Thursday, December 31, 2020

Strange Activity at the Magazine Beach Pool Area

 Strange Activity at the Magazine Beach Pool Area

1. Phil’s Report, December 29, 2020.

2. Context.

1. Phil’s Report, December 29, 2020.

DCR (presumably) is using heavy earthmoving equipment ... to pick up fallen leaves at MB. Seen this AM. crazy

It's in the small parking area next to the pool. They are gathering leaves from the lawns, which they pushed into piles with a Bobcat.

2. Context.

This photo was taken by Phil from the overpass connecting the destruction area at Magazine Beach over Memorial Drive to the neighborhood side.  As we have reported, significant trees have been destroyed adorning that overpass already.

The destructive people associated with the Cambridge City Council and the Department of Conservation and Recreation do the nastiest stuff as secretly as possible.

To put it mildly, use of heavy equipment to clean up leaves and other vegetative debris is bizarre.

Phil is extremely observant.  One thing which he first reported on was the effects of poisoning of the Charles River by the Charles River Poisoner.  The Charles River Poisoner is being paid by the Cambridge City Council to do “environmental” work in this area preparatory to destroying the magnificent grove west of the Magazine Beach bathhouse for the Magazine Beach Pool.

The area where the heavy equipment is being used to pick up leaves is the area the Cambridge City Council is paying the Charles River Poisoner to do her latest work.

The photo is by telephoto lens.  In the background is the Charles River and vegetation at the edge of the Charles River.  Because of the lens used, the background appears closer to the truck than would otherwise be.

Here is a crop of a drone photo of the area, taken from “Flying Along the Charles River, From BU and MIT to Harvard, DJI Inspire 1 Pro Drone Footage,”, Minute 2.33.

The upper left part of the picture is the Charles River.  The large white rectangle is the Magazine Beach Pool.  The dark grey / black rectangle is its bathhouse.  Memorial Drive can be seen diagonally at the bottom right, along with an even tinier portion of the parking lot of the MicroCenter store across Memorial Drive.

The excellent grove that the DCR and the Cambridge City Council want destroyed is the grove of trees facing Memorial Drive starting above the Bathhouse.

The explanation of the DCR for destroying this grove WHICH THEY ADMIT IS EXCELLENT is that they want to move the parking area which is clearly visible between the swimming pool and the water and which extends from there to Memorial Drive under trees closer to the water.  They want to move that parking on top of the excellent grove.

The area which the Cambridge City Council is paying the Charles River Poisoner to “plan" is the clearly visible part of the parking lot plus the grassy area below it next to the pool.

The heavy machinery being used to pick up vegetation is in the clearly visible part of the parking lot.  It is picking up debris from the grassy area.

And here is a ground shot from the MicroCenter parking lot of the excellent but doomed grove.  The photo is about four years old now.  These excellent trees the Cambridge City Council and the DCR want to destroy are that much larger.  They are not the largest trees being destroyed.

In accordance with the long established procedure of the Cambridge City Council, it is telling voters to look at everything but its environmental outrages.

The latest nonsense is a plan to “protect” the trees of Cambridge.

It is not at all a coincidence that the trees on the Charles being destroyed by the Cambridge City Council and the DCR are exempted from the trees being “protected.”

A concise wording of the standing policy:

Don’t look at what we are destroying, look at what we tell you to look at.

They love to yell at the other guy.  It gives the voters false impressions.

Sunday, December 20, 2020

A private Interstate Off Ramp to MIT sold as a Bike Path, with major harm to the Charles River, and to the Cambridge Environment.

 A private Interstate Off Ramp to MIT sold as a Bike Path, with major harm to the Charles River, and to the Cambridge Environment.

1. The key part of an outrage.

2. Introduction.

3. I90 connection to MIT.

1. The key part of an outrage.

Here is the overview of the situation, taken from “From Cambridge to Boston with the DJ Inspire 1 Drone footage," posted at  This is a still from minute 1.59.  Below I will present more stills from this source, only providing the minute as identification.

This is an overall picture of the area we have been studying.  The Magazine Beach Playing fields, Woods and Swimming pool are very prominent in the middle.  Also prominent toward the bottom is the narrow portion of I90 which needed to be replaced, plus Soldiers Field Road below it.

Less visible AND KEY are the BU Bridge, the Grand Junction railroad bridge, the Destroyed Nesting Area of the Charles River White Geese, the doomed wild area, and the Grand Junction Railroad which runs through and is targeted by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Details below.

2. Introduction.

It is so distressing to see Cambridge Pols selling con games to well meaning people.  I could go on and on and on.

The basic con is:   Do not look at what we are destroying.  Look at what we tell you to look at.

The Charles River White Geese, other free animals and the Charles River environment are beloved by decent human beings and attacked by frauds who call themselves environmental saints.

One of the big differences from the past is that we now have drones flying around in the skies which help call liars liars.

Plus there are good people involved.  On the Charles River the good people are the Massachusetts Department of Transportation.  

The bad people, as usual, are the Cambridge City Council, related bureaucrats, fake “protectors” who do exactly the opposite, and too many others.  The bad folks scratch each others backs and lie and lie and lie.  Although people who have been conned can be very aggressive about stabbing themselves in the their own backs because they trust people who should not be trusted.

I have been working on the state’s plans to correct a very dangerous situation on the Boston side of the Charles River from the habitat which is directly being attacked by the Cambridge City Council and bureaucrats from the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation.

They have very terrible plans for the Charles River.  They have been fighting for destruction using various frauds.  This report is about a fraud which claims to be helping bicyclists.  Much of the fraud is quite beneficial.  The bad stuff MassDOT is protecting the bicyclists from.  

There is a railroad track going through the eastern part of Cambridge called the Grand Junction railroad.  There are big plans there, most of it is good.

As usual, the bad stuff has been kept as secret as possible from the victims.  The worst of it can be avoided, and I have tried to help well meaning people from, once again, being shafted by their government, and I have proposed a limited modification which could make the plans responsible.  

MassDOT, once again, is standing up to dirty tricks coming out of the Cambridge City Council.  I have responded to those dirty tricks and communicated a lot of responses.

Reality dates back to 2003 when the regional transportation authority, the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority proved it possible to create an off ramp from I90 to the Metropolitan Institute of Technology.  This off ramps is behind so much of the outrages on the Cambridge side of the Charles River.

The bad guys have tried to sneak in dirty tricks publicly AND LOST.  So they are trying to sneak them into MassDOT’s proposal to make safe the portion of I90 which is across the Charles River from Magazine Beach.  This stretch is now 40 to 50 years old.  It is elevated and is being held together by extreme means.

