Sunday, December 28, 2014

Charles River White Geese: Feeding Photos, Analysis.

Charles River White Geese: Feeding Photos, Analysis.

1. Photos from a normal, decent human being.
2. How we got to this place, abridged.
3. Responsible alternative.
a. Introduction.
b. What to do.
(1) Behave at Magazine Beach like Cambridge’s friends in the destructive state bureaucracy behaves everywhere else on the Charles River Basin.
(2) Practice what these heartless frauds preach.  Reverse introduced vegetation.
c. Summary.
4. Reprehensible Government, reprehensible fake group.
a. Summary.
b. Fake group corruption.
5. Final Summary.

1. Photos from a normal, decent human being.

Claribel Santiago went to feed the Charles River White Geese yesterday, December 28, 2014.

She provided the following photos.

2. How we got to this place, abridged.

The Charles River White Geese were able to care for themselves until Cambridge and its friends started to deliberately starve them.  And the Cambridge City Council has the nerve to yell at the circus occasionally running through Cambridge.  At least the Circus does not starve its animals.

And the Cambridge City Council has the nerve to call itself holier than thou.

The Charles River Urban Wild Initiative has been doing a heroic job in defending these beautiful valuable, 33 year residents from this heartless abuse.  And others come in as well to stand up for beauty in our world themselves by feeding these magnificent beings.

3. Responsible alternative.

a. Introduction.

The vileness of the Cambridge City Council is made that much worse with the fake groups they have running around working to continuate the inexcusable starvation and make the outrage on the Charles River worse.

The starvation policy is made even worse by the fact that all that is necessary to correct the starvation is to implement the promises made when the starvation was commenced.  It is very easy to undo these lies and the associated outrages.

b. What to do.

(1) Behave at Magazine Beach like Cambridge’s friends in the destructive state bureaucracy behave everywhere else on the Charles River Basin.

Remove the starvation wall.  Cambridge’s friends at the state of Massachusetts chop down all bordering vegetation on the Charles River Basin twice a year, except for the starvation wall at Magazine Beach.  Chop down the starvation wall twice a year like everything else.

Cambridge’s vile friends implement a policy they keep as secret as possible except to brag about it to explain their and Cambridge’s heartless destruction.

Their policy is to kill off or drive away all resident animals.

The starvation wall was constructed in violation of a formal policy to create a lawn to the river.

The starvation wall was constructed in spite of non stop lies to do “no harm” to the Charles River White Geese.

(2) Practice what these heartless frauds preach.  Reverse introduced vegetation.

First of all, the starvation wall is very clearly very destructive introduced vegetation which has no business on the Charles River.

Secondly, there is much more introduced vegetation attacking the environment.

The second repair that is needed is to reverse a lie of omission.

The grass the Charles River White Geese fed off for most of the last 33 years has been destroyed and replaced with sickly grass that needs to be fed poisons to keep it alive.

Feeding that sickly stuff poisons to keep it alive makes it very clearly introduced and dangerous to all.  All that is necessary to undo this outrage is to spend the money on seeds for the grass which was destroyed, and seed responsible grass instead of seeding poison.

Instead, Cambridge and their state bureaucrats destroyed playing fields to build an elaborate system of poison drainage to drain off poisons that should not in any level of responsible behavior be there at all.

c. Summary.

The manager of the project which created this outrage is the current Cambridge City Manager.

Part of the deal in which the City of Cambridge spent millions doing this outrage, along with state money, was that Cambridge was given the right to manage Magazine Beach.

But Cambridge wants to lie that Cambridge is a responsible community.

Cambridge is hiding behind that lie by refusing to take control of the area they paid to take control.

And the Cambridge City Council constantly lies of its saintliness.

4. Reprehensible Government, reprehensible fake group.

a. Summary.

But Cambridge’s friends have their own idea.  They want to destroy more grass.

They want to replace the undestroyed excellent grass west of the Magazine Beach playing fields with more of the sick stuff requiring poisons.  And they want to destroy the little guys' parking lot at the foot of Magazine Street.  And they want to install part of a bike highway which is the latest excuse for massive tree destruction funded by the state with the blessing of a silent City Council, and a very active Cambridge Development Department.

This would be in addition to destroying those hundreds of trees and more animal habitat between the BU Bridge and the Longfellow Bridge using $20 million in that state vote the Cambridge City Council blessed with its silence.

b. Fake group corruption.

Cambridge’s fake group put their expansion of Cambridge’s outrage to a public meeting where it looked like responsible people would vote them down.  So the fake group used corrupt tactics to steal the vote, and have proceed was if they and their fake vote were worthy of even the slightly level of respect.

The fake group is implementing their corrupt vote and putting their outrages out in public as if they were responsible people.  They even stoop so low as to commend heartless animal abuse through lies about the entire thing, and a pitch to do more.

Here is a copy of their bragging of their vileness in a show in the City of Cambridge’s building containing its Development Department, a show created in coordination with City of Cambridge appointees and sitting blatantly in public.

And, of course, the fake group has been conducting fake discussions in their meetings lying of concern for the Charles River through controlling the agenda, and preventing responsible discussion.

They have drastically reduced the frequency of their meetings to prevent discussion of the terrible things they are doing.

At least their leader is running away from the rottenness he has been a part of creating.  He is not seeking reelection.  He is getting away before the destruction his group has been fighting for becomes obvious to the well intended people who think his company union is worthy of respect.

5. Final Summary.

This is part of how a truly reprehensible government does the terrible things it does.