Sunday, November 05, 2006

Boston Globe Prints Letter on Tree Destruction

Bob Reports:

A couple of weeks ago, I gave you a copy of a letter sent to the Cambridge Chronicle placing destruction of a tree near Harvard Square in context with the policies of nine Cambridge City Councilors.

That letter was printed last Thursday, November 3.

Last Sunday, the Boston Globe reported on the same tree and a number of people spoke Monday night on the tree destruction at the City Council meeting.

I wrote the following letter to the Boston Globe during the City Council meeting and sent it out during the meeting over the city's public wireless, pretty much at the same time as the city was harrassing a handicapped lady because she brought a guide dog into the City Council meeting.

The following is the letter to the Boston Globe as published today on page 8 of the City Section.


Title: Cambridge sacrifices healthy trees.

I appreciated your article on tree destruction on Grant Street (“A tree died in Cambridge,” Oct. 29, City Weekly).

The Cambridge City Council, all nine members, showed exactly where they really stand on this matter the next day. A large number of residents complained to the City council about the tree destruction.

The very first item considered by the Cambridge City Council after the discussions was a park project on Harvard Street, in which nine city councilors have destroyed 9 out of 10 street trees on the first block of Clark Street. Nine excellent trees were destroyed because they were “in the way” of a park.

Thousands of trees are being destroyed at Fresh Pond. Hundreds of trees are being destroyed on Memorial Drive. Destruction of trees is the first thing done when nine city councilors do work in parks.

There is no real question why the tree on Grant Street was destroyed. Harvard is following the example of the City Council.