Friday, February 19, 2016

Charles River: DCR: Outrageous Lies on Savaged Cherry Tree Grove.

Charles River: DCR: Outrageous Lies on savaged Cherry Tree Grove.

1. Charles River: DCR: Outrageous Lies on Savaged Cherry Tree Grove.
a. Summary.
(1) DCR: Outrageous Lies on Savaged Cherry Tree Grove.
(2) General.
b. Introductory.
c. “Reasons” for massive tree destruction change again.
d. Summation.
2. Contact Information to prevent this outrage.
a. Officials.
b. Friends of the White Geese.
3. DCR: Outrageous Lies on Savaged Cherry Tree Grove.
4. Past Reports in THIS series, and key communications to government agencies.
a. Communications to Public Agencies — Cambridge City Council, destruction plans; MassDOT proposing sanctions; DCR adding to the sanctions.
b. Past Reports in this series.

1. Charles River: DCR: Outrageous Lies on Savaged Cherry Tree Grove.

a. Summary.

(1) DCR: Outrageous Lies on Savaged Cherry Tree Grove.

Hundreds of trees have been destroyed on the Charles River and I am still yelling.


At minimum, because there are hundreds remaining in the plans, if you allow for the lying in the plans, and the very clear heartless animal abuse omitted as well.

Plus, the legislature tried to clean up the reprehensible Metropolitan District Commission because it was so destructive.  The legislature destroyed the MDC and replaced it, on the bridges of the Charles River, with the Massachusetts Department of Transportation, and on the river banks with the Department of Conservation and Recreation.

MassDOT has been the adult in the room with the DCR and the City of Cambridge.  MassDOT has not been perfect, but MassDOT has stood up to the vile party line propagated by Cambridge, the DCR and their cheerleaders.

The DCR got the riverbanks AND THE MANAGERS AND PLANNERS WHICH MADE THE MDC SO BAD.  The destruction is an MDC plan corruptly implemented.

And there is a lot more damage which can be done.  Plus, the Legislature was correct.  The MDC / DCR quite simply is not fit to manage the environment of the Charles River Basin.

Responsible behavior is for the Legislature to finish the cleanup of the Charles River Basin by giving the DCR responsibilities to MassDOT, and, although I realize I am dreaming, for the Cambridge City Council to fire its City Manager and hire responsible planners.

Section 4 lists a lot of reports which have come before.  Two of particular interest are:

My last report on these latest lies which are at the core of the latest outrage, at, and

My letter to MassDOT telling them why they should seek to replace the DCR on the Charles River.  It was sent before this outrage:

Now, there are a lot more before and photographs in section 3, comparing one to the other as much as possible.

First of all, the fraud.  This is one of three graphics the DCR presented as what it was destroying to "improve" the Charles River.  I have already debunked this graphic in the area which it pretends to show.  Much more fraudulent is the failure to mention the magnificent Cherry grove at the Memorial Drive split, and to pretend that their graphic is meaningful.

Here are a couple of photographs of the magnificent Cherry grove at the Memorial Drive split, plus after pictures, plus the destruction plans which have been implemented.  This is the Cherry grove the DCR aggressively kept as secret as possible until it attacked.

This was a winter shot.

Here are two after pictures, and one in the middle.

The same spot before destruction in season.

More in section 3, in different parts of this large, formerly excellent grove.

The grove is split between two plans.  The first destruction plan is for the western end of the magnificent grove which the DCR kept secret in its essentially secret public description.  That part of the grove is on the right of the plan.  The second destruction plan is for the east end, on the left of that plan.  Note in the second plan the nearby, excellent trees on the median which were among the last destroyed, which, is one of many things which puts the lie to the bike highway crap, one of the many pieces of nonsense, as I go into much greater detail in section 1.c below.

The blackened circles are destroyed trees.

I will give you before pictures of the four in the median in a coming report, probably with the last three at the river.

(2) General.

This blog has been viewed more than 115,000 times by people from nearly a hundred different countries.

To make certain that new readers know the latest about this environmental outrage, I am standardizing information in this subsection and to the end of Section 2.  Standardization is subject to regular edits to communicate particular points better.

Section 1.a.(2) is new as a general introduction. Section 3 is new and is the purpose of the report.  Section 4 is updated each time to reflect the most recent entries.  Section 2 is pretty firm, but contact information is updated as appropriate.

I have been delinquent in these reports in that I do not have before pictures for east of the Mass. Ave. Bridge before destruction started.  That just goes to prove the old proverb.  “It is always a mistake to say they “would never stoop so low” when talking about the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation or talking about the City of Cambridge.

b. Introductory.

Friends of the White Geese is a Massachusetts Non Profit Organization devoted to defending the Charles River from environmental, mostly governmental, depredations.  The most destructive entities are the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation (formerly the Metropolitan District Commission) and the City of Cambridge, MA.  We have been registered with the Massachusetts Attorney General since 2002.

The Charles River White Geese are a valuable and loved gaggle of White Geese who have lived on the banks of the Charles River since 1981 in a mile long habitat centered on the BU Bridge.  They are a mix primarily of White China and Emden Geese.  The gaggle includes a number of members (and one Patriarch) of Toulouse Goose descent.

The Charles River White Geese have a clear governmental structure based on family groupings.  They have survived impressively in the middle of a very dense municipal area.  They have been the source of tourist and commuter admiration from surrounding communities.

Cambridge and the DCR are deliberately starving the Charles River White Geese and have aggressively made the situation worse.  Detailed analyses are provided in documents for which links are provided in section 4.a. below.

Cambridge has stooped to censoring leafleting in response to Pablum being propagated by a key city employee telling folks about the environmental sainthood of the City of Cambridge.  The employee propagating the environmental nonsense has threatened a $25 fine per leaflet distributed in response to the cheerleading.

A few years ago, the Massachusetts legislature attempted to destroy the Metropolitan District Commission which was responsible for the Charles River between Boston and Cambridge.

The legislature divided the MDC responsibilities among the Massachusetts Department of Transportation and the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation.  The MassDOT transfer has been, for the most part a success.  The DCR transfer has been a failure.

The destructive situation in the MDC has simply changed names, as far as the DCR transfer has gone.

MassDOT has stood up to more than one outrage proposed by Cambridge and/or by the DCR, or by related “activists.”