Cambridge and friends are trying to use this repair work to assist in the creation of the off ramp which was proven possible in 2003.

Here is how it works.

3. I90 connection to MIT.

Never mentioned in all the piety from the Cambridge pols is the demonstration by the MBTA in 2003 that an off ramp can be built from I90 to the north through Cambridge, specifically to the heart of the campus of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology OR FURTHER.  

Their sales pitch is “bike way,” not mentioning that the bikeway, IF THE POLS HAVE THEIR WAY, will be the stalking horse for that off ramp.

From minute 4.39 of the Drone footage:

On the left side in the V between the BU Bridge and the on ramp to Memorial Drive, is the Destroyed Nesting Area of the Charles River White Geese.  The Grand Junction railroad bridge can be seen on both sides of the BU Bridge.  It runs under the BU Bridge.

Following that line to the left can be seen the Grand Junction Railroad Tracks heading to MIT.  The buildings directly above that track, starting from the tallest building, are MIT buildings.

Looking to the right, the BU Bridge meets Commonwealth Avenue Boston ABOVE I90, the Mass. Pike.  I90 comes to that point from the bottom right hand corner.  Closer to the Charles River than I90 and running under the BU Bridge is Soldiers Field Road, the Boulevard on the Boston Side of the Charles River which matches Memorial Drive in Cambridge.

To the bottom left can be seen the Magazine Beach Playing Fields blocked off from the Charles River by the Starvation Wall.

At minute 4.40 is a closer view of the same relationship.

The MBTA study proved an off ramp can be built from the east bound lanes (Upper / right) of I90 AT THIS POINT to the Grand Junction River Bridge.  The study showed that a ramp in the opposite direction can be built from the Grand Junction Railroad Bridge to the west bound (lower/left) lanes.  

The one problem with the MBTA plan was that the bridge is not wide enough to build both the railroad and the off and on ramps.  Dah, dah, all those lovely people and the Cambridge City Council are fighting to add to the I90 rebuild a widening of the Grand Junction Bridge.  

They call it "bike lanes."  The reality is that, once it is built and it is convenient for MIT, there is no reason from the point of view of MIT to continue to call it bike lanes.  Once MIT decides it is convenient and politically feasible, they have their private off ramp to I90.  That off ramp can be extended beyond the Main portion of MIT to Kendall Square Cambridge and, quite possibly over the extent of the “bike path” toward the Somerville line.

Nearly fifty years ago, Cambridge activists defeated a super highway in this area.  It was called the “Inner Belt.”  

I had the honor of being an intern in the governor’s office when he announced the killing of the inner belt, although I was working on other matters.  Very discretely, on my own, I was in the middle of a legislative bicycle victory.  Without me having any visibility, some associates of mine achieved a veto of an inadvertently harmful bike bill which passed both houses without negative comment.

Cantabridgians from that time period are very proud of the victory over the "Inner Belt."

Here from minute 9.13 is the same view from the east (upper in the prior picture).

Here from minute 10.54 is the view from the west showing the Grand Junction Railroad Bridge (on right) .connecting to the Grand Junction Railroad toward the MIT Campus.  It has to go under Memorial Drive to get there.

At the top can be seen the Mass. Ave. (“Harvard” Bridge) which connects directly to the main part of the MIT Campus.

Here, from minute 9.28 is the Grand Junction track running from this point to Massachusetts Avenue.

From the left, first is the Grand Junction.  Then is Vassar Street.  Then is Memorial Drive.  At the top is the Mass. Ave. Bridge.  Massachusetts Avenue and the Grand Junction connect straight ahead.  

To those in the process of being fooled, the Grand Junction widening is sold as a bike path.  The MBTA plan showed it as an off ramp going to the heart of the MIT Campus.

This post was initially published December 20, 2020.  It was amended January 29, 2021 for correct identification of the three major arteries.

Monday, November 23, 2020

More proof of “non-existent” tree destruction on the Charles River by DCR with the constant Cambridge City Council support.

 More proof of “non-existent” tree destruction on the Charles River by DCR with the constant Cambridge City Council support.

1. General.

2. Previously unreported proof of Destruction.

3.     Administrative Detail.

1.    General.

This is an expansion and elaboration of part of my report posted on this blog at  

The Cambridge City Council rather persistently lies of environmental sainthood in spite of constant praise of the destructive Department of Conservation and Recreation INCLUDING funds to add to the destruction, and deafening silence during extreme outrages.

The goals of the destructive duo are rather clearly to achieve massive destruction of trees, vegetation and animal habitat on the Charles River, while the Cambridge City Council tells people to ignore reality and look at Pablum.

Some examples of outrages include:

The January 2016 destruction of hundreds of mature trees and animal habitat between the BU Bridge and Longfellow Bridge, as demonstrated in my video at  A very major portion of this planned outrage was missed has since been announced in rather fraudulent series of public meetings which the City Council praised with maximum deniability.

On June 6, 2017, I passed on to the Cambridge City Council, the DCR’s plans to destroy 54 mostly excellent trees and animal habitat at Magazine Beach along with photos of doomed excellence.  That document, whose existence is repeatedly denied in Council while I repeat references and copies, is posted on the Charles River White Geese blog at  

I have updated the outrages at Communication 2 of October 26, 2020, published by the City Clerk at, pages 182 to 214.  This letter is 32 pages with a lot of detail.  It is too large to be meaningfully put on this blog.  So I have been breaking it out and posting it in segments.  The second segment is the one this post expands on.

2. Previously unreported proof of Destruction.

There have been omissions in the reporting.  I just caught proof of one omission in one of the drone videos printed in the post I am expanding on.

In addition to outrages right on the Charles River, the DCR INCLUDED IN THE CAMBRIDGE CITY COUNCIL PRAISE, has destroyed trees lovingly cared for by the owners of the MicroCenter, ACROSS FROM THE EXCELLENT GROVE THE CAMBRIDGE CITY COUNCIL IS PREPARING FOR DESTRUCTION by funding the Charles River Poisoner to help out.

Here is a drone photo of the targeted grove, from “From Cambridge to Boston with the DJ Inspire 1 Drone footage,” posted at, minute 7.50.

The folks we are dealing with do a lot of lying, so it is helpful to find times they have placed their plans on public record.  The drone footage from which this is a blow up occurred shortly after the DCR / Cambridge City Council praised and Cambridge aided destruction in January 2016, but before the plans which I passed on to the know nothing Cambridge City Council in my letter of June 6, 2017.

