visibility and constituency of the Charles River White Geese.