I picked up a possibly valuable meeting in fine print on a reference which had nothing to do with the meeting. That could mean yet another secret public meeting being hidden as much as possible by the Department of Conservation and Recreation while loudly proclaiming their sainthood. The more these things get hidden, the more likely they are to be important.
There are three public meetings scheduled. These meetings are sponsored by the Massachusetts Department of Transportation, MassDOT, and DCR with DCR apparently in the lead.
1. Tuesday, the day before yesterday, at Shriner’s hospital, next to Mass. General.
2. Tonight, October 13, 6:30 to 8 pm
It will be at the Community Rowing Boathouse, 20 Nonantum Road, Brighton.
Nonantum Road is yet another name for Storrow Drive / Soldiers Field Road. Nonantum Road starts to the west of the rotary to the west of the Soldiers Field Road Staples. I assume Community Rowing Boathouse is the monstrous new structure a little bit further to the west.
3. October 18, 2011, 6:30 pm to 8 pm, Morse School, Cambridge.
Morse School is directly across Memorial Drive from Magazine Beach.