1. Introduction.
This is the latest in a series of reports responding to lies put out in an art exhibit posted by the City of Cambridge in the art gallery in its City Hall Annex. I did not dignify the main show with my presence.
A brief glance indicates it looks like the latest propaganda lying to the voters that Cambridge and its friends are behaving responsibly on the Charles River, and don’t look at all the destruction they and their friends have accomplished and are working to accomplice.
This series responds to the segment on the Charles River White Geese, a sweetly worded blatant massive passel of lies.
Today, I did dignify this propaganda with my presence and I observed the following added plaque next to the lies about their heartless abuse of the Charles River White Geese.
It speaks for itself, and remember the formal, but highly secret goal of the reprehensible Department of Conservation and Recreation, in its sanctified Charles River Master Plan is to kill off or drive away all resident animals on the Charles River Basin.
Their goal until this latest outrage has been hidden through a blizzard of lies.
And, really, I have not yet gotten to the core issues.
3. Prior segments of this analysis.
Segment 1. “Lies of Omission,” concentrated on background lies, hiding the basic stench of this vile municipality sweet talked into a false sainthood. This is posted at http://charlesriverwhitegeeseblog.blogspot.com/2014/11/city-of-cambridge-lies-about-its.html.
Segment 2. “The bad guys told them to do it.” Translation into English of one of the many outrages in such a short posting.
Not, of course mentioning the vile nature of the entity that the Department of Conservation and Recreation asked for a negative report.
That report then became the only negative report on file delivered in response to a freedom of information demand. The only paper delivered in addition to this bizarre complaint from this reprehensible entity was the communication of the DCR asking for the outrageous canard. Details posted at http://charlesriverwhitegeeseblog.blogspot.com/2014/11/city-of-cambridge-lies-about-its_11.html
Segment 3. “The DCR did it.” This was Cambridge denying responsibility for Cambridge’s rotten behavior, Standard con game, pass the buck. The trouble with vile Cambridge blaming outrages solely on the Department of Conservation and Recreation has many major problems. One very big one is reality. Cambridge is very vile, and there is a big record. http://charlesriverwhitegeeseblog.blogspot.com/2014/11/city-of-cambridge-lies-about-its_12.html
Segment 4. “DCR did not do it either’. This segment analyzes Cambridge’s claim that the DCR has some sort of right to claim no duty to protect the animals in the care of the DCR. It includes the graduation of copycats of the DCR / Cambridge outrages to rape and murder in the same location. And analyzes the bizarre claim. It defers until later the reality that Cambridge and the DCR really are responsible for the outrages they claim to be neutral on. http://charlesriverwhitegeeseblog.blogspot.com/2014/11/cambridge-ma-usa-lies-on-its-heartless.html
Segment 5. “World Animal Organization on its sick rationalization” presented the above photo, the normal position of decent human beings, in striking contrast to the outrages posted in the propaganda being passed of as an art show. http://charlesriverwhitegeeseblog.blogspot.com/2014/11/cambridge-ma-usa-lies-on-its-heartless_15.html.
Segment 6. photos: place of rape, murder, environment, and mass tree destruction. This segment went into the Cambridge City Council hiding their vileness after a copy cat graduated to rape and murder after mass killing of nesting geese, and the Cambridge City Council blessing his vileness with silence, a wink and a nod. http://charlesriverwhitegeeseblog.blogspot.com/2014/11/cambridge-ma-usa-lies-on-its-heartless_17.html