Those plans show intent to destroy this excellent grove and show intent to destroy two trees on the opposite side of the street (Memorial Drive) from this doomed grove.  The DCR with the non stop praise from the Cambridge City Council went beyond their plans and destroyed half the trees across from the doomed grove on the sidewalk for the MicroCenter Shopping Center.  That Shopping Center’s parking lot is at the top of this still which I included in my report.

I realized after publication that this photo includes the before destruction status of the trees the DCR totally illegally destroyed next to the MicroCenter Shopping Center.

Here is the after photo of those trees which I have previously provided.  NOTE THE MULCH AROUND THE OBVIOUSLY HEALTHY STUMPS of destroyed trees.  Memorial Drive is to the right.  The two not destroyed trees are straight ahead and the parking lot is to the left.  The owner of the parking lot lovingly cared for ALL FOUR TREES.

Here is a blow up as relevant of the drone photo above.

The lovingly cared for trees, now stumps, above are the two trees on the left in front of the MicroCenter Parking Lot. .  The not destroyed two trees and also lovingly cared for trees are on the right.

Here are the relevant portion of plans provided by the DCR at their October 26, 2016 show and tell to the Cambridge Conservation Commission.

THESE ARE NOT THE OFFICIAL PLANS.  They include significant lies about the “quality” of the trees they are destroying WHICH HAVE BEEN ADDED TO THE OFFICIAL PLANS. 

The interesting thing when dealing with dishonest entities are admissions against interest.  Those are much more likely to be accurate than outright statements.  These plans are more detailed and UP TO DATE than the filed plans.  These plans also ADMIT THAT ALL OF THE GROVE THE CITY COUNCIL IS CURRENTLY WORKING TO DESTROY ARE EXCELLENT TREES.  They cannot even claim under their bizarre lies that these trees are other than excellent.

The SEVEN ADMITTEDLY excellent trees for which the Cambridge City Council is paying the Charles River Poisoner to do destruction preparation are to the left of the plan.  The building at the bottom right is the state bath house for its swimming pool.

The lying color code translated ADMITS all seven trees targeted by the DCR and the Cambridge City Council are excellent healthy trees.  Destruction plans are the yellow circles.  The larger the circles, the larger the doomed trees.

Memorial Drive extends right to left.  The two red outlined circles above Memorial Drive are trees destroyed next to the MicroCenter building.  The red outline, subject to bizarre lying definition, indicates that the DCR, sniff, did not consider these trees worth saving.  


The four trees in the above photos are to the left of the two CONFESSED TO destroyed trees on the other side of the driveway which is split in the plans.

Failure to included the four lovingly cared for trees indicates that THEY WERE NOT IN THE PLANNING AREA.  Those two trees were clearly destroyed at the same time as the two, SNIFF, SNIFF, bragged about destruction.

The presence of the two trees shown on the MicroCenter side indicates an intent to replace with saplings.  The ABSENCE of the ILLEGALLY DESTROYED TREES indicates total lack of interest in replacing.


The Cambridge City Council routinely lies to its constituents about environmental sainthood by YELLING AT THE OTHER GUY AND KEEPING THEIR OUTRAGES AS SECRET AS POSSIBLE, frequently denying responsibility for outrages accomplished by them or praised by them.

The plans for the Magazine Beach area are kept as secret as possible for obvious reasons.  Here is a crop of a plan which was disclosed by the Charles River Poisoner in a city council meeting on February 25, 2019.  It SECRETLY allocates responsibility for work.

The basis of this plan would appear to be the same as above with all its lying.  Key, however, is that it allocates responsibility for work going forward from, it would appear, the DCR intentions.  The basis is before the ILLEGAL destruction.  What is important is the allocation of work going forward.  THE ONLY WORK WHICH APPEARS TO BE DONE NORTH OF MEMORIAL DRIVE IS A NEW AREA BY CAMBRIDGE’S MORSE SCHOOL.


3.  Administrative Detail.

I do these blog posts in coordination with condensations on Facebook pages and in email mailings.  The condensations are because the other publications are inappropriate for this level of detail.  This level of detail very much would overload the other media.

I intended to pass on my prior post to the other lists, but my discovery of this proof of destruction makes that post too large to pass on without edit.  This is the uncondensed version of the edit which adds to what will wind up on the edit condensation.

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Recent Charles River Outrages by Cambridge, Part 2, Coming Destruction being set up, with payment to the Charles River Poisoner, PLUS previously undocumented destruction documented..

Recent Charles River Outrages by Cambridge, Part 2, Coming Destruction being set up, with payment to the Charles River Poisoner; PLUS previously undocumented destruction documented.

I. Introduction.

II. Index to letter.

III. Destruction responsibilities PAID to the Charles River Poisoner as a reward to the Charles River Poisoner for the poisoning she has accomplished.

IV. Previously unavailable photo of ILLEGALLY accomplished destruction.

I. Introduction.

A few weeks ago, the Cambridge City Council demonstrated their most important tactic in their ongoing attacks on the Charles River: lying about which side they are on.

I have mailed a 32 page response which sketchingly provides part of the very terrible record of this very destructive body in a city which expects exactly the opposite.

I passed on to this blog the first part of this letter on October 16, 2020..

II. Index to letter.

1. Latest Nonsense.

2. Poisoning of the Charles.

A. Destruction Rewarded. [provided before]

B. Destruction Coming. [provided below, the reward of the Cambridge City Council to the Charles River Poisoner]

3. City Council Direct Destruction.

A. Destroyed Boat Dock.

B. Ongoing and accelerating riverbank and tree destruction.

4. Core Destruction in the Magnificent Park.

5. Destruction of the Excellence at the Overpass.

6. Destruction in January 2016.

7. Coming destructive of magnificent woods PRAISED with deniability.

8. Destruction coming, care of the replacement (?) point person, the Harvard Square Destroyer.

9. Coming Destruction apparently being prevented by the CEO of MassDOT?

The first part of the letter went into the poisoning of the Charles River and the City Council’s REWARDING THE POISONER..

Here is the second part.  This goes into the outrage which that UNANIMOUS city council paid the Charles River Poisoner to reward her for poisoning the Charles River.  The award included lovely language and KEY WORDS to the outrage she achieved on the Charles River.

III. Destruction responsibilities PAID to the Charles River Poisoner as a reward to the Charles River Poisoner for the poisoning she has accomplished.

To put things in perspective, here is a drone shot showing the worst area CURRENTLY AND IN THE NEAR FUTURE under attack by the Cambridge City Council and the DCR, including the wild area which is targeted next, at the top along with the Destroyed Nesting Area of the Charles River White Geese, to which they are confined with their food destroyed AND WALLED OFF.  

