2. Photos of reality.
A. Soldiers Field Road / Storrow Drive.
B. The Massachusetts Turnpike / I90.
C. The Charles River White Geese.
D. A key target.
3. A summary.
1. Introduction.
In our paragraph 3 below, we summarize the outrage by which Cambridge, an irresponsible state agency and their friends are fighting to get an Interstate highway exit to Cambridge for the benefit of Harvard University. This report is a follow on to our report at http://charlesriverwhitegeeseblog.blogspot.com/2014/02/photos-harvards-targeted-off-ramp.html.
The reality is that Cambridge (MA) politics is dominated by a corrupt machine which lies about which side it is on and fools good people into stabbing themselves in the back. They work openly with a well programmed construction lobby fighting for destruction, and the most visible person in the Cambridge machine’s “defense” / fight for destruction of the BU Bridge / Magazine beach area of the Charles River in Cambridge is publicly hand in glove with a very belligerent construction lobby which conducts its meetings on the premises of one of Cambridge’s largest developers.
One of the most destructive parts of the highway lobby lies that it is a “Conservancy” and the supposedly liberal Boston Globe is organizing money contributions to fund this falsely named Charles River “Conservancy.”
2. Photos of reality.
[overview photo]
[photo of connection location.]
There is a mural on the back of the MicroCenter building across from the Magazine Beach playing fields. It memorializes the last fight against massive highway construction in Cambridge. The last time, the destroyers were not lying about which side they are on.
The above are two photos in our recent report. Those photos severely understated the destruction that the Cambridge Machine, through its organization of lies and corrupt tactics is fighting to inflict on Cambridge.
The following photos were taken on February 23, 2014.
The first is a photo of the rail bridge showing the underpass under Memorial Drive and the track area east of the Destroyed Nesting Area and west of the wild area which has seen all its ground vegetation destroyed by the Charles River “Conservancy.”
The irresponsible bicycle activists who meet on the campus of the city’s biggest developer are seeking to widen that bridge and widen that underpass. The lie is that the underpass is being widened for the benefit of these destructive people. The reality is that it is being widened to hold the lanes of the Mass. Pike (I90) off ramp intended to go over the widened rail bridge.
A. Soldiers Field Road / Storrow Drive.
[photo of connection location.]
This photo, the second photo at the top, shows a rail bridge.
Here are some photos from below the rail bridge from beneath and around that rail bridge.
B. The Massachusetts Turnpike / I90.
[photo of connection location.]
I went through a great effort to point out the Mass. Pike straight ahead. Here are photos of the Mass. Pike. The first is taken from the eastern side of the BU Bridge with Commonwealth Avenue to the left. The view is over the traffic lanes of the BU Bridge, showing the Mass. Pike.
The green traffic sign straight ahead is in the background of the above photo.
The following photos are taken from the west side of the BU Bridge. The parking area on the right is straight ahead as you are looking at the photo at the beginning of this section B. The obstructions in the photo are wires of the woven fence next to the sidewalk.
[544, 545, 546]
These photos are, again from Commonwealth Avenue west of the BU Bridge and from the west side of the BU Bridge. They are looking over the Mass. Pike. toward the BU Bridge and toward the rail bridge the Cambridge Machine is fighting to get turned into that off ramp. Notice they never say what they are fighting for.
They just say it is anti Charles River to look at reality. The only “politically correct” thinking, according to the Cambridge Machine is to look at one building which has not been used for 80 years, and pretend everything and everything else does not exist, until the Cambridge Machine pulls corrupt stunts to expand destruction and then that is done as fast as they can get away with.
These photos are, again from Commonwealth Avenue west of the BU Bridge and from the west side of the BU Bridge. They are looking over the Mass. Pike. toward the BU Bridge and toward the rail bridge the Cambridge Machine is fighting to get turned into that off ramp. Notice they never say what they are fighting for.
They just say it is anti Charles River to look at reality. The only “politically correct” thinking, according to the Cambridge Machine is to look at one building which has not been used for 80 years, and pretend everything and everything else does not exist, until the Cambridge Machine pulls corrupt stunts to expand destruction and then that is done as fast as they can get away with.
The eastbound lanes of the Mass. Pike are nearest the camera. As we demonstrated in our last report, extending the existing track straight ahead going over the rail bridge readily connects with the westbound lanes, further from the camera.
All that is necessary to connect to the added lane on the rail bridge is to run a ramp over the field on the far side of the highway. The ramp would run from the east bound lanes over the westbound lanes, and then over the field.
Here are views of that field from further toward Cambridge on the BU Bridge. You can see the field, the Mass. Pike, and Commonwealth Avenue. This includes views of the Mass. Pike going under Commonwealth Avenue.
Here are views from Commonwealth Avenue and from BU property.
Clearly there is plenty of room to run that off ramps from this side of the Mass. Pike.
The railroad in these photos is the main line from Downtown Boston to Worcester.
[550, 551, 552, 553, 554, 555, 556, 557]
C. The Charles River White Geese.
The goal of the state bureaucrats is to kill off or drive away all animals living on or near the Charles River. This is stated in their public planning document which the Cambridge Machine treats with the same great respect as they do the belligerently lying state bureaucrat whose key lies got them this far. They implement the latest proposals for expansion of destruction through corrupt tactics.
