The most visible member of the Cambridge Machine in support of destruction on the Charles River by the Department of Conservation and Recreation is shocked that they are being cut back in the budget.
This woman explained the starvation wall at Magazine Beach playing fields as an example of DCR incompetence. She claimed they are capable of destroying bordering vegetation everywhere else but are too incompetent to chop down bushes when they further the DCR’s goal of killing off as many residents animals as they can get away with.
Then when the DCR wanted to double the destruction, more poisons, more healthy grass destroyed, add part of the project to destroy hundreds of trees along the Charles, she presented them to a meeting. She was then shocked that the meeting had people who objected to more destruction on the Charles River. So she indulged in corrupt behavior to get the DCR a fake “vote” in favor of more destruction when they could not get it honestly.
I very strongly hope that the cut at minimum is in H3332, bond authorization for “historical parkways” section. That is where the destruction of hundreds of trees on the Charles River is.
But the reality is that this entity is simply unfit to manage the environment. This entity has no reason to be trusted. There has been too much lying. There has been too much destruction.
The DCR has contempt for the animals they should be protecting, and their mentality is “destroy, destroy, destroy” especially when they have fake protective groups in Cambridge running around lying that the DCR is worthy of respect.
Please contact your legislator. Encourage them to totally defund the DCR and give their responsibilities to people fit to do their job. And especially defund H3332, historical parkways section.
The deadline she is concerned about, I understand, is Friday, cut, when these folks are concerned, such a deadline should not be considered absolute.