Then is the BU Bridge.  The playing fields first poisoned by the Cambridge City Council and the DCR in the late 2000's starts at the softball field and runs to EXCELLENT woods UNDER ATTACK by the Cambridge City Council and the DCR.  

This is the poisoning which the Charles River Poisoner rerouted into the Charles River as agent for the DCR (photo, first page [ed:]).  In the middle left slightly above center, the photo shows some introduced and inferior poison eating grass which has been worn to the ground.  Between this outrage and the Charles River is the expensive poison drainage system which has been rerouted into the Charles River (that photo).

The state pool is in the middle toward the bottom.  The area the Charles River Poisoner is being paid to plan is between the pool and the Charles River.  Note the parking lot which is included in that area.  Apparently the entire parking lot including that area is being moved ON TOP OF THE EXCELLENT GROVE OF TREES to the left of the swimming pool and below it.  I am quoting DCR officials’ public comments to the Cambridge Conservation Commission during a show and tell.

The building across the street is MicroCenter.  Photo is a cropped still from minute 3.13 of “Flying Along the Charles River, From BU and MIT to Harvard, DJI Inspire 1 Pro Drone Footage”,

Here is a photo of the grove from the MicroCenter side.  Its thickness and beauty is very difficult to present at ground level.

The gig for which the nine THEN city councilors paid to hire the Charles River Poisoner would set the ground work for the destruction of the excellent grove across from the MicroCenter on Memorial Drive, next to the state swimming pool.

Here is a drone shot of that grove, taken from minute 7.50 of “Flying Along the Charles River, From BU and MIT to Harvard, DJI Inspire 1 Pro Drone Footage,”

Another very major example of WHAT THE CAMBRIDGE CITY COUNCIL IS TRYING TO HIDE FROM ITS VOTERS IS Cambridge’s hiring of the women responsible for the algae poisoning of the Charles River during 2019 and 2020.  She has been hired to do further environmentally destructive work on the banks of the Charles River.  The latest effort for which she has been hired includes preparatory work for the destruction of the excellent grove across from MicroCenter shopping center.  That is part of the destruction of 60+ plus trees at Magazine Beach which the Cambridge City Council has repeatedly praised and which destruction the Cambridge City Council has directly funded, INCLUDING RECENT DESTRUCTION OF EXCELLENT TREES.

[Ed.  The markings at the bottom of this picture and the first picture are the result of blowing up the still to concentrate on the doomed, excellent trees.  They are a key part of the original still and cannot be deleted without losing part of the grove.  Details of the poisoning for which the Charles River Poisoner is being rewarded as presented in the city council letter were reproduced at]

IV. Previously unavailable photo of ILLEGALLY accomplished destruction.

An unexpected benefit of these drone photos is the ability to report destruction which was kept secret in the OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF DESTRUCTION PLANS which we did not previously have because two trees were illegally destroyed by the Department of Conservation and Recreation which were outside the bounds which we photod and thus did not record their prior condition.

The drone videos were taken just after the outrageous destruction in January 2016 between the BU and Longfellow Bridges.  Our detailed video of that January 2016 destruction is available at  

The drone videos thus show conditions at Magazine Beach in approximately March 2016, prior to the recent outrages at Magazine Beach.  The filed plans showed a projection of destruction of 54 trees.  They did not include totally illegal destruction by the DCR across from the currently targeted grove.  The owner of the shopping center had been lovingly caring for four trees next to its parking lot.  Two of those four trees were wantonly destroyed by the DCR with the Cambridge City Council’s praise.  

Those ILLEGALLY DESTROYED TREES show in the above still from minute 7.50.

Here is the portion cropped to the ILLEGAL DESTRUCTION.  The two smaller trees on the left were wantonly destroyed.  Photo cropped from still of minute 7.50 taken in about March 2016.

And here is the after picture which I took when I realized that TOTALLY ILLEGAL DESTRUCTION had been accomplished by the DCR WITH THE USUAL NON STOP PRAISE FROM THE CAMBRIDGE CITY COUNCIL.  Photo taken July 26, 2017.

And here is the after picture which I took when I realized that TOTALLY ILLEGAL DESTRUCTION had been accomplished by the DCR WITH THE USUAL NON STOP PRAISE FROM THE CAMBRIDGE CITY COUNCIL.  Photo taken July 26, 2017.

Thursday, November 05, 2020

Richard McKinnon, R.I.P.

 I have sent the following letter to the Cambridge City Council and to the City Manager:

1. Letter.

Gentlemen / Ladies:

I was distressed to learn of the passing of Richard McKinnon by Resolution 3 of November 2, 2020, but pleased to see the City Council’s response.

I first met Richie as assistant to Al Vellucci.  He was always a welcome and active face in City Hall.

To his passing, I was always pleased to see him when I visited events in East Cambridge.

Richie was a moderating force at Alewife in striking contrast to the fake protective group at Alewife which takes its direction from the Development Department.

Clearly the most visible public impact that I am aware of came in the Sheila Cook Zoning petition concerning Alewife in 2000 to 2001.  I did the legal drafting for her.

The fake protective group, as is the wont of these terrible entities, did very real harm to Sheila’s petition and to the cause of open space in general in the city.  There was a very real victory in Sheila’s getting through the environmental part of the Sheila Cook petition insofar as it was not gutted by the fake protective group.  There is no doubt in my mind that Richie could have been instrumental in the City Council’s passing of that portion of the petition.

We saved for return to the environment that portion of the Silver Maple Forest which the Metropolitan District Commission (now the Department of Conservation and Recreation) had allowed to be destroyed for a parking lot.  As a result, what was a parking lot between Alewife Station and Route 2 is now returning to nature.

Richie did a good job returning to the world that lovely area.

Richie was helpful in trying to moderate the destructiveness of the Cambridge City Council and the MDC / DCR toward the natural environment in the Alewife area including the two’s irresponsible destruction of 3.4 acres of magnificent Silver Maple Forest.  The fake protective group was too visible in its Company Union function, along with the assistance of their fellow villains elsewhere in Cambridge.

I was always pleased to say hello to Richie at City Council meetings.  I was happy to continue to meet him at East Cambridge meetings.  I was happy as I saw his recovery from ailments.   

I regret that he has lost the fight, and I mourn for him.

2. Details.

Richie was the representative for the developer for the property which included that parking lot.

The fact that he was so much more reasonable and constructive than the fake group which claimed to be defending the environment says way too much about the sick situation which exists in Cambridge, MA, USA.