The DCR created irresponsible plans for destruction of hundreds of excellent trees and animal habitat between the BU and Longfellow Bridges on the Cambridge side of the Charles River.  The DCR worked closely with the City of Cambridge which, in Spring 2015, destroyed its own Cambridge Common.  The two combined to destroy 3.4 acres or more of the irreplaceable woodlands of the Alewife reservation.

The DCR and Cambridge have sneaked through legislation authorizing all this destruction based on 2009 plans (bragged to be 19th Century plans) without any meaningful public communication.  This was on top of a funding vote in 2014 based on fraudulent actions, clearly by a fake group which has done environmental destruction for the DCR, possibly by the legislative liaison of the DCR.

The DCR is rather clearly slapping the face of the local cheerleaders controlled by the City of Cambridge who have been fighting for this destruction as a company union for years.

The DCR is conducting fake public input on irresponsible plans for the Magazine Beach playing fields, just west of the BU Bridge.  The massive logging proposed is east of the BU Bridge, running to the Longfellow Bridge.  The DCR is refusing any form of input in their “public meetings” on the massive loggings.

The DCR does not even allow the fraudulent public input they are allowing concerning the most irresponsible parts of the Magazine Beach proposal to be given meaningful respect.  It is no coincidence that the person representing the DCR has been part of the outrage from the beginning.  He repeatedly promised “no intent to harm” the Charles River White Geese as he was doing terrible things to them.

“Public input” is “allowed” by the DCR on everything except their irresponsible behavior.  Comments on their irresponsible behavior is ignored if not silenced.

The irresponsible behavior is not negotiable.

To date the tree destruction on the Charles River as part of the DCR / Cambridge “Historical Parkways” outrage is 150 or more, with more than an additional 100 still slated for destruction if you allow for obvious lying in the plans.

c. “Reasons” for massive tree destruction change again.

(1) General.

An additional game is that the DCR has routinely been varying its explanation for destruction of all those trees and animal habitat depending on the audience.  Boston residents who have been fighting for destruction may have taken a hike, so the pitch used to bring them in has disappeared, at least for the time being..

(2) A Culture of Outrageous Lies.

The standard pitch with many of the people we are dealing with is claim after claim after claim.  A reasonable person has to think that, with all the claims being propounded with such great certainty that one of them has to be true.  When the pitch persons know finds out which lie works, the pitch person has found out which lie / absurdity is the “truth”.  The “truth” in their world is the lie / piece of nonsense that gets swallowed.

Commonly, as is apparently the situation on the Charles River, the lies are tailored to the listener.  The explanation varies from listener to listener, and thus each recipient of lies gets his / her own “truth.”

These development mentalities even have a term for this pattern.  It is called “getting things done.”  And to many members of this culture, the person who best achieves this success is held in great esteem.  “Getting things done” to so many people is the only value.

(3) Won’t it look great in 40 years?

Depending on the audience, the story is back to the original one: Won’t it look great in 40 years?

In particular, these sick people have a holy grail they have not mentioned for awhile: plans for the Charles River from the 19th Century.

Since the folks who wrote those plans could not think of cherry trees, cherry trees are being massively destroyed, almost all of them.  The same would appear to apply to that magnificent willow, and a whole bunch of other excellent trees, including but not limited to Lindens, Mulberries, Sassafrass, and Zelkovas.

And the folks who wrote these plans were also very happy with dumping sewerage in the Charles River and in Boston harbor.  This reality is not mentioned in this explanation.

(4) We’re putting in saplings!!!!

Nice, but what does that have to do with trees that should not be destroyed in the first place?

And there are plenty of places which could use saplings.  One of them is east of the Hyatt Regency where Cambridge did the DCR’s dirty work for them in the name of sewer work.

(5) Supposedly diseased trees.

An ongoing lie is that they are destroying diseased trees or trees which are in the way of their gold plated highways.

They do not mention the fact that there are no diseased trees or next to no diseased trees.

The lie comes from the omission of the non existence or near non existence of diseased trees.

So they use “or” with next to nothing on one side of the “or”.

But a lot of cheerleaders love it.  They can claim to be on the side of sainthood, even if the alternative wording is just another blatant fraud.

Last I heard, however, the poor dears from the DCR will not even document their claims of disease, obviously because they cannot.  Even, as far as I can gather from the DCR’s Legislative Liaison, the DCR refuses to provide documentation after a request from the Cambridge Conservation Commission.  The DCR looks determined to destroy the evidence as soon as possible by destroying excellent healthy trees.

And the Boston Globe swallowed the flat out lie in 2009 that all trees being destroyed are diseased.

(6) Norway Maples, shudder.

Listening to the legislative liaison emoting with belligerence that they are destroying Norway Maples, and totality ignoring the reality that there is no edict to destroy existing Norway Maples, I have even more sympathy for a good reporter from the Boston Globe who has done good work, but who swallowed the diseased lie.

The kind way to describe the legislative liaison's statement is that he lied through omission, not mentioning the scores of excellent cherries, that magnificent willow, the Lindens, the Mulberries, the Sassafrass, the Zelkovas, and the others.

But his strong statement was much more than lying through omission. "We are destroying Norway Maples." with the belligerence he used, clearly stated that that is all they are destroying.

The liaison then went into a communication that it was unthinkable to object to the DCR’s environmental outrage.

Here is a photo of the excellent Willow which Cambridge and the DCR are fighting to destroy under the lie that it is a, shudder, Norway Maple.

I have not heard that it has been destroyed YET.  The excellent Linden which was its lone mate has now been destroyed and its trunk removed.

The fake “protective” group which Cambridge lies is a responsible entity has started lying about the quality of the trees they have destroyed.

The Willow is very lonely AND VERY THREATENED.

The Massachusetts Department of Transportation subsequently commented in response to a question at a public meeting that MassDOT is only interested in planting Norway Maples in the open space it is creating from rearrangement of that portion of the Massachusetts Turnpike (I90) south of the Charles River near the Magazine Beach area, but on the opposite side.

There is a striking difference between responsible, normal humans and Cambridge and the DCR.

(7) Bike Highway.  Pedestrian highway.

This pitch is a current pitch to those who will swallow it.

When I have been standing on the existing bike highway and telling people, as the bikes go by, that hundreds of trees are being destroyed to create a bike highway, I get a look at the bikes going by, and a disgusted laugh.

Then I point out that the trees are also (including that Willow) being destroyed to create a walking path next to the river, the response get downright incredulous, especially since the existing pedestrian path is a lovely, hard trod dirt path, very well fit for the environment.

