I recently published a number of posts which reported major destruction proposed by the Mass. Department of Conservation and Recreation at Magazine Beach, particularly in the hill area. Of 42 trees slated to be destroyed, 23 are in that area between the pedestrian overpass and the swimming pool building.
In my hill area report, I omitted a magnificent, dominant grave slated for destruction in this area.
Here, again, is the destruction plan for the hill area.
Note the three doomed trees together at the right about a third of the way from the bottom.
They look a lot better in person:
The trees to the right.
On the left in this photo.
On the right in this photo. The bath house is visible to their left.
Proud and doomed by an entity the legislature tried to protect the Charles River from. The Department of Conservation and Recreation is unfit to manage the environment. It should be replaced by the Massachusetts Department of Transportation. MassDOT has been the adult in the room on key matters with the DCR and Cambridge on the wrong side.
I have gone into much greater detail on the guilt of the City of Cambridge in my letter to the City Council and the incoming City Manager which I posted on this blog.
Now retired City Manager Rossi conducted a meeting last year at the main branch of the Public Library, in which he bragged of magnificent improvements coming on the Charles River.
I did not attend because the lies of omission have been so rampant. Since his bragging, hundreds of trees have been destroyed between the BU and Longfellow Bridges with more to come.
And now the DCR is bragging WITH LIES OF OMISSION of all its “improvements” to Magazine Beach. The count, including this excellent grove is 42 trees to be destroyed in the Magazine Beach recreational area including 23 on the hill around the Bath House, including this grove.
The fake neighborhood association fought for the hundreds of destroyed trees by telling people to only look at the bath house area through standard Company Union tactics. The fake group’s latest “leader” supported all proposed Magazine Beach tree destruction in front of the Cambridge Conservation Commission, including, WITHOUT EXCEPTION all of the destruction around her supposedly beloved bath house..