The same sickness exists on the Charles River with a much larger scale and much larger destructiveness, in the context of the same or worse duplicity.

This is reality in the City of Cambridge, USA and on the Charles River.

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Cambridge City Council takes ANOTHER SECRET VOTE ON THE CHARLES. Disrespects public speakers in main meeting.

RE: Cambridge City Council takes ANOTHER SECRET VOTE ON THE CHARLES.  Disrespects public speakers in main meeting.

Last night, I watched the entire Cambridge City Council meeting on the Internet.  I noted one HIGHLY improper vote, plus disrespect of the public in its on line presentation of public comments.  


At the end of the meeting, three “late motions” were presented to the council in a group, BUT THE MOTION ON THE CHARLES RIVER WAS NOT PUBLICLY READ AS FAR AS I COULD HEAR.

The only public communication was a correction on the subject.  Apparently the original motion referred to I95.  That was changed IN THE CLEAR to I90, the Mass. Pike, about which MassDOT has been proposing changes to its plans, to the detriment of the dirty tricks coming out of the City of Cambridge.

As far as I could gather last night, yet another dirty trick.

2. Public disrespected in comments.

I have long demanded that the Cambridge City Council, IF IT IN REALITY REFLECTED THE LEVEL OF RESPONSIBILITY IT CLAIMS should seek transfer of Charles River responsibilities from the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation to the Massachusetts Department of Transportation.

MassDOT has been the adult in the room on Charles River matters in comparison to the DCR and the Cambridge City Council.  If the Cambridge City Council resembled the holier than thou entity its keeps calling itself, it would seek to have the legislature transfer Charles River responsibility to MassDOT.

Another example of that was the new reality of the City Council’s public broadcast of its meetings as done last night in comparison to the public meeting MassDOT just had on its latest changes in plans for the I90 rebuild.

Every member of the public who wished to be shown publicly who spoke at the MassDOT meeting was so shown.

The City Council showed the faces of City Councilors not in their meeting room, but kept the faces of members of the public secret from viewers.

This was, of course, in addition to the secrecy of the I90 vote.

Yet another example of just how much more responsible MassDOT is than the Cambridge City Council.

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

I90 Rebuild Moves Forward on Charles River in spite of pols.

 I90 Rebuild Moves Forward on Charles River in spite of pols.

1.    Initial Report, October 21, 2020.

Last night, October 20, 2020, the Massachusetts Department of Transportation presented a virtual show of the status of the work on rebuilding Interstate 90 (Mass. Pike) across from the Magazine Beach Recreation Area.

This has been the usual situation over there.  MassDOT has a raised highway which is running a million dollars a year to keep from falling down, and MassDOT is trying to go forward with construction.  At the same time, destructive entities are trying to sneak in very major environmental harm to Cambridge WHICH HAS BEEN REJECTED WHEN MEANINGFULLY PRESENTED.

Here are drone shots which are are currently accurate although taken a few years ago.

The main part of the project is an abandoned rail yard which is combined with a confusing combination of off ramps.

Here is a still from From Cambridge to Boston with the DJ Inspire 1 Drone footage,,  minute 2.33.  It shows the main work area, at the top.  Magazine Beach is at the bottom right.  This citation without the minute designation will be referred to as Drone 1.

The disposition of this area is pretty much settled.  I had a major impact on it.

Here is the big problem area now, from “Flying Along the Charles River, From “BU and MIT to Harvard, DJI Inspire 1 Pro Drone Footage”,, minute 0:36.  Without the minute citation, I will refer to this as Drone 2.

The BIG building is a Boston University dorm.  To its left is I90 (Mass. Pike).  Then is the boulevard on the Boston Side of the Charles River, Soldiers Field Road, followed by the Charles River, a glimpse of the Magazine Beach playing fields and the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority pollution controlled plant.

At the top just below the center, you see I90 travelling under Commonwealth Avenue, Boston / Allston neighborhood, part of Boston University here.  To its left, SFR and I90 diverge.  SFR goes under the BU Bridge.  The immediate left of SFR is the Grand Junction railroad bridge first following SFR and then going under the BU Bridge.  This bridge’s supports can be seen under the BU Bridge to the left.

  The view turns.  On the left is the Magazine Beach playing fields.  This view is at minute 0:38.


Going back to Drone 1, from minute 4.40, here is a closeup of the BU Bridge / Grand Junction Bridge / Destroyed Nesting Area.  The angle is more overhead.  The thick trees first blocking the view of the railroad are in the Destroyed Nesting Area.  The trees beyond the railroad are in the Wild Area.  The building beyond the Wild Area is BU’s Cambridge Boat House.  Following the railroad tracks to the far left middle, they can be seeond a large Harvard building.  Above that track is a major part of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology campus, plus some non college buildings below the tallest spire, which is an MIT dorm.

The Grand Junction is key to the dirty tricks which Cambridge entities are trying to sneak into the I90 plans.  They are sneaking in major environmental harm.  One of the hopefully losing I90 plans has shown destruction of the Wild Area as part of vast increase in use of the Grand Junction which they could not get sneaked in through honest above board attempts.  “Incidental” to a whole bunch of outrages, as usual, would be significant harm to the Destroyed Nesting Area of the Charles River White Geese, including nesting areas.

On the Boston side, the plan apparently blessed by the Cambridge City Council would, in addition to the destruction along the Grand Junction Railroad, include a new pedestrian / bike highway on STILTS building up above 22 feet of the Charles River with major reconstruction of the river bank.  

I will not go into the various options and great detail of the I90 plans.  A few months ago I reported on the MassDOT head’s announcement of a major modification in her department’s plan which is one of the three alternatives being considered to do the dirty stuff the Cambridge destroyers have been fighting for.  This new passenger service has been found by MassDOT in the above board planning TO BE USELESS EXCEPT TO ENTITIES IN KENDALL SQUARE CAMBRIDGE (much further to the left on that track).  Entities .benefitting, of course, include MIT.

The MassDOT proposal would deny the massive increase to the Grand Junction from I90 while allowing a comparable rebuilding of the existing pedestrian / bike highway in Boston in a responsible manner.  Very clearly through the YEARS of study, MassDOT has insisted the I90 rebuild only impacts Boston.  Very clearly the friends of the Cambridge destroyers have been fighting to turn the BOSTON project into one destructive to Cambridge.  The version destructive to the Charles is an ARCHITECT GROUP’S “lovely” idea.