But the bureaucrats, and their contractors who get paid for the outrage, want gold plating.  Gold plating is good for their pocket books.  And contractors get paid to destroy and get paid to put in saplings to replace trees that should not have been destroyed in the first place.

This gold plate mentality was a reason why the state legislature destroyed the Metropolitan District Commission and split its responsibilities on the Charles River between the Massachusetts Department of Transportation (bridges) and the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation (shore).

MassDOT has been commendable in its management of this portion of the Charles River.  MassDOT looks like the adult in the room when dealing with Cambridge and the DCR.

DCR got the managers from the MDC with the MDC vileness that the legislature was trying to destroy.

Interestingly, many people who have been fighting most for this destruction with this “explanation” turn out to include people who live on the Boston side of the Charles River.  These folks are fighting for maximum increase in open space on the Boston side in the Mass. Pike (I90) project.  These people lie that they are environmentalists.

Talking to pedestrians, and standing the middle of the existing bicycle highway, people concerned about the massive tree destruction seemed to think there always is a bike highway.

(8) Apparently clear fraud.

As near as I can figure out, the original lobbying effort in the legislature amounted to the falsely named Charles River “Conservancy” showing a petition for underpasses under three bridges further out on the Charles.  It appears that they lied that the petition for underpasses supported this massive destruction, without, of course, mentioning the destruction.  The words obviously used fit the claim of the name that this entity is conserving the Charles River rather than fighting for its destruction.

Thus, the $20 million looks like it was obtained through outright fraud.

The falsely named Charles River “Conservancy” openly supported this destruction about ten years ago when fraud was not the in thing.  The destruction has not changed.  They are still using that fake name as well, giving the Legislature the impression that they are the good guys.

Fraud is now the open tool.

And then you have the fake group fighting for destruction with the falsehood of being a neighborhood association “concerned” about the Charles River.  It develops at least some members of the fake group look like they fought for the destruction of these hundreds of trees so that they could plan the saplings to replace which should not have been destroyed in the first place.  This is how vile the fake groups get in the City of Cambridge.

Then you have the DCR's "legislative liaison." It is silly to think that his nonsense was not given by him to the legislature / the governor's office.  But I do not know if he were around when the original approval was obtained.  If he were, that ramps up the fraud reality.

(9) Cambridge City Council.

The Cambridge “City Council” is belligerently destructive of the environment, with falsehoods claiming sainthood about far less important issues than massive tree destruction, and heartless animal abuse.  The Cambridge City Council brags that they are “responsible” by yelling at the other guy and keeping their own depravities as secret as possible.  They voted in favor of the three underpasses which the falsely named group claims puts them in support of the massive logging.

With the Cambridge “City Council”, however you have the reality that silence in the face of circumstances which call for outrage is consent.

Lack of outrage when outrage is called for is consent.

d. Summation.

The DCR is unfit to manage the environment. These latest outrages should be immediately ended.

The DCR should be stripped of as many of its responsibilities on the Charles River Basin as is possible.  It received responsibility for the banks of the Charles River Basin in the legislative attempt to end the outrage which was the Metropolitan District Commission.

The responsibilities of the DCR should be transferred to the Department of Transportation which took over the MDC’s responsibilities for the bridges across the Charles River. MassDOT is not perfect. The DCR approaches being perfect from the wrong direction.

MassDOT has shown its willingness and capability to stand up to the DCR and to its partner in destruction, the City of Cambridge, along with Cambridge’s fake “protective” groups.

The minimal transfer on the Cambridge side should be from the Longfellow Bridge to the Western Avenue Bridge.

Additionally the transfer should include that portion of Boston's Soldiers Field Road from the BU Bridge to its end in Brighton.  This area starts with the area which MassDOT is currently planning in the Mass. Pike reorganization.

But then again, there is a lot of logic in giving MassDOT the Charles River from the Boston Harbor Dam to the next dam to the west, in Watertown.  There is still a lot to destroy that destroyers would love to pay their contractor friends to destroy.  And, looking at the efficiency in destruction of the DCR, it is entirely possible that my study of this area missed a lot of vileness on the Cambridge / Watertown block called Birmingham Parkway.

2. Contact Information to prevent this outrage.

a. Officials.

Please object to the massive, irresponsible destruction achieved and yet threatened.

Governor Baker: 617-725-4005, 888-870-7770 (888 free in state)
Internet Email form:

These destructive people are people from the bureaucracy which reports to him, using money allocated by the opposing party.  It would be very much to the governor’s advantage to save the people of Massachusetts from the costs of this outrageous boondoggle, financially, politically, environmentally, and from protecting the animals of the Charles River from an acceleration of heartless animal abuse in which Cambridge and the bureaucrats are belligerently guilty.

The mayor of Boston is a reasonable person to communicate with since his city is the south side of the Charles River, and rebuilding of I90, the Massachusetts Turnpike, across from Magazine Beach will create open space which really should be managed by a responsible entity.

Mayor Martin J. Walsh of Boston was in the legislature when the attempt to destroy the MDC occurred.  His email is

Additionally, the City of Cambridge approaches being a one party state, and the party is the opposite party of that to which the governor belongs.

Cambridge City Council: 617-349-4280,

Letters can be sent c/o City Clerk, City of Cambridge, 795 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02139.  They should include a cover letter asking that that the letter be made part of the communications to the Cambridge City Council at their next meeting.  Because of the timing, letters could be a waste of time.

Formal Email Communications to the Cambridge City Council can be done in a similar manner.  The City Clerk’s email address is  These become part of the formal record.  The above address is recorded but not part of the formal package.  The above address, however, is immediate, as opposed to the next Monday night when they have a meeting.  Because of the timing, formal emails could be a waste of time.

The DCR should be barred from working on the Charles River because of its terrible record in general, and this outrage in particular.

The Massachusetts Department of Transportation has stood up to outrages demanded by the DCR and the City of Cambridge.

The legislature tried to prevent outrages by destroying the Metropolitan District Commission.  The legislature gave the bridges  over the Charles River to MassDOT, and the river banks to the DCR.  The DCR also got the managers the legislature was trying to protect the Charles River from.

Legislators: 617-722-2000,

Contact information as to individuals who might be of value for communications:

b. Friends of the White Geese.

