1. The bad guys on the attack.
2. Reality which MUST be kept from the eyes of well meaning people, in this system of fraud.
a. General.
b. The falsely named Charles River “Conservancy” and ITS record.
c. The terrible record of the writer and her Cheerleading group.
3. Summary.
1. The bad guys on the attack.
It is silly to call the tactics by which friends of the City of Cambridge fight for environmental destruction as other than fraud.
I recently got a broad based email from the “community” woman with the dirtiest hands in the destruction of hundreds of trees and animal habitat on the Charles River in Cambridge between the BU Bridge and the Longfellow Bridge.
Now she is fighting for destruction at Magazine Beach, plus further destruction between those bridges. And she is fighting to lie that she does not have horribly filthy hands in the massive destruction she has achieved.
Her pitch commenced with:
“At the turn of the 19th century, Magazine Beach was the favorite river swimming destination on the Charles River. The Charles River Conservancy is now working to re-establish swimming in the river.”
She then sought money to assist her fight for further destruction. It was summarized with:
* * * *
DCR [ed: Department of Conservation and Recreation], the City and the community, together, are funding improvements at the park. We need to do our part to make things happen. To a spray feature, play features, new benches and picnic tables and more!
Take a walk at the park and check out the freshly painted Powder Magazine! It’s looking fabulous….
* * * *
"and more" at the end of the first quoted paragraph is what really counts, along with the saccharine in the second quoted paragraph. Look at what we tell you to look at. Do not look at the terrible things we are fighting to do, and which we have achieved.
Key in the fight of these people for destruction is to sound oh so sweet, and to censor the reality of what they are doing.
They run a listserve which they spent years lying was not censored. This pitch, more recently, under direct pressure, was modified with a claim that they have a duty to censor any and all statements negative to the City of Cambridge and its friends.
Reality is not allowed. Cheerleading is all that is allowed. Her latest fight for destruction is going way too far, as was the three plus year fight for the terrible things she and her friends just did on the Charles River.
And after this lead attacker achieves all that ADDITIONAL destruction, she will ONCE AGAIN lie and claim she and her fellow cheerleaders lack responsibility for the terrible things she fought for and continues to fight for.
2. Reality which MUST be kept from the eyes of well meaning people, in this system of fraud.
a. General.
One of the key things these terrible people do is to praise each other for saintliness. Mutual praise gives the impression to well meaning people that both the praiser and the praisee are deserving of commendation. Both, altogether too commonly, are lies.
This destructive person praises the falsely named Charles River “Conservancy.”
The falsely named Charles River "Conservancy" aggressively supported the destruction of hundreds of trees which was achieved earlier this year. The speaker is trying to run away from her, and their, very real responsibility for the destruction.
Our Final Cut of the Destruction of Memorial Drive may be viewed at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pTplCCEJP7o
b. The falsely named Charles River “Conservancy” and ITS record.
The falsely named Charles River "Conservancy" conducted a "swim in" to celebrate the outrages which were inflicted on the Magazine Beach playing fields in the 2000s.
The things they celebrated in the name of swimming included the introduction of poisons into the environment of the riverfront to keep alive sickly grass introduced into the environment in place of the responsible, non toxic grass which had grown there the better part of a Century.
They and the writer have never explained how WALLING OFF THE CHARLES RIVER FROM THE MAGAZINE BEACH PLAYING FIELDS helped swimming, but they support the walling off and claim it helped swimming.
They supported destroying the free access for private boats to the water off Magazine Beach by that 16 foot high starvation wall. Now the writer supports charging people to use boats off Magazine Beach.
They supported the heartless starving of the Charles River White Geese by this combination of outrages, and the heartless abuse of the Charles River White Geese by the latest outrages.
The falsely named Charles River "Conservancy" destroyed most of the ground vegetation at the Destroyed Nesting Area to replace it with dirt, clearly part of the DCR's goal of killing off or driving away resident animals.
One big question in my mind is why do they keep calling themselves a "Conservancy?" That strikes me as deliberate fraud.
Even more importantly, why does the writer call them a "Conservancy?" But then again, the writer has her own very destructive record.
c. The terrible record of the writer and her Cheerleading group.
The Magazine Beach "Improvements" SUPPORTED by the writer include
a. destruction of street trees,
b. Destruction of trees at the top of the hill west of the playing fields and at the bottom of Magazine Street,
c. Destruction of little guys’ parking at the top of the hill.
d. Rendering the remnants illegal for parking.
e. Continuation and making worse of the outrages done in the 2000s.
f. Expanding the failed use of poisons on the playing fields INSTEAD OF RETURN TO RESPONSIBLE NON POISON MAINTENANCE which existed for the better part of a Century.
They want to replace the failed poison drinking grass in the Magazine Beach
playing fields with more poison drinking grass. They want to expand the
use of poisons to the top of the hill and behind the swimming pool.
g. They want to keep the starvation wall of introduced bushes which blocks access between the Charles River and the Magazine Beach playing fields, including
(1) the prevention of the free docking of boats which was allowed for the better part of a century.
INSTEAD OF RETURNING FREE DOCKING OF PRIVATELY OWN BOATS which is blocked by the 16 foot wall, they want to charge people to use boats.
(2) The deliberate starving of the 35 year resident Charles River White Geese by preventing their access to the playing fields which have been their main habitat for most of the past 35 years.
h. Continued heartless abuse and deliberate starvation of the Charles River White Geese.
i. Further outrages following up on the destruction of those hundreds of trees.
j. Destruction at the Destroyed Nesting Area under consideration by the Cambridge City Council.
One of the false pieces of Pablum there is praise for a Grand Junction bike highway while censoring the destructiveness at the Charles River. Interestingly, the fight for destruction of those hundreds of trees included lovely words about replacing the previously existing bike highway with a gold plated bike highway. Now that the destruction is obvious, the Pablum of the Bike Highway is no longer mentioned.
k. I think that is enough.
3. Summary.
In addition to objecting to the false name of the "Conservancy," I clearly see as a falsehood this group's calling itself a "Neighborhood Association." When pushed, they brag of censoring all negative and true comments about the Cambridge City Manager / City Council / Department of Conservation and Recreation.
That is not a neighborhood association, that is a cheerleading group lying about its real basis for existence, a truly destructive reason for existence.
But the words sound so lovely, and the claims of innocence after achieving massive destruction sound so sweet, but, yet again, are proven nonsense in part by their unlimited praise of and fighting for further outrages being planned on the Charles River.
They are still doing the same terrible things they did to achieve all this destruction. Now they are just lying about their record in addition to sweetly fighting for more destruction.