Thursday, October 13, 2011

Blackballed for being pro-environment?

1. Unacceptable (?) Behavior by Your Editor.
2. Blackballed?
3. My opinion.
4. The threat.

1. Unacceptable (?) Behavior by Your Editor.

Yesterday, October 13, 2011, I posted on the Blog and on facebook directions to the Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) / Department of Transporation (MassDOT) meeting that evening as follows:

“Nonantum Road is yet another name for Storrow Drive / Soldiers Field Road. Nonantum Road starts to the west of the rotary to the west of the Soldiers Field Road Staples. I assume Community Rowing Boathouse is the monstrous new structure a little bit further to the west.”

2. Blackballed?

I got the following reply in response to a nearly identical notice by email on a listserve:

“Community Rowing Boathouse is a beautiful structure--inside and out. You ought to be watching what you say.”

3. My opinion.

This structure strikes me as one of the many reasons why DCR managers should be fired for their contempt for the environment.

The structure is smack dab on the river and is way out of scale.

4. The threat.

It is very silly to count developer type “positions” as meaningful with regard to any construction project.

It is very dangerous for developer types to condemn any structure being built, no matter how irresponsible.

Developer types can have their livelihood taken away from them. A member of the development community who does not comport with the mandatory demands for praise will simply have all work taken away from him / her.

There is no such thing as free speech in the developer community.

Very clearly, this is a threat to blackball, or worse.