Tuesday, June 03, 2014

Outrage on the Cambridge, MA, USA, Common now on YouTube.

Outrage on the Cambridge, MA, USA, Common now on YouTube.

Now posted on YouTube:

Cambridge, MA, USA
Planned Destruction
on the
Cambridge Common
June 1, 2014

Is now posted at:  http://youtu.be/FgQ9ojVuMxM.

This is a limited edit from my show, The Cambridge Environment, on June 1, 2014.

I expanded on the past reports slightly.

I presented the Cambridge City Clerk’s presentation of my report to the Cambridge City Council on the Cambridge City Council’s ongoing destruction on the Cambridge Common.

This is an excellent example of “They would never stoop so low” being proven wrong yet again.  The City of Cambridge is constantly beating its own record of unbelievable misbehavior.

I found it interesting that a Cambridge Machine op represented the Sierra Club in a prior letter on the Cambridge City Council's Communications list.

The endorsement by the Boston Sierra Club of environmental destroyers on the Cambridge City Council is a major part of the outrage in Cambridge, MA, USA.

The Cambridge Machine, to this extent, has turned the Boston Sierra Club into another of its fake groups.