Volunteers are needed and encouraged.  Please contact us at 617-283-7649 or

Financial help is needed and encouraged.  This blog has a donate button which links to PayPal.  PayPal confuses me.  I am pretty sure I have charged through American Express, and their materials show all credit cards, but they may somehow amount to a debit card type of arrangement, or perhaps they let you use the credit cards the first time. .

If you would rather use snail mail, please mail to Friends of the White Geese, PO Box 391412, Cambridge, MA 02139.  Checks would be necessary in snail mail.  Please provide your name and address.  I can imagine the pious nonsense which would come from these people with regard to anonymous contributions.

Whatever you can do would be of help.

3. DCR: Outrageous Lies on Savaged Cherry Tree Grove.

This will follow on the photos in section 1 and on my prior report responding to the lies put out by the DCR about its destruction on the Charles River.  The lies cannot be responded to in just two reports.  I will proceed further in future reports.

Repeating the outrageous lie put out by the DCR concerning its destruction of Cherry Trees on the Charles River.

This is what the DCR claims to be destroying, with the support of the City of Cambridge.

In my last report, I responded to the area they are talking about, the Hyatt Regency Hotel.

The sketch is a lie there as stated in my last report.

The sketch since it claims to be a responsible communication purports to communicating what they are destroying.

It follows the tradition of the City of Cambridge in lying through omission.

Here, again, are the plans for destruction of the excellent Cherry Grove at the split.

The blacked circles are destroyed healthy trees.  The non blackened circles are the ones they did not destroy.

Some photos at the magnificent Cherry Grove on the Charles River at the split of Memorial Drive are presented in section 1.

Here are some photos approaching the Grove before the destruction.

Here are a few of the photos in section 1.

There is a very big difference between this photo and the lie put out by the DCR and, through the DCR, by Cambridge.

The cherry grove used to stretch out along the Charles east of the main grove.

And this is what the DCR and Cambridge did.

They stopped for the day after this destruction.

The following three photos first look in the exact same direction as the above photo,  Then I turn around and photo the doomed behind me.  Then I look through the few protected trees at a doomed street tree.

Here is the next day.

Here are before photos of the eastern end, which was totally savaged.  Orange marks are the marks of doom.

Here are photos which I directly matched.  They are of the trees on the right after the destruction of the Cherries.

Notice THE LACK OF TREES beyond the fencing to the right, as opposed to the above.

Next day:

4. Past Reports in THIS series, and key communications to government agencies.

a. Communications to Public Agencies — Cambridge City Council, destruction plans; MassDOT proposing sanctions; DCR adding to the sanctions.

(1). DCR Destruction Plans as provided to Cambridge City Council by me on April 1, 2014, full publication of plans in post:
(2). Letter to Governor objecting to Logging Outrage and to DCR Vileness, November 10, 2016, inhand to office at 2 pm.  The morning of November 11, 2016, State House Announced the November 10, 2016 resignation without notice or explanation of the head of the DCR:
(3)` Detailed analysis to MassDOT suggesting, at minimum that they get legislative approval to allow DCR to manage open space being created in the Mass. Pike (I90) reconstruction on the south side of the Charles, ideally to ban DCR from the project area:
(4). Communication to DCR objecting to the fraud of seeking “approvals” for the irresponsible, but much less irresponsible project at Magazine Beach while going forward with this outrage in secret, October 13, 2015:
(5). Charles River: Thought Control and the City of Cambridge, MA, USA, November 5, 2015:

This is a strikingly short summary of fake groups in the City of Cambridge and their use to lie to the population that Cambridge and its accomplices are responsible entities while fighting, fighting, fighting for destruction.  With me on the responsible side.  I have had a lot of very major victories.  The victories are timed as my time allows, and as I see an opening.

b. Past Reports in this series.

(1). Report 1.  Charles River:  Massive Tree Destruction Appears Imminent on Memorial Drive, October 4, 2015.
(2). Report 2.  Memorial Drive Plans and Photos, October 5, 2015:
(3). Report 3. Charles River: CURRENT Memorial Drive Construction Zone, October 6, 2015,
(4). Report 4. Charles River: Photos, CURRENT Memorial Drive Construction Zone and Major Likely Victims, October 8, 2015,
(5). Report 5.  Flash: DCR Going Ahead with Massive Destruction on Memorial Drive, October 22, 2015,
(6). Report 6. Charles River: Logging preliminary photos - first group of photos October 23, 2015,
(7). Report 7.  Logging preliminary photos - second group of photos, October 23, 2015
(8). Report 8.  Logging preliminary photos - third group of photos, October 24, 2015:
(9). Report 9.  Logging preliminary photos - fourth group of photos, October 25, 2015:
(10). Report 10.  Charles River: Logging preliminary photos - fourth group of photos - the doomed cherry orchard, October 26, 2015:
(11). Report 11.  Charles River: Logging preliminary photos - sixth group of photos - the doomed cherry orchard, October 28, 2015:
(12). Report 12, Charles River: Logging preliminary photos - seventh group of photos, update on the ground, November 2, 2015:
(13). Report 13, Charles River: Logging preliminary photos - eighth photos condemned cherry strand revisited, update on the ground, November 6, 2015,
(14) Charles River: Logging photos - ninth photos first destruction likely east of BU Cambridge Boathouse, November 15, 2015,
(15) Charles River: Logging photos - 10th photos: Doomed Cherry Grove, doomed magnificent Willow, November 8, 2015,
(16) Charles River Logging: More Fraud on the Governor/legislature?  November 24, 2015:
(17) Charles River: Logging photos - 11th photos: Destruction of habitat, increased starvation attack on Charles River White Geese, November 27, 2015,
(18) Charles River: Logging photos - 12th photos: Destruction of habitat, increased starvation attack on Charles River White Geese, completion of 11th photos:
(19) Charles River: Logging photos - 13th photos: Doomed trees just west of Mass. Ave. Bridge.:
(20) Charles River: DCR Chair Resigns; DCR Lead Presenter Disappears?  December 23, 2015:
(21) Thanks to Governor Baker:  Charles River: DCR Chair Resigns, January 7, 2016:
(22) Logging Starts on the Charles River: Hyatt Regency Trees Destroyed, January 14, 2016:
(23) Logging Proceeds on the Charles River: Destruction east from Hyatt Regency to Magnificent Cherry Grove, January 14, 2016:
(24) Charles River:  Logging Proceeds, condemned Cherry Grove view, response to DCR nonsense, January 17, 2016:
(25) Charles River:  Logging approaches 70, Mid MIT Campus, January 20, 2016:
(26) Charles River: A Responsible Solution to an inexcusable outrage, January 21, 2016:
(27) FLASH, Charles River, Magnificent Linden Destroyed.  Magnificent Willow Next?, January 21, 2016:
(28) Charles River: Logging proceeds; local state rep “confused”.  January 22, 2016:
(29) Charles River: Logging, two more days of destruction, January 26, 2016
(30) Charles River Destruction reaches 110.  Councilor gives false impression of is record, January 26, 2016:
(31) Charles River: Logging Destruction reaches 130?  Guilty City Council Points at Transient Circuses., January 28, 2016:
(32) Charles River: Cambridge Censors Objection to Tree Destruction., January 31, 2016:
(33) Cambridge / DCR Probably Destroying the Magnificent Willow NOW, February 2, 2016.
(34) Charles River: A Temporary Lull in Destruction.  White Geese Regroup, February 6, 2016.
(35) Charles River: Environmental destroyers lie about Cherry Trees ‒ Part 1, February 17, 2016.