The alternatives to the I90 work INCLUDING THE MASSDOT CHANGE, the Modified Highway Viaduct, are up for comment now, ending October 30, 2020, comments to

The state’s compilation of materials on the “Allston Multimodal Project” are allegedly findable through

Afraid I have repeatedly tried to find the exact plans through public channels.  It is always an unending nightmare.

I have spent several months trying to write a detailed and VERY LONG analysis.  Afraid I do not have the time right now, before the October 30, 2020 comment due date this time.

2.    Update, October 24, 2020.

Phil Barber has passed on to me a Boston Globe report from October 6 which was in an email to him.

According to the Boston Globe, Boston University is offering use of some of its land for the rebuild.  The report is prior to the presentation above, but was not mentioned in the presentation.

The Globe report quoted from Boston University but BU’s offer was not specific as to the amount of land.

The Globe stated:

* * * *

BU hopes the land from its campus would provide enough room to move construction work inland from the river while squeezing in the eight-lane turnpike, four-lane Soldiers Field Road, two adjacent rail lines, and a riverfront recreational path - all at grade level.

* * * *

Note that the quotation DOES NOT MENTION access changes to the Grand Junction in Cambridge, something which MassDOT has repeatedly fought against..

Here is a crop provided in one MassDOT slide of the relevant portion of a cross-section of the project from the ARCHITECTS GROUP with modifications already.  This slide is looking eastward, the same direction as the last three photos above.

Note the construction on stilts in the Charles River on the left. 

The issue would appear to be whether the BU property being offered would be sufficient to move the construction out of the Charles River.  Note, however, that the ARCHITECT GROUP includes access to and work on the Grand Junction for the related environmental destruction there.

As I said, MassDOT does not want the destructive Grand Junction work.

Friday, October 16, 2020

Recent Charles River Outrages by Cambridge, Part 1, The Current Poisoning of the Charles River

Recent Charles River Outrages by Cambridge, Part 1, The Current Poisoning of the Charles River

I. Introduction.

A few weeks ago, the Cambridge City Council demonstrated their most important tactic in their ongoing attacks on the Charles River: lying about which side they are on.

I have mailed (no in hand because of the Trump Disease) a 32 page response which sketchingly provides part of the very terrible record of this very destructive body in a city which expects exactly the opposite.

Following is the first part of this letter.  It will be reproduced in full.  Regrettably, the app in this blog cannot recreate the beauty of so many EXTREMELY LARGE photos.  They are more damning than what I can do here, but I do what I can do.

The following letter is on the letterhead of Friends of the White Geese, which bears the following message:  

* * * *

An Attorney General Registered Charitable Organization since 2001, Defending the Charles River, its Animals, Trees and Water From destructive Governmental Entities..

* * * *

This does not provide all of section 1 of the letter.  Too long itself.

II. Part 1: The Current Poisoning of the Charles River.

1. Latest Nonsense.

2. Poisoning of the Charles.

A. Destruction Rewarded.

B. Destruction Coming.

3. City Council Direct Destruction.

A. Destroyed Boat Dock.

B. Ongoing and accelerating riverbank and tree destruction.

4. Core Destruction in the Magnificent Park.

5. Destruction of the Excellence at the Overpass.

6. Destruction in January 2016.

7. Coming destructive of magnificent woods PRAISED with deniability.

8. Destruction coming, care of the replacement (?) point person, the Harvard Square Destroyer.

9. Coming Destruction apparently being prevented by the CEO of MassDOT?

Gentlemen / Ladies:

RE: City Council claims of concern for the Charles belied by the City Council’s record, the poisoning of the Charles, massive vegetation & animal harm, and sought outrages in the I90 Rebuild

1. Latest Nonsense.

Order 7 of September 21, 2020 is yet another example of extreme hypocrisy on the part of the Cambridge City Council.  The council, YET AGAIN, piously proclaims concern for the Charles River AGAINST THE OTHER GUYS.

The lovely concerns are blatantly belied by many actions by the City of Cambridge including by explicit votes by the Cambridge City Council.  Thus, these lovely concerns WITH THEIR EXTREME HYPOCRISY certainly look like the Cambridge City Council is doing little more OF MEANING than lying ONCE AGAIN to its voters about which side the Cambridge City Council is on.

On page 1 [ed.: above] is a photo of the Charles River Poisoner blocking the EXPENSIVE drain system created by the City Council and the Mass. Department of Conservation and Recreation to prevent poisoning of the Charles with poisons which the City Council and the DCR should not even be using on the banks of the Charles.  She did this WITH CITY OF CAMBRIDGE ASSISTANCE PICKING UP- DESTROYED VEGETATION.

Here is a drone footage of the poison drainage area which was blocked by the Charles River Poisoner AS AGENT FOR THE DCR WITH CITY OF CAMBRIDGE assistance.  It is taken from minute 10.26 of “From Cambridge to Boston with the DJ Inspire 1 Drone footage,”

Here is Phil Barber’s photo of 5/2/18 of the land next to the upper left of the poison blockage area shown above.

There is even a sign posted in the area from the Department of Conservation and Recreation BRAGGING that blocking the drainage would result in poisoning of the Charles River.  It does not mention the wildlife and humans being poisoned by this outrageous use by the Cambridge City Council and the DCR.

On this page and following are photos of some of the results of the poisoning which the City Council has rewarded with its funding of her hiring, photos courtesy Phil Barber.  

This sort of outrage is exactly what the Cambridge City Council falsely CLAIMED TO OPPOSE by Order 7 of September 21, 2020.  

These Charles River Photos were taken September 2018, the season before THE FIRST SEASON it became obvious in that part of the Charles cherished by organized Friends of the DCR.  The Friends of the DCR are allegedly concerned about the area east of Magazine Beach. 

The actual poisoning which the City Council has rewarded occurred in December 2017 in Cambridge WITH ASSISTANCE OF THE CITY OF CAMBRIDGE, funding and provided through the principle of the Charles River Poisoner, the DCR.  The poisoning became noticeable at Magazine Beach and off it in 2018.  In 2019 and 2020 it has been visible in the area being yelled about by FRIENDS OF THE DCR who, of course, never identify the DCR, the villain for whom the Charles River Poisoner was doing the poisoning.  


It is not possible to tell if the Charles River Poisoner is still point person on Charles River Destruction since the most recent outrage was led by the Harvard Square Destroyer.

Both outrages are related inasmuch as the biggest beneficiary of the coming Harvard Square Destruction is Harvard University.  The Harvard Square Destroyer is, but never mentions it, an employee of Harvard University.  In her fight for destruction on the Charles, she stated that the outrage she supported (and which was voted for by the Cambridge City Council, at least in part) was supported by Harvard.

