Thursday, March 29, 2012

The Cambridge machine praises destruction on the Charles River, through omission

1. Introduction.
2. Basic reason for continuing irresponsible behavior.
3. History of Magazine Beach.
4. “The athletes want their playing fields.”
5. The results of the stacked survey support undoing the destruction.
6. Starving the Charles River White Geese.
7. Summary.

1. Introduction.

The Cambridge, MA City Manager’s front organization for Cambridgeport had a public meeting on Magazine Beach last night, March 28. It turned out that their “survey”, in spite of years of censorship by the machine, condemned that part of the outrage which does not fall into the category “they would never stoop so low.”

So the same people will run around lying that Cambridge has a responsible government and based on those lies, seeking further destruction.

It is always a mistake to try to figure out the rationale for destruction by the Cambridge Machine.

Their basic argument always translates into: You can’t win. You can’t win. You can’t win. But have I got a deal for you.

So then they run around praising the unpraisable and fighting for reelection of city councilors, reps and senators they describe as intransigent and so corrupt that they will not undo obvious irresponsibilities which were, when done, either exactly the opposite of what they promised or deliberately kept secret.

2. Basic reason for continuing irresponsible behavior.

Because the city council / city manager / state bureaucrats / state reps and senators are not about to undo what they just did.

In spite of the fact that they promised exactly the opposite?

In spite of the fact that they kept their plans secret?

In spite of the fact that minimally correcting the unjustifiable situation will cost next to nothing?

In spite of the fact that your own stacked survey came out condemning the destruction except insofar as it falls into the category: they would never stoop so low?

So the machine trudges on lying to well intentioned people through “initiatives” that ignore the irresponsible and fight to achieve more irresponsible “achievements”, irresponsible “achievements” which are never mentioned if they can suppress them.

Clearly, indisputably, a corrupt government.

3. History of Magazine Beach.

The usual censorship.

The meeting included extended discussion of the old history.

The last ten years were suppressed from the formal presentation.

“If you want that, use your comment time.”

Comment time went from “3 minutes if you can hold it to that” to an absolute limit of three minutes with constant shouting from the chair during the last minute.

4. “The athletes want their playing fields.”

One explanation provided by the Cambridge Machine for the destruction at Magazine Beach.

But the athletes got shafted. The playing fields were decreased in size to allow drainage pits for the poisons.

The poisons are being dumped onto the banks of the Charles River to keep alive sickly introduced grass that was put in in place of healthy grass which survived the better part of a century.

The way to give the athletes the playing fields they had ten years ago is to move money from paying for poisons to keep the sickly grass alive to paying for grass seed to grow the grass they destroyed. Then they can fill in the drainage system and return it to the playing fields which were destroyed.

But they cannot do that. Their friends are too corrupt to reverse their recent “achievements” in spite of the fact that decreasing playing fields is exactly the opposite of what was promised.

And Cambridge has too corrupt a city government to correct obvious errors achieved by doing the opposite of what was promised.

And won’t you join us in praising this corrupt city government and its destructive behavior?

And won’t you join us in extending the irresponsible destruction while suppressing the irresponsible aspects as much as we can get away with?

And won’t you join us in reelecting city councilors and state reps and senators whom we insist are too corrupt to correct obviously wrong behavior?

5. The results of the stacked survey support undoing the destruction.

The survey was clearly stacked because reality is suppressed by the Cambridge Machine to the maximum extent possible.

Two things which clearly came up were: (1) objection to blocking off the Charles from Magazine Beach and (2) a need for boat docking.

The fact that both were destroyed in the past ten years is suppressed to the maximum extent possible.

After all their city councilors and state reps and senators are too corrupt to correct the obvious irresponsibility of the past ten years, and won’t you help us reelect these fine people?

Oh, and it is totally irrelevant that the Department of Conservation and Recreation through its falsely named Charles River “Conservancy” twice a year chops down all vegetation bordering on the Charles River basin except this bizarre wall.

And it is also irrelevant that the “Master Plan” of the DCR called for a lawn to the river at Magazine Beach. After they proved that promise yet another lie, the DCR changed the "master plan."

And the swim in by the CRC to celebrate the destruction at Magazine Beach is also irrelevant. How dare you point out the walling off of Magazine Beach from the Charles River to prove claims of aiding swimming to be yet another lie?

6. Starving the Charles River White Geese.

What to do?

A deadly silence.

And won’t you help us reelect these fine councilors and state reps and senators who are too corrupt to refrain from heartless animal abuse?

Oh, and the twelve years of lying by the state bureaucrats that they have “no intention to harm” the Charles River White Geese is totally irrelevant.

7. Summary.

A rotten situation.

Oh, and the Cambridge Machine never used the word “corrupt.” The Cambridge Machine NEVER uses accurate terminology when misleading euphemisms are available.