Monday, February 15, 2016

Charles River: Environmental destroyers lie about Cherry Trees - part 1

Charles River: Environmental destroyers lie about Cherry Trees.

1. Charles River: Environmental Destroyers lie about Cherry Trees.
a. Summary.
(1) More lies ‒ Understate Cherry Tree Destruction.
(2) General.
b. Introductory.
c. “Reasons” for massive tree destruction change again.
d. Summation.
2. Contact Information to prevent this outrage.
a. Officials.
b. Friends of the White Geese.
3. More lies ‒ Understate Cherry Tree Destruction.
4. Past Reports in THIS series, and key communications to government agencies.
a. Communications to Public Agencies — Cambridge City Council, destruction plans; MassDOT proposing sanctions; DCR adding to the sanctions.
b. Past Reports in this series.

1. Charles River: Environmental Destroyers lie about Cherry Trees.

a. Summary.

(1) More lies ‒ Understate Cherry Tree Destruction.

The behavior of the Department of Conservation and Recreation has been repeatedly and belligerently destructive of the environment they are supposed to be protecting.

Lies make the situation that much worse, particularly since the lies are so frequent.

Robin Pope has been kind enough to pass on the link to supposed explanation for the outrage on the Charles River.  I get the impression she got it from the Cambridge Conservation Commission.

Secrecy has been maximized along with other bizarre maneuvers clearly designed to destroy as fast as possible and as secretly as possible.

The link fits the pattern.

They give the impression of two analyses of the Charles River which support their destructiveness.  The two analyses include three graphics which are lies, and there is not much else which purports to reflect reality now destroyed, part 1 of the planned destruction.

The first lying graphic is the supposed presentation of a cherry tree and another tree which they are destroying to improve things.  Here is the graphic:

In section 3, I am presenting reality, a lot of photos before and after.

Here is are before pictures of the cherry strand totally destroyed which was in front of the Hyatt Regency.

The graphic shows a second tree with the, shudder, cherry tree.  I understand the magnificent and now destroyed tree on the left in the above is a Linden.

Here is the after picture.  The sign on the left reads: "Hyatt." The large brown patch across from it is part of the former Cherry strand.  A close up of the Linden after destruction is in Section 3 with many more photos of this magnificent, but destroyed Cherry strand.

Here are the destruction plans.

The Cherry strand is the solid group of blacked circles in the middle.  Every tree is wiped out.

Lots more of the Cherry Strand in section 3.

Also, however, the DCR and, particularly, Cambridge are highly skilled in lies of omission.  They leave out the important stuff.

So, while the horror of the total destruction of the Cherry strand at the Hyatt is unforgivable.

The cherry strand at the Hyatt was the second best collection of Cherry trees destroyed.

The best was the magnificent Cherry Grove at the Memorial Drive split.

As I am writing this, it is increasingly clear that covering both beauties is too large for this report, but I really do not want to omit the photos I have already included.  So here are before photos of the devastated Cherry grove, but the full presentation will be in the next report.

(2) General.

This blog has been viewed more than 110,000 times by people from nearly a hundred different countries.

To make certain that new readers know the latest about this environmental outrage, I am standardizing information in this subsection and to the end of Section 2.  Standardization is subject to regular edits to communicate particular points better.

Section 1.a.(2) is new as a general introduction. Section 3 is new and is the purpose of the report.  Section 4 is updated each time to reflect the most recent entries.  Section 2 is pretty firm, but contact information is updated as appropriate.

I have been delinquent in these reports in that I do not have before pictures for east of the Mass. Ave. Bridge before destruction started.  That just goes to prove the old proverb.  “It is always a mistake to say they “would never stoop so low” when talking about the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation or talking about the City of Cambridge.

b. Introductory.

Friends of the White Geese is a Massachusetts Non Profit Organization devoted to defending the Charles River from environmental, mostly governmental, depredations.  The most destructive entities are the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation (formerly the Metropolitan District Commission) and the City of Cambridge, MA.  We have been registered with the Massachusetts Attorney General since 2002.

The Charles River White Geese are a valuable and loved gaggle of White Geese who have lived on the banks of the Charles River since 1981 in a mile long habitat centered on the BU Bridge.  They are a mix primarily of White China and Emden Geese.  The gaggle includes a number of members (and one Patriarch) of Toulouse Goose descent.

The Charles River White Geese have a clear governmental structure based on family groupings.  They have survived impressively in the middle of a very dense municipal area.  They have been the source of tourist and commuter admiration from surrounding communities.

Cambridge and the DCR are deliberately starving the Charles River White Geese and have aggressively made the situation worse.  Detailed analyses are provided in documents for which links are provided in section 4.a. below.

A few years ago, the Massachusetts legislature attempted to destroy the Metropolitan District Commission which was responsible for the Charles River between Boston and Cambridge.

The legislature divided the MDC responsibilities among the Massachusetts Department of Transportation and the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation.  The MassDOT transfer has been, for the most part a success.  The DCR transfer has been a failure.

The destructive situation in the MDC has simply changed names, as far as the DCR transfer has gone.

MassDOT has stood up to more than one outrage proposed by Cambridge and/or by the DCR, or by related “activists.”