The poisons which the Charles River Poisoner rerouted into the Charles River are poisons first introduced into the environment of the Charles River in the late 2000's when the City Council and the DCR replaced the ONE HUNDRED PLUS YEAR LONG responsible maintenance of grass at Magazine Beach with poison maintenance.  The manager of the project was the previous City Manager before his promotion.  The award of funds for further environmental destruction included praise for this outrage and encouragement to follow up on it.  

Monday, September 07, 2020

Hungry Wild Animals, Harvard Square destroyer changes to Charles River Destroyer? False public record.

Hungry Wild Animals, Harvard Square destroyer changes to Charles River Destroyer?  False public record.

1. Hungry Wild Animals.

2. Point person on Harvard Square Destruction replaces Charles River Poisoner on destruction of Charles River?  Erroneous Cambridge Zoning Records.

1. Hungry Wild Animals.

More hungry wild Turkeys walk the streets of Cambridge, MA, one of the most densely populated cities in the United States, adolescents.

Here is Phil Barber’s recent photo.

2. Point person on Harvard Square Destruction replaces Charles River Poisoner on destruction of Charles River?  Erroneous Cambridge Zoning Records.

Cambridge City Council:  Bad vote on Harvard Square.  Bad votes on using rebuilding I90 in Boston for destruction in Cambridge.  The point person on the destruction of Harvard Square could have replaced the Charles River Poisoner attacking the Charles River, and her actions fit the actions of the Cambridge City Council.

Then again, somehow, the public records of the Cambridge Zoning Ordinance claim to be accurate after the Harvard Square Upzoning, BUT KEEP IT SECRET.

The beginning of the key record on the Internet.  Note the version date near the upper left corner:

My letter to the Cambridge City Council:

* * * * 

RE: City of Cambridge SECRECY / DUPLICITY on Harvard Square Upzoning passed by City Council

Gentlemen / Ladies:

Wild comments about the destructive Harvard Square Upzoning passed earlier this year caused me to check out the public records.  These false comments came from the Harvard faculty member who was point person on the upzoning.  The comments came during discussion of outrages being sought by entities in the City of Cambridge in the I90 Rebuild project..  The pattern of comments  was normal from her during the discussion of the Harvard Square upzoning, highly indignant and false.

On looking at the zoning ordinance on line, I note that the City of Cambridge claims that the zoning ordinance published is accurate to April 30, 2020, which is several weeks after this destructive change was voted.  Copy enclosed.  [ed: above]

The version described as “accurate to April 30, 2020" is most definitely not the outrage passed by the City Council.  Without checking it out, I presume it is the less destructive predecessor.

With this FALSE information in City Records, well intentioned voters are being falsely told they have a responsible city council, while developers will go to the Development Department and learn the truth.

Combine this with the fact that the person who was key in obtain this destructive Harvard Square Overlay District vote is publicly telling the same lies as she did when fighting for the changes.  Also combine this with calling me a liar for truthfully communicating this outrage.

This latest nonsense came as she was fighting, also for the benefit of Harvard, her UNDISCLOSED employer, for irresponsible changes Harvard is apparently pushing for in the I90 rebuild project.  She described the most irresponsible of three alternatives as Harvard’s proposed “compromise.”  That is as false a description as her repeated descriptions of the outrages voted for by the City Council in Harvard Square.

It is possible that the Harvard Square Destroyer is replacing the Charles River Poisoner as the point person for the outrages on the Charles.  It is possible that my communicating the very terrible record of the Charles River Poisoner has combined with public indignation over her poisoning the Charles.  The Charles River Poisoner is receiving money funded by the City Council for further environmental destruction activities.

The algae infestation created by the Charles River Poisoner is extreme and is the results of behavior she has publicly bragged about.  That particular outrage cannot be lied away.  So perhaps the Harvard Square Destroyer is taking her place as point person for destruction on the Charles?  I do not know.

What is clear is that the Harvard Square Destroyer is following in the paths of both of them by describing the destructive architects proposal as a “compromise” and as excellent.

MassDOT, on the other hand, has behaved in a responsible manner, as is very common with them.  The “compromise” being pushed by the Harvard Square Destroyer is very clearly the worst of three alternatives.  The MassDOT head has described this alternative as impossible to get through approvals because it is destructive to the Charles River.

In any case, I hope the City of Cambridge will stop lying about what is the Harvard Square Overlay District and, in the corresponding part of the Zoning Ordinance on line, publish the truly shameful version created by this City Council.

For the record, I have done a lot of zoning writing in the City of Cambridge.  More than half my initiatives have been successful.  My zoning documents, in contrast to common problems of the opposition, do what I say they do.

I am about 20 pages into my analysis of the responsible actions taken by MassDOT with regard to the I90 rebuild project.  It is coming.  I have been working on it since I finished the letter which I previously provided the City Council on this issue.  My letter has a lot of photographs, many quite beautiful.  That is a difference between me and the small group fighting for so many outrages.  I communicate reality.  The other side, like the city council, has a lot to hide.

For the record on the Charles, as well, I have two major victories in the I90 Rebuild Project.  Both benefit Cambridge.  One, probably aside from the various permutations of “The Throat,” is probably the most major change which has occurred in the project.  The other was a spin off of the first.  On the latter, I reversed the votes of both appointees of the City of Cambridge, once again with major benefit to the City of Cambridge.

I realize that NINE MEMBERS of the City Council have good reason to be ashamed of their actions in Harvard Square.  I realize that NINE MEMBERS of the City Council would love to keep those actions with regard to Harvard Square as secret from the voters as possible. [ed:  NINE members is the total membership.]

Very clearly, however, FALSELY COMMUNICATING THE PRIOR VERSION OF THE HARVARD SQUARE OVERLAY DISTRICT as the existing zoning is the opposite of Good Government.

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Update on the GOVERNMENTAL attacks on the Charles River

 Update on the GOVERNMENTAL attacks on the Charles River

Phil reports on Monday, August 17:

* * * * 

Hi Bob, went to Magazine Beach Saturday. Extreme drought conditions, the fields are dead straw. Even the reeds look ragged around the edges, many trees dropping their leaves prematurely. At least a third of the newly planted shrubs have died from lack of watering, others have simply been overwhelmed by the native wild plants. Sadly a squirrel got stuck in that ugly plastic fencing they put up, and died. It's a sorry state of affairs.

