Friday, December 19, 2014

Cambridge, MA, USA: City Parkland Loggers yell at Smokers, declare sainthood for themselves.

Cambridge, MA, USA: City Parkland Loggers yell at Smokers, declare sainthood for themselves.

1. Introduction.
2. Charles River, Chapter 286 of the Massachusetts Acts of 2014.
3. Pending destruction on the Cambridge Common.
4. Outrages at Alewife.
5. Other outrages on the Charles River.
6. Summary.

1. Introduction.

The Cambridge Chronicle has frontpaged the Cambridge City Council’s latest cynical claim of sainthood on environmental matters.  They, among other things, are now working on protecting Cambridge’s parks from smokers.

Given the truly reprehensible record of destruction by Cambridge and its friends in Cambridge’s parklands, the latest yelling at the other guy is nothing less than outrageous.

But they will run for reelection based on nonstop lies of environmental sainthood.

And the lies are the true meaning of yelling at the other guy.

2. Charles River, Chapter 286 of the Massachusetts Acts of 2014.

Hundreds of trees are being destroyed between the BU and Longfellow Bridges along with animal habitat, as a result of state house action in Chapter 286 of the Massachusetts Acts of 2014.

The Cambridge City Council is yelling at smokers in parks.

3. Pending destruction on the Cambridge Common.

The Cambridge City Council is destroying the entrance to the Cambridge Common from Harvard Square plus other excellent trees.  The count is their ENF is 22.  But lies of omission are common dealing with Cambridge.

The Cambridge City Council lies of its concern for the Cambridge Common by yelling at smokers in parks.

4. Outrages at Alewife.

The Cambridge City Manager is bragging of the Cambridge City Council’s destruction of 3.4 acres plus of the Alewife Reservation.  The photo of his bragging are front and center on the Cambridge website.  He has improved on those unseemly trees behind 165 CambridgePark Drive.

The Cambridge City Council has repeatedly yelled at private developers obeying municipally controlled zoning at Alewife.  They have nonstop declared their love of the values of Alewife which they have destroyed on their property.  They look like, through their cheerleaders, they are stalling things so that meaningful flood protection can only be achieved by total destruction.

But the Cambridge City Council is protecting Parklands by yelling at smokers and keeping their own vileness as secret as possible.

5. Other outrages on the Charles River.

I really cannot keep on repeating the same multiple vile stunts of this reprehensible City Government.  Repeating the multiple lies and other corruption involved in the destruction on the Charles, yet again,would simply be too much.

But the Cambridge City Council is expanding on their destructiveness and heartless animal abuse.

And the Cambridge City Council is working to reverse responsible behavior by the Massachusetts Department of Transportation which would minimize or prevent the destructiveness of the Cambridge City Council along the Grand Junction.  The vileness includes plans to further attack the Charles River White Geese whom they have been starving and starving with other outrages, all combined with non stop lies of their agents that no harm will be done to the Charles River White Geese.

And the Cambridge City Council will keep on yelling at the other guy as much as they can get away with.  One of the outrageous cons is yelling at smokers in parks.  Smokers are not starving the Charles River White Geese and building in their environment.

The con game going on in the background of the South Station and Mass. Pike projects which would put destructive passenger traffic on the Grand Junction, as usual in total secret, is just part of the normal vileness.

And the Cambridge City Council is yelling at folks smoking in parks.

Before and after pictures of the starvation wall put in through the usual multiple lies:

And photos of the heartlessly abused and deliberately starved 33 year residents of the Charles River:

6. Summary.

Cambridge and its friends have created a massive system of cheerleading groups which simply lie that reality is exactly the opposite of normal.

A major part of the corrupt situation is the hypocrisy of a reprehensible City Council yelling at the other guy for infractions far less than the normal corrupt destruction of the Cambridge City Council.

Cambridge summarizes its vileness in the propaganda piece they have posted as art in the City Hall Annex.