The DCR created irresponsible plans for destruction of hundreds of excellent trees and animal habitat between the BU and Longfellow Bridges on the Cambridge side of the Charles River.  The DCR worked closely with the City of Cambridge which, in Spring 2015, destroyed its own Cambridge Common.

The DCR and Cambridge have sneaked through legislation authorizing all this destruction based on 2009 plans (bragged to be 19th Century plans) without any meaningful public communication.  This was on top of a funding vote in 2014 based on fraudulent actions, clearly by a fake group which has done environmental destruction for the DCR, possibly by the legislative liaison of the DCR.

The DCR is rather clearly slapping the face of the local cheerleaders controlled by the City of Cambridge who have been fighting for this destruction as a company union for years.

The DCR is conducting fake public input on irresponsible plans for the Magazine Beach playing fields, just west of the BU Bridge.  The massive logging proposed is east of the BU Bridge, running to the Longfellow Bridge.  The DCR is refusing any form of input in their “public meetings” on the massive loggings.

The DCR does not even allow the fraudulent public input they are allowing concerning the most irresponsible parts of the Magazine Beach proposal to be given meaningful respect.  It is no coincidence that the person representing the DCR has been part of the outrage from the beginning.  He repeatedly promised “no intent to harm” the Charles River White Geese as he was doing terrible things to them.

“Public input” is “allowed” by the DCR on everything except their irresponsible behavior.  Comments on their irresponsible behavior is ignored if not silenced.

The irresponsible behavior is not negotiable.

To date the tree destruction on the Charles River as part of the DCR outrage is about 70.

c. “Reasons” for massive tree destruction change again.

(1) General.

An additional game is that the DCR has routinely been varying its explanation for destruction of all those trees and animal habitat depending on the audience.  Boston residents who have been fighting for destruction may have taken a hike, so the pitch used to bring them in has disappeared, at least for the time being..

(2) A Culture of Outrageous Lies.

The standard pitch with many of the people we are dealing with is claim after claim after claim.  A reasonable person has to think that, with all the claims being propounded with such great certainty that one of them has to be true.  When the pitch persons know finds out which lie works, the pitch person has found out which lie / absurdity is the “truth”.  The “truth” in their world is the lie / piece of nonsense that gets swallowed.

Commonly, as is apparently the situation on the Charles River, the lies are tailored to the listener.  The explanation varies from listener to listener, and thus each recipient of lies gets his / her own “truth.”

These development mentalities even have a term for this pattern.  It is called “getting things done.”  And to many members of this culture, the person who best achieves this success is held in great esteem.  “Getting things done” to so many people is the only value.

(3) Won’t it look great in 40 years?

Depending on the audience, the story is back to the original one: Won’t it look great in 40 years?

In particular, these sick people have a holy grail they have not mentioned for awhile: plans for the Charles River from the 19th Century.

Since the folks who wrote those plans could not think of cherry trees, cherry trees are being massively destroyed, almost all of them.  The same would appear to apply to that magnificent willow, and a whole bunch of other excellent trees, including but not limited to Lindens, Mulberries, Sassafrass, and Zelkovas.

And the folks who wrote these plans were also very happy with dumping sewerage in the Charles River and in Boston harbor.  This reality is not mentioned in this explanation.

(4) We’re putting in saplings!!!!

Nice, but what does that have to do with trees that should not be destroyed in the first place?

And there are plenty of places which could use saplings.  One of them is east of the Hyatt Regency where Cambridge did the DCR’s dirty work for them in the name of sewer work.

(5) Supposedly diseased trees.

An ongoing lie is that they are destroying diseased trees or trees which are in the way of their gold plated highways.

They do not mention the fact that there are no diseased trees or next to no diseased trees.

The lie comes from the omission of the non existence or near non existence of diseased trees.

So they use “or” with next to nothing on one side of the “or”.

But a lot of cheerleaders love it.  They can claim to be on the side of sainthood, even if the alternative wording is just another blatant fraud.

Last I heard, however, the poor dears from the DCR will not even document their claims of disease, obviously because they cannot.  Even, as far as I can gather from the DCR’s Legislative Liaison, the DCR refuses to provide documentation after a request from the Cambridge Conservation Commission.  The DCR looks determined to destroy the evidence as soon as possible by destroying excellent healthy trees.

And the Boston Globe swallowed the flat out lie in 2009 that all trees being destroyed are diseased.

(6) Norway Maples, shudder.

Listening to the legislative liaison emoting with belligerence that they are destroying Norway Maples, and totality ignoring the reality that there is no edict to destroy existing Norway Maples, I have even more sympathy for a good reporter from the Boston Globe who has done good work, but who swallowed the diseased lie.

The kind way to describe the legislative liaison's statement is that he lied through omission, not mentioning the scores of excellent cherries, that magnificent willow, the Lindens, the Mulberries, the Sassafrass, the Zelkovas, and the others.

But his strong statement was much more than lying through omission. "We are destroying Norway Maples." with the belligerence he used, clearly stated that that is all they are destroying.

The liaison then went into a communication that it was unthinkable to object to the DCR’s environmental outrage.

Here is a photo of the excellent Willow which Cambridge and the DCR are fighting to destroy under the lie that it is a, shudder, Norway Maple.

I have not heard that it has been destroyed YET.  The excellent Linden which was its lone mate has now been destroyed and its trunk removed.

The fake “protective” group which Cambridge lies is a responsible entity has started lying about the quality of the trees they have destroyed.

The Willow is very lonely AND VERY THREATENED.

The Massachusetts Department of Transportation subsequently commented in response to a question at a public meeting that MassDOT is only interested in planting Norway Maples in the open space it is creating from rearrangement of that portion of the Massachusetts Turnpike (I90) south of the Charles River near the Magazine Beach area, but on the opposite side.

There is a striking difference between responsible, normal humans and Cambridge and the DCR.

(7) Bike Highway.  Pedestrian highway.

This pitch is a current pitch to those who will swallow it.

When I have been standing on the existing bike highway and telling people, as the bikes go by, that hundreds of trees are being destroyed to create a bike highway, I get a look at the bikes going by, and a disgusted laugh.

Then I point out that the trees are also (including that Willow) being destroyed to create a walking path next to the river, the response get downright incredulous, especially since the existing pedestrian path is a lovely, hard trod dirt path, very well fit for the environment.