No more aquatic plants where I saw them earlier, maybe the heat got them too

* * * *

Things which are never ending from the Cambridge City Council and the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation include:

Environmental destruction.  Commonly with the very major factor of monetary payments to contractors, plus the nonstop and very destructive expansionism of the powers that be in Cambridge.

Heartless animal abuse.  Like other parts of the natural environment, the animals of our world do not make money for the contractors, and are in the way of the destructive expansionism of the powers that be in Cambridge.  Therefore they are subject to unrelenting governmental destructiveness.

NORMAL maintenance has no value to these people.  The contractors make much better money destroying.

On general principals, here is minute 2:43 of “A Taste of Charles River / Epic Drone View (4K)” posted at  This shows the shore line starting at the Destroyed Nesting Area of the Charles River White Geese and running through the current destruction targets.

Also here is my photo of the Wild Area east of the Destroyed Nesting Area.  The Cambridge City Council and DCR want to destroy all but one tree is this magnificent part of the Charles River shoreline.  There is a lot of money there for contractors and ther is a lot of value there for the empire expansion of the powers that be.  It is located below the drone photo.  The Grand Junction Railroad Bridge is at the bottom of the drone photo and the left of the Wild Area photo.

The 39 year resident Charles River White Geese, starvation targets of the governmental villains may be seen in the water off the Wild Area.

Here also is my photo of the destruction of the poison drainage facility by the Charles River Poisoner.  She is currently being paid by the Cambridge City Council for more environmentally destructive work.  Just another government contractor making money.

The last prior report which Phil is updating was posted at

My video reporting the January 2016 outrage and precursing the current and future destruction is at  A segment of this refers to the destruction of the Wild Area as imminent.  That destruction was delayed and is now in the process, like the destruction of Harvard Square which the Cambridge City Council voted for at the beginning of this year.  The City Manager mentioned in the video is the predecessor to the current incumbent.

Thanks Phil.

Monday, August 10, 2020

Poisons return to the Charles River. Cambridge City Council at last report, still employs the Charles River Poisoner

Poisons return to the Charles River.  Cambridge City Council at last report, still employs the Charles River Poisoner.

1. report.

2. Deadly photos.

3. Filthy hands by the Cambridge City Council.

4. Context.

1. report.

Phil Barber let me know about the following report from on June 25.

* * * * *

Keep your dogs out of the Charles River; the toxic algae is back again.

The Charles River Watershed Association issued a public health advisory Thursday afternoon for cyanobacteria blooms, the bright blue-green algae that is potentially lethal for pets, found between the Mass. Ave Bridge and the Museum of Science.

“Do not let your dogs swim in this area, cyanobacteria blooms are toxic to pets,” the conservation group tweeted.”

* * * * *

First of all, I seriously challenge the credibility of this group since it WILL NOT RECOGNIZE THE BIGGEST DESTROYERS ON THE CHARLES RIVER, but there is value, in once again, noticing what they are supposedly noticing.  The report is dated June 25, 2020.  It is posted at

My most recent report on the Charles River Poisoner is posted at  It was entitled “Fraud, the Cambridge Chronicle, and the Charles River Poisoner.”

2. Deadly photos.

Phil has provided the following photos from the destroyed boat dock where the Cambridge City Council and the Department of Conservation and Recreation have SECRETLY (nothing like the “plans” which were approved in essential secrecy) approved changes to make the destroyed boat dock even more harmful to resident animals, particularly the Charles River White Geese who have used this area most of their 39 year residence on the Charles River.

The euphemism for the area this week is “kayak launch.”

Needless to say, poisoning the Charles River is harmful to free animals as well, including the Charles River White Geese.

Phil has given me two reports on this.  The following report is from August 6, 2020: The second had the photos.

* * * *

There's a large growth of aquatic plants along the river's edge this year. Some has washed up in big stinking mats at the kayak launch. They extend 10 - 20' out into the water along much if not most of the shoreline. Those areas they roped off to keep the geese out (on reflection I think what they set up must have been intended for large birds, not say pigeons) are in poor shape. Seems like they forgot to water them! Almost all the grass is dead hay and a lot of the shrubs are dropping wilted browned leaves. One area has a profuse growth of Jimson Weed, which is toxic and used as a cheap (and extremely dangerous) hallucinogen.

* * * *

Magazine Beach is further west than the area in the warning.  Clearly this year’s resumption of poisons has spread.

3. Filthy hands by the Cambridge City Council.

Here, once again, is the blockage of the poison drainage facility by which the Charles River Poisoner rerouted poisons from Magazine Beach to the Charles River.  These, of course, are poisons which should not be used on the banks of the Charles River, but which were first introduced onto the banks of the Charles River by the Cambridge City Council

The Cambridge City Council has funded the employment of the Charles River Poisoner to do prep work for the destruction of the excellent grove west of the Magazine Beach swiimming pool and across from the MicroCenter shopping center.  This destruction is part of the ongoing and increasing destruction of 300 to 400 mostly excellent trees on the banks of the Charles River along with destruction of animal habitat.  I am unaware of any intention of the Cambridge City Council to cleanse their behavior of their many outrages on the Charles River.

The City of Cambridge assisted her in this outrage by picking up excellent free vegetation destroyed in the process.

The Cambridge City Council has SECRETLY directly funded several destructive projects on the Charles River at Magazine Beach and repeatedly praised the DCR for their destructive activities.

4. Context.

Here is a crop of minute 0.42 of “A Taste of Charles River / Epic Drone View (4K)” posted at

The area being destroyed by the Cambridge City Council and the DCR extends for perhaps two miles behind the camera.  In this photo it extends to an area perhaps a few hundred feet west of the right of the two brick towers toward the top of the photo and slightly right.  The tower on the left is surrounded by the I90 rebuild project in the Allston neighborhood of Boston.  The tower on the right is a massive hotel just after the MicroCenter Shopping Center.

The thick woods visible below these buildings and to their left is the thick park being destroyed by the Cambridge City Council and the DCR.

Between this woods and the baseball diamond is the area of green which was blocked by the Charles River Poisoner to create the poisoning of the Charles River.  The baseball field is near and a hair west of the “kayak ramp” which is the destroyed boat dock dating back to the .outrages of the 2000's.

The green area between there and the bridges is the environmental responsibly designed sewerage treatment plant.

Then you see the BU Bridge followed by the Grand Junction Railroad Bridge.  On the right of the two bridges is Memorial Drive, the boulevard on the Cambridge side of the Charles River.  

The triangle bounded by these three is the Destroyed Nesting Area of the 39 year resident Charles River White Geese, which is the last part of their habitat not yet destroyed to them.