Sunday, April 28, 2013

Cambridge City Council to Consider Massive Destruction of Trees on the Cambridge Common and the adjacent Flagstaff Park.

City Manager’s Agenda Item Number 1A in front of the Cambridge City Council at its April 29, 2013, meeting reads as follows:



That $2,180,000 is appropriated for the purpose of financing renovations to the Cambridge Common including the reconstruction and partial realignment of pathways, replacement of benches and trash receptacles, planting of trees, replacement of lighting fixtures and poles, improvements to entryways and any other costs incidental or related thereto; and that to meet this appropriation the Treasurer with the approval of the City Manager is authorized to borrow $2,180,000 under Chapter 44 of the General Laws or any other enabling authority.


The tradition of the Cambridge City Council under City Manager Robert Healey is that of lying through omission.

The City of Cambridge has submitted an environmental notification form which admits to plans to destroy 22 trees on the Cambridge Common because they block the view. Councilor Kelley had a motion approved by the Cambridge City Council which talks of something like a hundred trees being destroyed in the Cambridge Common / Flagstaff Park area. There is language in the ENF which fits the usual game. The ENF talks about a bike highway. The City Manager lies through mentioning the results of the destruction. It is duty of decent people to cross examine him, according to his standard explanation. This is the second time this matter has been considered by the Cambridge City Council ("second reading").

Dishonesty, lying through omission, is normal on environmental matters in the City of Cambridge.

This motion stinks of massive environmental destruction. 22 to a hundred excellent trees in a prime location for no valid reason.