But the bureaucrats, and their contractors who get paid for the outrage, want gold plating.  Gold plating is good for their pocket books.  And contractors get paid to destroy and get paid to put in saplings to replace trees that should not have been destroyed in the first place.

This gold plate mentality was a reason why the state legislature destroyed the Metropolitan District Commission and split its responsibilities on the Charles River between the Massachusetts Department of Transportation (bridges) and the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation (shore).

MassDOT has been commendable in its management of this portion of the Charles River.  MassDOT looks like the adult in the room when dealing with Cambridge and the DCR.

DCR got the managers from the MDC with the MDC vileness that the legislature was trying to destroy.

Interestingly, many people who have been fighting most for this destruction with this “explanation” turn out to include people who live on the Boston side of the Charles River.  These folks are fighting for maximum increase in open space on the Boston side in the Mass. Pike (I90) project.  These people lie that they are environmentalists.

Talking to pedestrians, and standing the middle of the existing bicycle highway, people concerned about the massive tree destruction seemed to think there always is a bike highway.

(8) Apparently clear fraud.

As near as I can figure out, the original lobbying effort in the legislature amounted to the falsely named Charles River “Conservancy” showing a petition for underpasses under three bridges further out on the Charles.  It appears that they lied that the petition for underpasses supported this massive destruction, without, of course, mentioning the destruction.  The words obviously used fit the claim of the name that this entity is conserving the Charles River rather than fighting for its destruction.

Thus, the $20 million looks like it was obtained through outright fraud.

The falsely named Charles River “Conservancy” openly supported this destruction about ten years ago when fraud was not the in thing.  The destruction has not changed.  They are still using that fake name as well, giving the Legislature the impression that they are the good guys.

Fraud is now the open tool.

And then you have the fake group fighting for destruction with the falsehood of being a neighborhood association “concerned” about the Charles River.  It develops at least some members of the fake group look like they fought for the destruction of these hundreds of trees so that they could plan the saplings to replace which should not have been destroyed in the first place.  This is how vile the fake groups get in the City of Cambridge.

Then you have the DCR's "legislative liaison." It is silly to think that his nonsense was not given by him to the legislature / the governor's office.  But I do not know if he were around when the original approval was obtained.  If he were, that ramps up the fraud reality.

(9) Cambridge City Council.

The Cambridge “City Council” is belligerently destructive of the environment, with falsehoods claiming sainthood about far less important issues than massive tree destruction, and heartless animal abuse.  The Cambridge City Council brags that they are “responsible” by yelling at the other guy and keeping their own depravities as secret as possible.  They voted in favor of the three underpasses which the falsely named group claims puts them in support of the massive logging.

With the Cambridge “City Council”, however you have the reality that silence in the face of circumstances which call for outrage is consent.

Lack of outrage when outrage is called for is consent.

d. Summation.

The DCR is unfit to manage the environment. These latest outrages should be immediately ended.

The DCR should be stripped of as many of its responsibilities on the Charles River Basin as is possible.  It received responsibility for the banks of the Charles River Basin in the legislative attempt to end the outrage which was the Metropolitan District Commission.

The responsibilities of the DCR should be transferred to the Department of Transportation which took over the MDC’s responsibilities for the bridges across the Charles River. MassDOT is not perfect. The DCR approaches being perfect from the wrong direction.

MassDOT has shown its willingness and capability to stand up to the DCR and to its partner in destruction, the City of Cambridge, along with Cambridge’s fake “protective” groups.

The minimal transfer on the Cambridge side should be from the Longfellow Bridge to the Western Avenue Bridge.

Additionally the transfer should include that portion of Boston's Soldiers Field Road from the BU Bridge to its end in Brighton.  This area starts with the area which MassDOT is currently planning in the Mass. Pike reorganization.

But then again, there is a lot of logic in giving MassDOT the Charles River from the Boston Harbor Dam to the next dam to the west, in Watertown.  There is still a lot to destroy that destroyers would love to pay their contractor friends to destroy.  And, looking at the efficiency in destruction of the DCR, it is entirely possible that my study of this area missed a lot of vileness on the Cambridge / Watertown block called Birmingham Parkway.

2. Contact Information to prevent this outrage.

a. Officials.

Please object to the massive, irresponsible destruction achieved and yet threatened.

Governor Baker: 617-725-4005, 888-870-7770 (888 free in state)
Internet Email form:

These destructive people are people from the bureaucracy which reports to him, using money allocated by the opposing party.  It would be very much to the governor’s advantage to save the people of Massachusetts from the costs of this outrageous boondoggle, financially, politically, environmentally, and from protecting the animals of the Charles River from an acceleration of heartless animal abuse in which Cambridge and the bureaucrats are belligerently guilty.

The mayor of Boston is a reasonable person to communicate with since his city is the south side of the Charles River, and rebuilding of I90, the Massachusetts Turnpike, across from Magazine Beach will create open space which really should be managed by a responsible entity.

Mayor Martin J. Walsh of Boston was in the legislature when the attempt to destroy the MDC occurred.  His email is

Additionally, the City of Cambridge approaches being a one party state, and the party is the opposite party of that to which the governor belongs.

Cambridge City Council: 617-349-4280,

Letters can be sent c/o City Clerk, City of Cambridge, 795 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02139.  They should include a cover letter asking that that the letter be made part of the communications to the Cambridge City Council at their next meeting.  Because of the timing, letters could be a waste of time.

Formal Email Communications to the Cambridge City Council can be done in a similar manner.  The City Clerk’s email address is  These become part of the formal record.  The above address is recorded but not part of the formal package.  The above address, however, is immediate, as opposed to the next Monday night when they have a meeting.  Because of the timing, formal emails could be a waste of time.

The DCR should be barred from working on the Charles River because of its terrible record in general, and this outrage in particular.

The Massachusetts Department of Transportation has stood up to outrages demanded by the DCR and the City of Cambridge.

The legislature tried to prevent outrages by destroying the Metropolitan District Commission.  The legislature gave the bridges  over the Charles River to MassDOT, and the river banks to the DCR.  The DCR also got the managers the legislature was trying to protect the Charles River from.

Legislators: 617-722-2000,

Contact information as to individuals who might be of value for communications:

b. Friends of the White Geese.

Volunteers are needed and encouraged.  Please contact us at 617-283-7649 or

Financial help is needed and encouraged.  This blog has a donate button which links to PayPal.  PayPal confuses me.  I am pretty sure I have charged through American Express, and their materials show all credit cards, but they may somehow amount to a debit card type of arrangement, or perhaps they let you use the credit cards the first time. .