The Charles River White Geese are offensive to these incompetent bureaucrats and corrupt “activists” because they are living beings who live on the Charles River of their own initiative. They are offensive to the rotters because nobody was paid to install them. They are free. They installed themselves. They are loved by decent human beings.
They are the most visible, most beloved part of a free ecosystem. All pre-existing animals in it are intended to be destroyed.
They have no value to these incompetents. Nobody was paid to put them there.
From the point of view of the rotters, the Charles River White Geese must be destroyed.
Look carefully, these are the beautiful beings targeted by corrupt tactics and lies. The destroyers cannot succeed with honorable behavior.
D. A key target.
This is the rail bridge. The goal is to widen it with an addition to its right.
Straight ahead is a very quiet area which has a few minor trains a day. The trainmen are responsible and respectful of the environment and the Charles River White Geese.
The Charles River White Geese use this area heavily in nesting season. The males strut and show off for the females.
The area to the right used to be heavily vegetated. All ground vegetation to the right has been destroyed by the Charles River “Conservancy.” It has not returned. Poisons?
The area to the left is the nesting area. When things have gotten particularly bad, geese have nested next to rails.
Almost all native ground vegetation to the left was destroyed by the Charles River “Conservancy”, or the BU Bridge project. Damage has been magnified by irresponsible workers.
Straight ahead is an underpass for Memorial Drive. The portion under Memorial Drive holds two lanes of traffic.
A highway lobby which gives the appearance of belligerently irresponsible bicyclists is fighting to widen that underpass to three lanes.
The people pulling their strings do not tell them there is a responsible alternative for a bike highway to Memorial Drive. (Photos in the prior report.) The people pulling their strings do not tell them that their goal of connecting to the dangerous bicycle highways on the Boston side is impossible
The people pulling the strings will stab this highway lobby in the back when Harvard has its off ramp in line.
3. A summary.
[overview photo]
[photo of connection location.]
[photo of underpass]
The Cambridge Machine tells people that, if people support the Charles River, they must ignore the problems of the Charles River, especially those created by an irresponsible government of the City of Cambridge and its irresponsible friends in the environmentally incompetent Department of Conservation and Recreation.
The Cambridge Machine has a woman whom it calls its point person in “defending” Magazine Beach, by telling people to ignore Magazine Beach’s very real problems. This woman is an active supporter of the highway lobby, that very destructive bunch of bicycle activist who meet on the campus of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, one of Cambridge’s largest developers. The fake defender was key in the Cambridge Machine’s corrupt abuse of voting process in the Cambridge Machine’s bizarre “vote” to double the area of the problems at Magazine Beach. AND SHE BRAGS OF HER SUPPORT FOR THIS HIGHWAY LOBBY.
A major part of the environmental outrage is Harvard University’s very clear plans to move the Harvard Medical School to the former rail yards and current I90 (Mass. Pike) exit across the Charles River from Magazine Beach to the rail bridge under the BU Bridge and then to Memorial Drive.
A photo of the area is above, along with a photo of the area of connection to I90 / the Mass. Pike. A lot more detail is included in our post on the matter at http://charlesriverwhitegeeseblog.blogspot.com/2014/02/photos-harvards-targeted-off-ramp.html.
The state agency has a goal to kill off all animals in the Charles River Basin. They have cruelly and deliberately been starving their most visible victims, the Charles River White Geese for years. How they have been walling off Magazine Beach with a bizarre wall of bushes.
The Cambridge Machine has explained the bizarre wall on the grounds that their friends are too incompetent to chop down bushes. Then the Cambridge Machine indulged in blatantly corrupt behavior to expand the problems. Part of the corruption clearly encourages the destruction of hundreds of trees which are in the way of moving traffic from the future location of Harvard’s Medical School to Memorial Drive.
Governor Patrick’s bond authorization bill, H3332, provides $24 million for the destruction under the euphemism “Historical Parkway.” A fraudulently named Charles River “Conservancy” has obtained “approvals” claimed to support the outrage through the lie of “underpasses.” They have claimed that the $24 million of destruction is ancillary to the $4 million of “underpasses”, underpasses opposed by the Department of Transportation which would be responsible for the “underpasses.”
Harvard bought their future Medical site shortly after the local public transportation agency, the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority, demonstrated it is possible to create that off ramp.
The leader of the Cambridge Machine’s fake protection is in the middle of another con game, the con game to the irresponsible bicyclists that they are going to destroy the environment for their benefit and link a bike highway to Boston, a goal which responsible state managers have called impossible.
Key in this particular outrage is that the bicycle activists (meeting on the MIT campus) are being used as stalking horses, primarily to widen the railroad underpass under Memorial Drive. It is only wide enough for two lanes. Harvard needs three, so the bicyclists are being lied to that it is being widened for them.
In our report, we have shown the responsible way to connect the bike highway to Memorial Drive, the route that will be used after Cambridge and their state agency stabs the extremists in the bicyclist lobby in the back.
This report shows much more detail in this irresponsible attack.