Saturday, January 14, 2023

More Tree Destruction by The City of Cambridge

Report from Phil, January 10, 2023

You're certainly right about the heartless tree killers in Cambridge! Here's Tubman Park (River & Pleasant Sts), three healthy large crabapples and numerous shrubs cut down, the site dug out and paved over. Supposedly they're planning some new kind of park, heck of a way to begin.

Pic below taken today.

* * * *

Fits a pattern.

Cambridge and the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation have been particularly brutal in their destruction of fruit trees on the Charles River.

Reprehensible and lying of sainthood.

See our video on the outrage on the Charles at:

And they continue and continue on the Charles River as secretly as possible, restricting even advance knowledge to a GOVERNMENT CONTRACTOR and what friends she is bothering to bring in.

Now threatened on the Charles:

The magnificent MicroCenter Grove whose destruction was included in a DCR / CONTRACTOR APPROVED  map given to the Cambridge City Council in 2019.  The Cambridge City Council, in an essentially secret vote voted to fund her to study the future of the park, AFTER SHE TOLD THEM SHE SUPPORTED DESTRUCTION.

Here is another SECRET target..

An assistant to the City Council stepped in to "discuss" destruction on the Charles River REMOVED from DCR plans on the Charles River.  He "got them" to separately consider destruction east of the River Street Bridge the next bridge west of the BU Bridge, the core of the habitat.

This destruction is the Wild Area, a core part of the habitat of the Charles River White Geese.  "Public Review" of destruction in that habitat is limited to the Charles River Poisoner and whatever limited friends she feels like including.

DCR plans which were not implemented in the area covered by the Video call for the destruction of EVERY TREE IN THIS EXCELLENT WOODS BUT ONE.

On the left is the Destroyed Nesting Area of the Charles River White Geese.  The white figures are a group of the 42 year resident Charles River White Geese hunting for food.   CAMBRIDGE AND THE DCR HAS DESTROYED TO THEM OR POISONED pretty all of their food during their residence on the Charles River.