Monday, November 06, 2006

Heartless Destruction Resuming at Magazine Beach

My report yesterday was a pleasant resumption of winter time.

I missed some very big evidence at the other end of the playing fields.

Construction fences have been built, tape protecting areas and not to be victimized trees.

The environmentally reprehensible Cambridge City Council and Department of Conservation and Recreation are preparing to start with the destruction of the playing fields at Magazine Beach with all that food.

The environmentally reprehensible Cambridge City Council and Department of Conservation and Recreation are preparing to start with the destruction of perfectly healthy tree(s) for a yet another contractor boondoggle.

The environmentally reprehensible Cambridge City Council and Department of Conservation and Recreation are preparing to start the project which will apply poisons to the previously clean Magazine Beach playing fields.

The environmentally reprehensible Cambridge City Council and Department of Conservation and Recreation are preparing to resume their attacks on the Charles River White Geese and other animals living at Magazine Beach.