2. The latest cynical con.
3. Save hundreds of trees.
1. The pending outrage.
Governor Patrick has on his desk an “Environmental” Bond Bill which could destroy hundreds of trees on Memorial Drive along the Charles River between the BU Bridge and the Longfellow Bridge. It could have horrible impact on animal habitat including the thirty three year resident Charles River White Geese.
They are being deliberately starved and the heartless pols keep finding new ways to abuse them.
The tree destruction bill is “Environmental Bond Bill,” the compromise bill between the destructive House Bill H4009, §2C, 2890-7020 and its Senate Counterpart. The lying euphemism is “Historical Parkways.” Last I heard, it had $32 million assigned to the destruction.
This part of a stench in which the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation has as a goal the killing or driving away of all animals living in the Charles River Basin.
Please contact the governor. He may be contacted at an email form posted at may be contacted at http://www.mass.gov/governor/constituentservices/contact, or by phone at 888-870-7770.
The corruption in Cambridge is so outrageous that the Cambridge Machine has been fighting for this destruction for years now. Their tool is to lie to people that the Machine loves the Charles River and, because of this lie, folks should ignore all the attacks on the Charles River. It is anti Charles River to defend the Charles River.
They do not give a meaningful reason for destruction. They just want to destroy, destroy, destroy.
And there is a lot of lying going on.
Here are two photos, winter and summer of one relatively young grove they are fighting to devastate. It is at the Memorial Drive split. Plus a photo of the beautiful gaggle of long term residents these reprehensible people are heartlessly abusing.
2. The latest cynical con.
A woman very visible in the fake neighborhood association who has done harm at Alewife and on the Charles River has a solution.
She helped destroy 3.4 publicly owned acres at Alewife. She says to yell at private developers at Alewife obeying zoning created at least in part by the Cambridge City Council.
And ignore how destructive her friends are, both on the Charles River and at Alewife.
Please contact the governor. He may be contacted at an email form posted at may be contacted at http://www.mass.gov/governor/constituentservices/contact, or by phone at 888-870-7770.
The tree destruction bill is “Environmental Bond Bill,” the compromise bill between the destructive House Bill H4009, §2C, 2890-7020 and its Senate Counterpart. The lying euphemism is “Historical Parkways.” Last I heard, it had $32 million assigned to the destruction.
Stand up to the outrages in Cambridge, MA, USA.
Save hundreds of trees.
This is a matter of DAYS, not weeks, and it could be hours.