If you would rather use snail mail, please mail to Friends of the White Geese, PO Box 391412, Cambridge, MA 02139.  Checks would be necessary in snail mail.  Please provide your name and address.  I can imagine the pious nonsense which would come from these people with regard to anonymous contributions.

Whatever you can do would be of help.

3. More lies ‒ Understate Cherry Tree Destruction.

The graphic which purports to present a threatened cherry tree and companion.

The totally destroyed cherry strand.


The graphic shows a second tree with the, shudder, cherry tree.  I understand the magnificent and now destroyed tree on the left in the above is a Linden.

Here is a picture after the DCR and Cambridge destroyed the Linden.

More group photos before


The devastated magnificent cherry grove at the split.

As I commented above, however, the DCR and, particularly, Cambridge are highly skilled in lies of omission.  They leave out the important stuff.

So, while the horror of the total destruction of the Cherry strand at the Hyatt is unforgivable.

The cherry strand at the Hyatt was the second best collection of Cherry trees destroyed.

The best was the magnificent Cherry Grove at the Memorial Drive split.

As I am writing this, it is increasingly clear that covering both beauties is too large for this report, but I really do not want to omit the photos I have already included.  So here again are photos of the devastated Cherry grove presented in section 1, but the full presentation will be in the next report.

4. Past Reports in THIS series, and key communications to government agencies.

a. Communications to Public Agencies — Cambridge City Council, destruction plans; MassDOT proposing sanctions; DCR adding to the sanctions.

(1). DCR Destruction Plans as provided to Cambridge City Council by me on April 1, 2014, full publication of plans in post:
(2). Letter to Governor objecting to Logging Outrage and to DCR Vileness, November 10, 2016, inhand to office at 2 pm.  The morning of November 11, 2016, State House Announced the November 10, 2016 resignation without notice or explanation of the head of the DCR:
(3)` Detailed analysis to MassDOT suggesting, at minimum that they get legislative approval to allow DCR to manage open space being created in the Mass. Pike (I90) reconstruction on the south side of the Charles, ideally to ban DCR from the project area:
(4). Communication to DCR objecting to the fraud of seeking “approvals” for the irresponsible, but much less irresponsible project at Magazine Beach while going forward with this outrage in secret, October 13, 2015:
(5). Charles River: Thought Control and the City of Cambridge, MA, USA, November 5, 2015:

This is a strikingly short summary of fake groups in the City of Cambridge and their use to lie to the population that Cambridge and its accomplices are responsible entities while fighting, fighting, fighting for destruction.  With me on the responsible side.  I have had a lot of very major victories.  The victories are timed as my time allows, and as I see an opening.

b. Past Reports in this series.

(1). Report 1.  Charles River:  Massive Tree Destruction Appears Imminent on Memorial Drive, October 4, 2015.
(2). Report 2.  Memorial Drive Plans and Photos, October 5, 2015:
(3). Report 3. Charles River: CURRENT Memorial Drive Construction Zone, October 6, 2015,
(4). Report 4. Charles River: Photos, CURRENT Memorial Drive Construction Zone and Major Likely Victims, October 8, 2015,
(5). Report 5.  Flash: DCR Going Ahead with Massive Destruction on Memorial Drive, October 22, 2015,
(6). Report 6. Charles River: Logging preliminary photos - first group of photos October 23, 2015,
(7). Report 7.  Logging preliminary photos - second group of photos, October 23, 2015
(8). Report 8.  Logging preliminary photos - third group of photos, October 24, 2015:
(9). Report 9.  Logging preliminary photos - fourth group of photos, October 25, 2015:
(10). Report 10.  Charles River: Logging preliminary photos - fourth group of photos - the doomed cherry orchard, October 26, 2015:
(11). Report 11.  Charles River: Logging preliminary photos - sixth group of photos - the doomed cherry orchard, October 28, 2015:
(12). Report 12, Charles River: Logging preliminary photos - seventh group of photos, update on the ground, November 2, 2015:
(13). Report 13, Charles River: Logging preliminary photos - eighth photos condemned cherry strand revisited, update on the ground, November 6, 2015,
(14) Charles River: Logging photos - ninth photos first destruction likely east of BU Cambridge Boathouse, November 15, 2015,
(15) Charles River: Logging photos - 10th photos: Doomed Cherry Grove, doomed magnificent Willow, November 8, 2015,
(16) Charles River Logging: More Fraud on the Governor/legislature?  November 24, 2015:
(17) Charles River: Logging photos - 11th photos: Destruction of habitat, increased starvation attack on Charles River White Geese, November 27, 2015,
(18) Charles River: Logging photos - 12th photos: Destruction of habitat, increased starvation attack on Charles River White Geese, completion of 11th photos:
(19) Charles River: Logging photos - 13th photos: Doomed trees just west of Mass. Ave. Bridge.:
(20) Charles River: DCR Chair Resigns; DCR Lead Presenter Disappears?  December 23, 2015:
(21) Thanks to Governor Baker:  Charles River: DCR Chair Resigns, January 7, 2016:
(22) Logging Starts on the Charles River: Hyatt Regency Trees Destroyed, January 14, 2016:
(23) Logging Proceeds on the Charles River: Destruction east from Hyatt Regency to Magnificent Cherry Grove, January 14, 2016:
(24) Charles River:  Logging Proceeds, condemned Cherry Grove view, response to DCR nonsense, January 17, 2016:
(25) Charles River:  Logging approaches 70, Mid MIT Campus, January 20, 2016:
(26) Charles River: A Responsible Solution to an inexcusable outrage, January 21, 2016:
(27) FLASH, Charles River, Magnificent Linden Destroyed.  Magnificent Willow Next?, January 21, 2016:
(28) Charles River: Logging proceeds; local state rep “confused”.  January 22, 2016:
(29) Charles River: Logging, two more days of destruction, January 26, 2016
(30) Charles River Destruction reaches 110.  Councilor gives false impression of is record, January 26, 2016:
(31) Charles River: Logging Destruction reaches 130?  Guilty City Council Points at Transient Circuses., January 28, 2016:
(32) Cambridge / DCR Probably Destroying the Magnificent Willow NOW, February 6, 2016.
(33) Charles River: A Temporary Lull in Destruction.  White Geese Regroup, February 6, 2016.