Sunday, March 29, 2020



I have not had Internet access for two weeks because of complications in computer access related to the Coronavirus.

I still have 1 1/3 reports from Phil pending.  I anticipate returning to posting them hopefully tomorrow.

They will continue his reports on the Charles River and will include references to the governmental outrages in Cambridge, MA, USA and to the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation.

Usual villains feature Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

A very important apparent good guy is the Massachusetts Department of Transportation.

MassDOT is not perfect, but it has meaningfully stood up to the destructive Cambridge City Council and the DCR.  The adult in the room with two irresponsible children.

And here is a photo of the 39 year resident Charles River White Geese, under horrible attack by these terrible entities, just the most visible of the free animals increasingly abused by the Destructive Duo.

During the past year, more habitat has been attacked, excellent trees have been destroyed, and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts has declared the Charles River a Public Health Hazard as the result of poisons being rerouted to the Charles River from the Magazine Beach playing fields, poisons which should not even be used on the banks of the Charles River.

But the Cambridge City Council persists in its nonstop proclamations of environmental sainthood.

Thank you for visiting.