Monday, April 02, 2012

Ducks / Charles River White Geese crossing the street

1. Introduction.
2. Jan Comments.
3. Anjell Comments.
4. Your Editor.
5. Connection to reality.

1. Introduction.

Ellen provided a good post on facebook of ducks crossing a city street, and it led to a little good conversation.

Easily a hundred ducks one at a time, in line, probably more.

I shared the post with my personal list. Some comments and my edited reply.

2. Jan Comments.

Love it. I had a friend stop traffic on Rte 128 to cross Canada Geese with their little ones. Crazy man, he could have been squished. But the birds made it, so did he.

3. Anjell Comments.

I love it. I have been fortunate to witness this several times, while passing underneath the BU Bridge. Hate 2 admit, I have stopped traffic many times, while drivers sat in their cars and called me names! ---- These babies mean the world 2 me.----thank u Robert for posting it.

4. Your Editor.

Since the state and Cambridge started deliberately starving them, the Charles River White Geese have many times crossed the Memorial Drive on ramp from the BU Bridge, next to the Destroyed Nesting Area to feed on grass under Memorial Drive.

I have had some very lovely experiences managing traffic to assist them. They handle the crossing more intelligently than ducks do. One will stand at the side of the ramp and then cross only when it is safe. Trouble is that, once they start crossing, they no longer look so smart. They do cross in a group which is definitely a lot smarter than the ducks going in a single file. Trouble is that members of the gaggle tend to lose concentration and, instead of directly crossing, wander.

The BU Bridge repairs are essentially done and, while the desolation remains, some geese have crossed into the construction zone.

I imagine the Charles River White Geese will commence looking for that luscious grass.

5. Connection to reality.

The Charles River White Geese are being deliberately starved, after all, with the assistance of fake groups praising corrupt government bodies and not wanting to know about the last twelve years of history.

Heartless animal abuse. How dare you live in reality!!! People might think that Cambridge and its friends at the state level are corrupt and destructive!!!

But they have some city councilors and state legislators they constantly praise and encourage you to vote for, using the correct politically correct lies of omission.

After all, the last 12 years do not exist in their world.