Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Cambridge, MA, USA, “Defends” Trees, Still Silent on ITS destruction of Memorial Drive

Cambridge, MA, USA, “Defends” Trees, Still Silent on ITS destruction of Memorial Drive

On the Afternoon of August 10, 2016, I walked past Cambridge City Hall and saw a sign telling folks how to defend trees.

Here is the photo.

The City of Cambridge / Cambridge City Council is still silent on the destruction of hundreds of trees on Memorial Drive and on its and its friends' plans to expand the destruction.

Our video on the destruction of hundreds of trees on Memorial Drive by the City of Cambridge, with very slight comment on plans for further destruction may be viewed at

This sign is yet another example of the hypocrisy which keeps a vile city government in power.

Deafening silence on true outrages by a vile government combined with lovely words telling the other guy to be responsible.

Flat out hypocrisy.

But they brag about yelling at the other guy.  And, by yelling at the other guy, lie that they are responsible.