Sunday, March 26, 2006

Fresh Pond, Cambridge, MA, USA: The villains identify themselves

Bob La Trémouille reports:

A new sign has appeared just west of the Neville Manor complex on Concord Ave. This is the location of the first and most visible of the logging on the Fresh Pond reservation.

A large number of mature trees was very visibly logged here at the beginning of this outrage: 20? 40? Once they are down, they are rapidly chopped up to give the impression they never existed.

The sign, appropriately, is in black background.

It announces "landscape improvements," neglecting, of course, to mention that saplings are in no way an improvement over the mature trees which have been destroyed, unless, of course, you are paid to destroy the mature trees or paid to install the saplings. And frankly, the most visible supporters of these projects tend to be people who make money out of destruction and replacement.

The most visible villain on the sign is City Manager Robert Healy.

Immediately below the name of Healy appears, credit given to Cambridge, MA Mayor Kenneth Reeves.

Below Reeves are the names of ALL eight other currently incumbent Cambridge, MA City Councilors including three who claim to be environmentalists.

One caveat: The city manager does a lot of lying by omission. He claims he has a right to only tell people about the saplings (or grass) he is planting; the Cambridge City Manager claims he has no duty to volunteer the nature of destruction involved.

Of course, as with regard to the truly sick situation on the Charles River, extended silence is very clearly consent and approval.